Thursday, April 30, 2009




When the Rolling Stones wrote and sang, "I Can't Get No Satisfaction," I wonder if they realized how profound a statement this Phrase, Hook Line/ Chorus would end up being. Well, let me back up a little to last evenings Press Conference, with President Barack OBama, commemorating His First One Hundred Day's in Office. And, maybe I missed it, but, did anyone hear a Question from The Media about what the Presidents plans are to end the Genocide in DARFUR?

I was grateful to hear one Reporter ask the President about what he plans to do about the horrific State of Unemployment amongst African Americans, in N.Y.
And, The Presidents answer was, virtually (without paraphrasing him) the same one, as when He was asked about Tent Cities, in a previous Press Conference, which was that the problem will be Remedied by the Passage of His Programs (Stimulus Package, etc.).

I, truly, don't understand why he doesn't get it. Why He doesn't understand that it is imperative, that He go to these impoverished areas, and strife filled countries (in addition to his Town Meetings) thereby forcing The Media, and The World Leaders to Focus on the Magnitude of what The People, whose Lives are Being Ruined by The Injustice that continues to Suck the Life out of Them, and Destroy their Families, are Truly Going through.

If there ever was a time for Men and Women of Courage, Conscience, Political, Humanistic, Spiritual, and Environmental Influence to make their Voices Heard in Defense of these Citizens of our Planet, it is Now! Wasn't the Holocaust enough of a Tragedy to Remind The World of "What should Never Occur Again?" And yet, here it is, Happening all over again!

And, while President OBama's public opinion polls continue to Show that the American Public continue to hold Him in High Esteem, Simultaneously the Lives of Too many of Us continue to Be Nothing More than Meaningless Statistics, that go UN-noticed, and UN-reported. The President has to use His Popularity, and Political Capital, to Bring about Real Change in the Lives of These Individuals, and Their Families.

Yes, its Time for a Real Change to Take Place. Think about the Two Million People who were Killed in Sudan, alone, and that was Several Years ago, What is the Total Amount of Deaths, Today?

Think about the Damage, and Destruction, that was Inflicted upon the State of Louisiana, by Hurricane Katrina, and the Lack of Proper Response by the Previous Bush Administration.

Think about The Tent Cities that continue to Crop Up in the U.S. Its an UN-believable State of Affairs that would allow this to Happen in The Worlds Most Powerful Democracy. How can The U.S. Government, in All good Consciousness, Bail Out,Rescue, or whatever "They" call it, The Automobile Industry, Bank's, etc. while One American lives in these conditions? Isn't it a Violation of All what "We" Call Family Values

Think about the Lack of Social Justice amongst those who are Less Fortunate all around the World.

Think about The Stress and Pressure upon Families, to Care for, Feed, and Give their Children the Best Education Possible, as well as Not Lose their Homes.

If there ever was a Time for the World Media to take The World Leaders to Task over their Lack of Willingness, or Ability to End World Poverty, War, and A Class System that is Unjust, it is Now!

Enough is Enough! And, The Times just Ain't Changing Fast Enough, for me.
There are Too Many People Dying, and I'm Tired, after all the Years/ Centuries of All the Endless Excuses, by our World's Religious, Political, and Finance Leaders.

Its Time that "They" put their Resources in Action and Come to the Aid of the Millions upon Millions of People in Need, as well as the Hard Working Citizens of The World who have Come under UN-imaginable stress due to the collapse of The World's Financial Institutions.

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Whomever, or Wherever You May Be, Stand Up, Demonstrate, March, and Speak Out in the Name of Justice for One and All.
Can't You Hear Bob Dylan's "Blowing in The Wind," being sung by the Ghosts of the Men and Women from Previous Generations who've Died in Vain !