Thursday, March 12, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Peace Now

How many time's have "We," been told by our Congressmen and Congresswomen, that there is not enough funds to pay for a National Health care Program for American Citizen's? Isn't it interesting that they always have enough fund's to pay for the costs incurred by another War, or, as it is now, in Afghanistan, a "New Spring and Summer Offensive." They continue to give our Bank's billions of dollars to prevent them from going under, however, they give us, nothing in comparison, to help us Care for our Children's Health care, or their Education. It is only when "We," are faced with near Economic Destruction, that the U.S. Congress wakes up, and realizes that they have a job to do, and that "We" did not elect them to be our representatives, to sit in Washington and do nothing, but go on excursions/vacations, and be taken out to lunch and dinners by "Lobbyists." It takes a total breakdown in the "System," to make them wake up to the Malaise that Exists in the Corporate World of Illusion's, Half Truth's, and Greediness.
"We" are continuously Manipulated, and Conditioned to believe that what "They," the "Infamous They" do, is for "Our Benefit." But, what do "They" actually do? "They" give us loan's to help us buy a home that "We" can not afford. "They" start Wars, to protect us from Terrorists, and Weapons of Mass Destruction, when they do not exist, and, is this for "Our Benefit." "They" Sanctify and Legitimize" a "System" that is Corrupt, and, is this to, supposed to be for "Our Benefit?"
It is Time for the State, Local, and Federal Elective Officials to Truly Represent the Citizen's of the U.S. and Be Responsible to the Idea's and Principles, and, that our Forefathers, and Fore Mothers, gave their lives to preserve. Principles of One Nation, and may I add, of One Earth, and One People of This The Third Planet from The Sun.
Enough is Enough, "They," the "Infamous They," have for too long Abused, Misused, and, Disrespected All that "We" hold to be Honorable, and Sacred," which is Our Planet, and Our Lives.
Voices of Reason and Peacemakers, this is the Time to Speak out in the Name of "Peace Now," for One and All.