Tuesday, March 17, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

The System is Broken, but The Circus Continues

While unemployment continues to exist at it's highest levels in decades, and, while corruption, and White Collar Crimes continue to Mount, and while the U.S. Congress continues to Disgrace itself by adding more Pork, and Earmarks to each new Government Stimulus Package, and, while the News Media continues to "Giggle and Gaggle," over the Pros and Cons of the Obama Administration's Economic, and Political Course of Action, "We the People,"continue to search for True Act's of Sincerity and Honesty amongst both, the U.S. and Global Leaders.
Who are these Phantoms, and most of all where are "They" when we need them.
We continue to hear words such as "Transparency and Accountability, spoken to us as though they are being adhered to by the New Administration, and Congress, however they continue to do business as usual in "Back Room" so called negotiations, that for the most part exclude the Ideals and Principles of The Declaration of Independence, and The Bill of Rights. They, the "Infamous They," are not fooling anyone, however, they seem to think that "They" can get away with anything that "They" want to do. The Tragedy of this way of doing business is that "They" ignore the concerns of "We the People," and Citizen's of This Planet.
And, The Media Blitz continues. News Commentators pretend to be Reporters. They sit in their Studios and talk and talk, instead of physically going out and reporting on the Homelessness, Poverty, and the Plight of Families all over the World, or the Escalation in the War in Afghanistan. Their main concern is ratings, and selling their publications. They, to, are a Disgrace to their Profession.
And, "The System" continues to remain Broken, it simply does not work. And, We can no longer Trust in Financial Institutions, Politicians, or Religions.
Yes, this is definitely Time for Change.
Voices of Reason, Peacemaker's, and Citizen's of This The Third Planet from the Sun, We need to Speak Out against the Injustices that have been Cast upon Us, and Build of Bridge of Peace throughout this World. A Nexus of Peace that can not be Broken. A New System is needed that reflects the Ideal's and Principles of The New Millennium. Culturally, Spiritually, Philosophically, Scientifically, Educational and Technological Idea's of Peace and Prosperity, and, Oneness and Wholeness.
The Breakdown of the current "System," lies beyond whether or not Wall Street Stocks go up or down, it lies beyond whether the UN-Employment figures, or the Housing Market improves, it lies Directly in there being a lack of Faith in the Leader's of our Financial Institutions, Religions, and Governments.
"We the People," Citizen's of The Third Planet from the Sun, Believe in a Dream that includes All Sentient Beings, and, A World of Peace and Harmony for One and All. And, a Shared Prosperity.