Saturday, April 11, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Where Is Their Global Vision?

The G-20 has Come and Gone, and I'm still looking for just a "Simple Idea" of;
(1)What Their Global Vision is for The New Millennium? (2) Where are The Headlines and Cover Stories Proclaiming a United Nations Determined to Combat Poverty, Fear, Hate, Racism, and Injustice. (3) And, Why wasn't there a Global Declaration and Proclamation against War, or Violence Committed by any Nation, or Individual, who Dared to Break The Covenant of Peace?

I remember reading about the Massive effort and Commitment displayed by the U.S. and it's Allies during World War II. It was a Heroic Display of Unity against an Evil Enemy, who did not Care what Physical, or Moral Boundaries it Crossed to Conquer the World. We faced three Merciless Antagonists who were Determined to Impose their way of Life on The Earth, by Force.
In the face of what appeared, at the time, to be an unstoppable Act's of Aggression, by these three, the U.S. and it's Allies, United to Fight "Side by Side," In One Grand Effort to Combat this Aggression, and Everyone Sacrificed in Their own Way, to Repel these Evil Invaders. And, it was a Sacrifice Shared by One and All.

The Global Allied Industries Committed themselves to Producing and Manufacturing the Weaponry needed to Combat these Enemies, The Financial Institutions, and Bank's were all Dedicated to Support our Allied Forces. The Media Campaign was Engaged in Sending out a Message of Encouragement to our Armed Forces, and the Families of these Men and Women who Sacrificed Their Lives's to Defend the Principles and Ideal's of World Peace, and The Earth, itself, from Being Imprisoned by The Tyrant's, and Dictator's that Assailed it.

And Now, here "We" are in the Twenty-First Century, once again, "Under Siege." This Time by Terrorists, Corruption, Greed, Lust, and an Overall Sense of Immorality, Irresponsibility, and Lack of Concern in regards to the Environmental Evolution, and Sanctity of The Earth.
"We are Beset upon by, both, Men and Women, who Care Nothing at All for the Sanctity, and Security of our Children, who are Sexually Abused, Enslaved, Kidnapped, and Forced to live in situations worst than what, most animal's would subject upon their own newborn infants.
Young Boy's, are Forced to Be Soldiers, and Fight in Wars, before They have had an opportunity to Enjoy Being a Child, and Be Loved by Their Families, Play Sports, or Have an Education. Young Girl's are Forced to Be Sex Slaves, and Prostitutes, before They have had an Opportunity to Experience being Nurtured by their Parent's, and receive a Proper and Enlightened Education.
These New Antagonists, and Corrupt Business men and women, Drug Cartel's, Priests, and Politician's, do not care if they Destroy Families, or The Principles, and Ideal's of what is, The Moral Fabric of our Earths Societies. And, they are prepared to use whatever means necessary to make a profit, at our expense.
They have no conscience, at all, and will not hesitate to Addict, Tempt, Intoxicate, or Lie to us to achieve their objectives.

"We" must, All, "Very Soberly," Come to a New Understanding in regards to what our Present Commitment and Sacrifice, May have to Be, in the Face of this New Evil.
In the Past "We" have Fought against Evil Act's, in Peace Demonstrations, Outright Revolutions, Sit Ins, Music, Documentaries, Feature Length Films and Art.
Today, "We" can add The Internet to help us to "Spread The Word," that "We" are "One World, One People, of The Third Planet from The Sun, Committed to Living in Peace and Harmony with One another, A World of Total Inclusion for One an All, Dedicated to the Security, and Protection for All Sentient Beings.
A World of Peace, and Equal Prosperity for Each and Everyone of Us.
Let us Build a Peace Bridge to One Another that can not Be Destroyed, or Compromised by Untruths, and Falsehoods.

Voices of Reason, and Peacemaker's whomever You May be, Speak Up, and Speak Out, and Remain Dedicated and Committed to Peace Now!