Friday, March 27, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Not Again

This is what they, the "Infamous They," are now asking us to endure. Another Vietnam, Iraq War, that will most surely involve Pakistan. What "They," don't tell us is how many Americans, and troop's of our Global Allies will die. Once again, there will be Mother's and Father's, Brother's and Sister's, and too many Children who are going to die. And, this is after six year's of War in Iraq, and an ongoing conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine. What is frustrating, I'm sure, to Peacemaker's All over The World, is that 'We" have been down this path before. And, "They continue to mislead us down the same ole road, that is supposed To Be a Path to Peace, but it always ends up with us fighting in another War, against Enemies, who used to be our Allies, such as the, so called, "Freedom Fighters" in Afghanistan, when they fought against the armies of The Soviet Union, and Iraq, when they fought against Iran. Will this insanity ever end!
Is our desire to be a World Power and remain a Global Empire going to be our Demise? Does the U.S. Government really believe that it can create a "Soft Infrastructure, and Economy in Afghanistan that can eliminate the Poppy Trade, when it can not eliminate the "Drug Trade," in the U.S.?
This Escalation of War in Afghanistan, and make "No Mistake" that it will involve Pakistan, is not "Good News," it brings Death to our Families, and Friends. It brings Death to the Reality of a Positive Evolution, and Peace Time Economy, that the World is sorely in need of, to Survive.
At present, there is approximately 90,000 U.S. and NATO Forces in Afghanistan, how many more will be needed? How long will this "New Escalation," and War in Afghanistan/Pakistan, last? Another four year's, eight year's, how long? How many more lives will be lost, in vain? How many more Tear's will fall, and bodies be mutilated? Too many lives have already been lost in Sudan, Darfur, Iraq, Pakistan, and Israel. What is the "Exit Strategy?" Is it the same one our Government has used in Vietnam, and Iraq, if so, it's not "Good Enough. And, Enough is Enough!

Peacemaker's, Voices of Reason, Speak Out and Demonstrate. Do not remain Silent. "We" can remain Strong at Home, in the face of Global Terrorism, "We" can Live in Peace and Be an Illuminating Example for The World to see, and Admire. "We" have to Convince "Them," once again, the "Infamous Them," that it is Time to "Give Peace a Chance," as John Lennon sang.
And, make "No Mistake," do not rely on President Obama, or his Administration to know what is best for us, meaning "We, the People," he is still Learning on the Job. He speaks eloquently but he has Chosen the "Politics of The Past." He is not a True Light of Change to Guide us. Rely on your own good instincts, and the historical examples of the past. "We need to find other Way's to resolve our differences of opinion. We've already paid much too much, and "They keep asking us to give more,"We can not Police The World. And, if "We are Truly to Be One People, and One World, "We have to Follow A Path Peace, and Not War.