Monday, April 27, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

A Sense of Being & A Sense of Belonging Somewhere

Recently during one of my Long Cathartic Walks, I began to Reflect on my Being Here, from Childhood, to Being an Adult, (that's why it was such a long walk) and I realized how much of my Life I have felt A Sense of Being Alone.
I'm Positive that this Feeling is what Unites Teenager's, who, while Loving their Families, often Feel Estranged from Them, as well.

The Question that Resulted from this Long Walk was, Why, did I Feel this Way?

Reading the Plato's Phaedo, and, in a Very General Sense, Applying The Socratic Method, greatly helped me through-out my Life's Experiences, Creative Enterprises, and Endeavors. Ask the Question?

And so, Why did I Feel this Way, or, in fact, anyone growing up in this Dysfunctional, and Broken Down System?

Most likely, I felt, it was Due to a Lack of Trust. One Reason was, that more than fifty percent of All Marriages end up in Divorce, and I'm sure a Much Higher Figure Exists amongst Individuals who are Living Together, Out of Wedlock. And, I was a Product oof the former Reason.

Or maybe, it was a Lack of Trust Directly Due to a Result of a Religious, Political, Financial, and Unjust Class System that "We" Can No Longer Believe in.
Or, quite simply, A System that is Broken, Corrupt, Lustful, Greedy, Insensitive and Uncaring about Poverty, The Homeless, and Those who are Completely Disenfranchised.

Or, Could it Be a Result of All the Blatant Lies that have been told to Each New Generation, over and over again.

Or, the Secrets that have been Withheld from us, by Each Newly Elected Administration, whether Republican, or Democrat.

Or, is it Due to the Lack of Honesty that Exists amongst Politicians, who, after becoming Newly Elected Officials seem to have Conveniently Forgotten that "They" were Elected to Represent, Protect, and Serve "We The People" and this Earth that is Our Home.

Or, is this Lack of Trust Due to, yet, another War, Based on Lies, that have Taken the Lives of Our Youth, and Paid for, By Our Taxes, and, Our Blood, and Sacrifice.

Or, is this Lack of Trust Due to a Covetous World of Celebrity, who continuously, Exemplify the Worst Qualities of Human nature, and their UN-Willingness to Use Their Celebrity to Bring About a Real Change that would be of Benefit to Our Youth, and, the Lives of All Sentient Beings. Is it Too Much To Ask that "They" use their Celebrity to do Something for their Fellow Human Being! Or, Give Something Back to those who are in need, who might have bought their cd's, or gone to one of their movies, or plays?

Or, is it a Result of a Media that continues to Spend Most of its Prime Time focusing on Meaningless, so called, Reportage of the Latest One minute success story, or the Latest Blurb, or Political One Liner, when the Real Stories are, for the most part Being Ignored. Such as the Lack of Coverage being Given to the Suffering of Millions upon Millions of Beings all over this Planet, of a Vast Universal Macrocosm, who did nothing to Deserve their Status, except Be Born to Parents who are Living in Poverty. Unfortunately!

Maybe, these are, just, Some of the Reasons Why, So Many have been Led to Feel, and Believe, that They are Alone, or, Feel Helpless, or, Hopeless, from Darfur to Louisiana.

To these Individuals, Specifically, I would like You to Know, and Remember that You are Never Alone. You are Always in Our Thoughts, and, Your Living Condition is Abhorred by us. Change will Come, no Matter how Long it Takes, Do not Lose your Faith, in us.

You are a Valuable, and Respected Member of The Family of Humankind.
You are a Treasured Member of The Fellowship of All Sentient Beings.
You are an Immeasurable Member of a Great Universe, and, of, One World, and of a United People of the Third Planet from The Sun.
And, You will Not Be Forgotten, nor Will the Lives of You, and Your Families Be Taken, from You, In Vain.

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers, whomever you may Be, Our Present, and Future Generations Depend on You to Make Your Voices Heard.
They Depend on You to Act Now, in the Name of Peace and Harmony, and, In Defense of Those who have been Displaced from their Families, and Homes, Due to War, and Unending Global Conflicts.
And, They Depend on us to Give Them a Reason to Believe.