Tuesday, March 24, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Does anyone in the U.S. Congress actually read the Bills that are being passed, supposedly, for "Our Benefit." Does anyone actually Accept the Blame for the Financial Disaster, and Global Economic Collapse, that has had a Tremendous Effect on all of Our Lives.

Does anyone know how it happened? What was the Cause? Oh, of course, the same ole same ole, Greed, and the Lust for Power, for a starter. Well, at least that makes sense, in this time period of "Who's to Blame."

Since 1792 "We" have had to deal with importance and need for Federal Regulations to protect us, "We the People," from, for One Thing, "The World of Business/Corporations, and the way the "Infamous They," Take Care of Business, (TCB). It's been obvious for Millennia after Millennia that "We the People," can not Trust the Business Ethics of our Politicians, Religious Leaders, and of course, Leader's of Finance. They simply do not represent Our Best Interests. One way or another they, once again, the "Infamous They," end up doing what is solely best for themselves, and their Lobbyists. Because that's where the money is.

Even George Washington had to deal with this problem.

Regulations are necessary. So, what are "We the People," to do. (1) We have a President, who in spite of his best intentions, is still learning on the job. (2) We have a New Congress, dominated by Democrats, who are still Playing Politics , as usual. And, together with the Republicans, are still playing "Partisan Politics." What a Disgrace they are! And then, (4) There is the corruption of our Financial Institutions, and Banks that threatens to destroy the Fabric of, as well as, the Most Sacred Ideals, and Principles of this Earths Societies. And, the Debacle goes on, and on.

First, of all, it is obvious that "We," need to replace the "Regulations, (or lack there of), that the Bush Administration put in place to allow all of the Abuse of our System,to take place over the last eight years. But, what do "We" do about a "System" that no longer works, or protects us? A "System" that will soon be replaced by another one, run by a new group of inept, corrupt player's, who pretend that they, only, have Our Best interests in mind, but, in fact, care only about themselves, and, if they are Politicians, getting re-elected.

Second, of all, "We must understand, that they have "No Idea," what a True and Lasting Peace is. They exist by a different standard of being. And, it is not "One for All, and All for One." And secondly, they have no Idea what a True Democracy is.

They, only, use the words "Freedom, and Democracy," to achieve their own agenda. Which is, as I've previously stated, not "One for All, and All for One." We must understand that 'They," simply do not care about us, except to use us for their own benefit! We simply can not allow this Re-cycle of Greed, and Lust to control, and Dominate our Lives. Enough is Enough!

Yes, it is extremely obvious that "We need a Change," in our Lives, but this time, "We" need a Change for the Better, and not the Worst," to Represent us.

Each and Everyone of us has to make commitment to Monitor,and Oversee the Actions, of our Leader's, Financial Institutions, Banks, Politicians, whomever "They," may be. "They" simply are not "Trustworthy Enough," to be left on their own to Lead, and Represent us.

And, "We must continue to build a Bridge of Peace, and Nexus between us, that can not be Destroyed, or Manipulated by anyone, for False Purposes.

Voices of Reason, Peacemakers, and Believers in a New Millennium of Cultural, Scientific, Technological, Educational, and Philosophical Evolution, Speak Out!
This is not the time to remain Silent. Demonstrate, and Speak Out in The Name of Peace, and A Shared Prosperity for One and All.