Thursday, March 26, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

New Moon Sowing/What have We Learned

What have "We" learned , that our Leader's, Political, Religious, etc. continue to either Lie to us, or Manipulate us, by expounding Falsehoods, or Half Truth's.
And, to answer your thought's and questions as to whether there has been Enlightened Time Periods in the Past, filled with Wisdom, and Good Reasoning. Peace filled Time Periods, the answer is, Yes, So, "We all know that it can be done. However, this Time Period is not one of them.

So, let's examine the position that "We are in", (1)"We" have a new President, and new Administration in the U.S. ,but, unfortunately they play the same old Political Games, at the expense of "We the People." (2) Women continue to be Abused, and Enslaved. (3) Men continue to be Used, and Conditioned to Believe that War is the only re-course to achieving an Everlasting Peace. (4) Children are Manipulated to Believe in False Concepts of Nationalism, and Religious Fanaticism.

However, let's get back to our previous point, Yes, there have been Time Periods on this Planet when "We" were very fortunate to have Great Leader's, Men and Women, who Believed in, and were Committed to Living in a World of Peace, and Prosperity for One and All. They Guided us by their Actions, and by their Example.
They Inspired us through the Divine Providence that emanated from the Solar Axiom that was Created to Embrace us, One and All. And, through Their combined Experience and Knowledge of The Universe, Science, Technology, Education, Learning, Philosophy, Culture, and Love for One another, they Empowered us to Believe in Each other, and in Ourselves.

Today's Leader's would like us to believe in them, but, they continue to Mislead us by their Actions. They, quite simply put, do not understand, nor do they believe, that "We" are a Universal Family of Sentient and Spiritual Beings living on this, The Third Planet from The Sun. And that, it is to our Benefit that "We" all learn, once again, to Live in Peace and Equanimity with Each other. It is, also, to our Benefit that "We" care for the Natural Resources, and Survival of this Planet.
This, our Present and Future Generations depend on, Learning to Live in Peace and Equality for One and All is a Necessity to The New Millennium. War and Violence can only Lead to Destruction.

Voices of Reason, Students, Artists, and Peacemaker's whoever you may be, continue Speak Out in the Name of Peace, it is our right, living in a Democracy, to do so. Do not Remain Silent in this Time of Need! Remain Docile and Active on All Front's. The time to put Forth our Idea's, Thoughts, and Word's of Peace, Justice, Wisdom, Truth, and Compassion, is Now!
We can no longer endure "Tent Cities, or Anyone living in Poverty, on the Surface of This Planet. We can no longer Act Oblivious to the Needs of the Less Fortunate.