Friday, April 3, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

What are You Passionate About?

Seriously, what are You Passionate about? What Motivates You to Act in the Face of Injustice? What Motivates You to Demonstrate against, yet, another Unjust War, or Escalation of War? What does it take for You, to say Enough is Enough? Let me Explain.
Yesterday, a Friend of mine, and I, were engaged in a light conversation about film's, when the local news came on, it was the Day After the President Obama Press Conference that officially announced, his plans to send "Trainers", and additional Men and Women of the U.S. Armed Forces to Afghanistan, which, also, meant to Pakistan, and we both realized that the first four News Items had nothing to do with the Escalation of War. I was amazed, that, in this time Period of (1) Global war on Terrorism, which is now being referred to as "Oversees Contingency Operations," (2) The War in Iraq, and, (3) Afghanistan, there was no mention of the Escalation.
It made me wonder if the U.S. News Media, and, the Global News Media were going to take it easy on the President, as they did althrough-out the Democratic Party's Primaries, and the Presidential Campaign. Which in my humble opinion they did. And, as You are already Aware of, I am Deeply Concerned about this "New Escalation."
I realize that there are serious complexities involved in "Giving Peace a Chance," as John Lennon sang, however, after "How Many Years" of War in Iraq, under False Premises, and the Tragic War in Vietnam, You would think that our Leader's, and especially President Obama, would at least, "Try to Navigate a New Course of Action," that would exclude the Loss of more Men and Women of The U.S. and Global/NATO Forces. Isn't it Obvious that the Policies, and Politics of The Past (such as Pre-Emptive Attacks, and Undeclared Wars) do not result in Positive or Constructive "Building Steps," to a World living in Peaceful Existence with itself.

I'm Aware that there are Political and Global Philosophies, and Strategies, that Conscience War as the only Way to Stop Terrorists, or whomever the Enemy may be to our Democratic Way of Life. And, that War is "Big Business (just look at The Pentagons Share of the U.S. Budget), however, I would like, for one example, to see our Government Secure our Border's against Drug Cartels, and (2) Secure our Street's from Crime, and,(3) Use the Billions, if not Trillions of Dollars, that is being spent to Fight Wars, oversees or wherever they may be, and Invest in Creating Free Education, Free Health care, Eliminate Poverty, and By our Actions at Home, Demonstrate to the World that "We," are Truly a Nation that Believes in Peace for All Sentient Beings, and, Can Exist by Establishing a Peace Time Economy. "We can Show the World that "We," Believe in what "We" Preach .
And, By our Example, Motivate each Governing Nation of this The Third Planet from the Sun, to Follow in our Path. Imagine a World at Peace with itself.

Okay, what if, then, a rogue nation decided to attack one of the World Nations living in Peace. As "We" have done in the Past "We," would all Act in Concert with each other to repel this invader. It's important for each and everyone of us to remember that, "We" have done this in the Past, and the World looked upon us as being Heroes. And, that's what a True United Nations can Be.

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers whomever You may be, Speak out, and Demonstrate in the Name of Peace. Our Present and Future Generations depend on us to Act!