Monday, March 9, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

The Third Planet From The Sun

Who are We? We are Citizens of The Universe Living on The Third Planet from The Sun, called Earth. Imagine for how many Millennium We have been deluded into thinking that We are, solely, from a Specific Nationality, Religion, Race, or Political party. So, how in the World (to coin a phrase) are We ever to transcend our Differences, and Understand that "We are One People," Citizens of The Universe," Living on Earth, when We have been conditioned, and manipulated to believe in a "False Concept of Who We Are."
Yes, it is Time for a Change, however, it is Time to Change Our Overall Beliefs and Perspectives in Who We are, and in how We acknowledge each other, from our Time of Birth.
With this New Oversight, We should be able to see the Value of Being One People, and the Practical, Universal, and Spiritual Logic of guaranteeing each Citizen of Earth with Free Education, and a Home to call their own. And, Universal Guidance and Respect for One and All. There should be a Sense of Security that every Family can Share in, as well as for All Sentient Beings. And, an Opportunity for One and All to Learn and Evolve in an Age of Enlightened Omniscience, whether Book Learned, or through a Shared Experience, Empirically.
Yes, this is Time for Change, from War Time to a Peace Time Global Economy. And, let us take the Time to Build a Bridge of Peace to every corner of this earth. Let us Build a Universal Nexus of Peace to each and every one of us. So, that The New Millennium will Truly be a Time of Peaceful, Cultural, Technological, Political, Spiritual and Scientific Evolution.
And, do not forget for One Second, that We are All Citizens of The Third Planet from The Sun, called Earth.