Wednesday, April 22, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

War and Torture

I grew up in the U.S.A. on the North Shore of Long Island, in a small town, very much like any other small town in America. And, I grew up believing that the U.S. represented and reflected all that is Good in the World. Quite simply put,"We" were the "Good Guys," and "We" Never Committed War Crimes, like Torture, or Imprisoned anyone Falsely. I Believed that Everyone was given a Fair Trial with Honest Representation, and were, also, Given Every Opportunity to prove their Innocence. I could continue on in this vain of thought, however, I Believe you get the idea.

And now, that I am an adult, and all the Revelations that have Come Forth in regards to our Government, and most specifically the Previous Eight Years of the George Bush Administration, as well as, the lack of Ethic's displayed by The U.S. Congress, whether in regards to the unethical Pork Spending, The War in Iraq, or Not Paying Attention to the Fine print in the First Stimulus Package," has Cast a Shadow over the Principles and Ideal's that I believed in.
And, the fact that our ex-Vice President defends these un-ethical Act's of War, that are Criminal Acts under the Laws of The Geneva Convention is appalling to me.
He represented "We the People," and what is even more appalling is that, both, he and former President Bush continuously lied to us, about The War in Iraq, and the Acts of Torture that "They" instituted as Policy.

Have I been too Naive, for all this time, to Believe in their Lies.
Yes! However, the Truth is that our Government has been engaged in War Crimes, Criminal Behavior, and Imperialistic Motives ever since "We" became the Thirteen States.

Actually, "We" were a divided country who Brutally Subjugated a Race of Native Americans.

How many times did the U.S. Government break treaties for it's own gain?
Too many times!

How many Men and Women were Sold into slavery?
Too many!

And yet juxtaposed to these Atrocities always Existed an Admirable Spirit of Exploration, and Individualism that was Inspiring, and Courageous.

Yes, their were many who came to the U.S. in Hopes of becoming Rich, however, there were the Many who came Purely to Renew their Lives, and own their Own Piece of Land.

Yes. there has always been Greed, and Avarice, however, juxtaposed to that were the Many who Strove to Create a Country that Believed in, and sought to Creat a Nation of Great Ideals and Principles.

Yes, there were those who Devoured Everything in Their Way, and Cared Not one bit, if it meant Casting Brother against Brother, or State against State, However, there were always the Peacemakers to Redeem us, and make us Feel Proud to be Americans. Which leads me back to where "We" are today.

"We" have a Choice to Rise above this Disgrace, or to Wallow in it's Demise.
One thing for sure is that, it is Time for Change.

Am I making a Moral Judgement against The U.S. Not Really, I'm just stating apart of History that I'm not Proud of, along with Another Part that Remains Deeply in my Respect.

Yes, I am more and more Aware of our Shortcomings, However, I sincerely Believe that Knowledge is Bliss, and Not Ignorance.

Do "We" have to resort to Torture to Protect our Country, I sincerely hope not!
I do not want to Pass along this Shame to Our Future Generations.
I would like them to see how"We" Transcended the Worst examples in Human Nature and instead, Brought a Universally Shared Peace to The Earth.
For sure "We" can not continue to Live under this Cloud of Shame!

Let us Demonstrate that "We" have Learned from our Mistakes, and No Longer wish to pursue them in any way whatsoever.

Let us Demonstrate by our Actions that "We" wish to Exemplify the True Ideals and Principles of A World Living in Peace and Harmony.
A World Living in an Age of Equanimity, and Equality for One and All.

Let us continue to Build a Bridge of Peace that Connects Each and Everyone of us, A Nexus of Peace Built on a Universal Commitment to Achieve the Highset Quality of Life of All Humankind. And, A Universal Nexus of All Sentient beings.

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers, this is the Time to make your Voices Heard. Stand up in the Name of Peace and Prosperity for One and All.

Do not Remain Silent. Our Future generations Depend on Us to Show The Way, and Bring about an Everlasting Peace on this Planet, the Third Planet from the Sun.