Friday, March 6, 2009



Calling Planet Earth
Razzle 'N Dazzle 'Em
I'm very impressed by all the Razzle 'n Dazzle by the President Obama administration, you must admit they really know how to create a Media Blitz. And, what about the Glitzy Media Circus that we are being bombarded with everyday. And, Washington is aglow with Celebrities and VIPs from all over the world. The Third Planet from the Sun really looks like it's the most "Happening World" to live on, in the whole Universe.
And still, the state of the Homeless exists, and, Poverty exists beyond comprehension. And, War & Violence continue to threaten our lives. And, Students are in a Serious State of Debt, even before they have an opportunity to enter the Job Market. And, Parent's are struggling to give their Children the Quality Time needed for their Evolved Development, or, to Properly Feed and Care for them. The Divorce Rate Continues to grow, and Religious Leader's remain, either, Silent, or Lack the Influence to convince their constituency to Follow in the Path of Peace and Harmony for One and All. And, the Peacemaker's, and Voices of Reason are not in the news, nor are they receiving the attention that is needed to Change the Conditioned Way of Thinking that permits the malaise of the Spirit, in our societies, to exist.
But, the Show must go on, as the saying goes, however, I must admit that I am tired of the "Same ole Same ole," and "Politics as Usual Behaviour." I would like to see more Concrete Action, and Sincerity in the News Media, and in the U.S. Government. How is the U.S. and it's Democratic Principles to be admired, when White Collar Crime, Back Room Diplomacy, War, and Lack of Respect for All Sentient Beings, and Our Planet, continue to permeate the Consciousness of those who are in "Positions of Power." Their Greed and Lust is a Crime against All Humanity.