Monday, March 30, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Shades of War/The Times they Ain't -a- Changing

It has been several day's since President Obama announced his administration's plan to Escalate the War in Afghanistan (and that means Pakistan, as well). And, as you are aware of, I have been deeply concerned about this plan to Escalate the War, for more than a month. But, this is the official announcement, and how disappointing it was to hear. It was as if the "Breath of Change" had been deprived of all it's oxygen. And, The "Hope of Change" had been Betrayed and severely Compromised.
I, sincerely, Believe that this announcement is worst than the Global Economic Crises, because "We" know from past experience, that the economy, with the infusion of Fund's, from the Government, and Private Investor's, will improve, eventually, in spite of all the Corruption that has saturated the Global Banking System, Financial Institutions, Mortgage Companies, etc. No matter how you look at it "The System," is Broken and Corrupt, and White Collar Crimes will continue to mount, however, The Global Economies will improve, and the Credit Crises will lessen and become more and more liquid, again, but "Hope" will remain in a State of Dissolution for quite awhile, unfortunately. The Escalation of the War in Afghanistan, and Pakistan is a "Psychological Blow" to our Hopes, for Peace on Earth, it's not a Knockout, however. It is a replay of the same old script of War since the Vietnam Conflict, and each time, as before, "They," (this time it's the new President and his Administration), give Press Conferences, and as before, provide Excellent/Clever Reason's for this new Escalation, and as "We" all are aware of, the President is a very good, and articulate speaker, who for the most part gives off a methodical approach to explaining whatever he does, or proposes, but this Time his Word's are Meaningless, and Detrimental Impediments to The Hope for a Real Change in U.S. Politics, and Peace on Earth. And, an offense to those of us who have been down this path before and had truly hoped, that this time, there would be a Change in the Way the U.S. Government conducted it's approach how to resolve the differences it faces, in the world "We live in." Is it too much to ask that they consider our feelings, and thoughts, when it is our children, mother's and father's, brothers and sisters, friends and neighbors who are being asked to give their lives for whatever new policies our Government deems necessary for us to die for. This is a Democracy, isn't it!
"We" have observed as our Government enter into pacts with tyrants, and dictators, in the past, to achieve their goal's, such as; Saddam Hussein (in The Iraq/Iranian War), or Bin Laden (in the War against The Soviet Union, in Afghanistan), for example, and then, to only have to go to War against them. No one is Perfect, and "We" have all made mistakes, in the Past, however, this time around "We" voted for Change, and the "Whole World Rejoiced" with the Election of President Obama. However, he does not seem to understand the True Meaning of Change, at times, he, more and more, resembles a proponent of "Past Political Policies," that just do not work well, or bide well for the U.S., or this Planet.

"We can always hope for the Best to result from this New Escalation of War, however, This Time Around, let's not Waiver in the Cause of Peace. "We" must Demonstrate against this Escalation of War. I, sincerely, believe that "We" all want more for our Children, and Future Generations than this course of Action. This time around "We" must do more than just Hope for Peace, "We" must demand it, as "We" have in the Past, and Make our Voices Heard. "We" must Demand an End of War Time Policies and their False Attempts to Convince us that this is the only Course of Action that will work.

Voices of Reason, Peacemaker's, Speak out. Our Children, Grandchildren, and the Children of Future Generations depend on us, and would not Forgive us, if "We" did Nothing.