Monday, April 6, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Children Living in Poverty in The New Millennium

Last year I began a mission to bring more attention to Children who are living in Poverty. Which led me to a meeting with one of the Director's at the UNICEF offices in New York City. I wanted to get an approximate corroboration of how many Children were living in Poverty, in the U.S., alone. Which is, approximately two million! It was, and stiil is very difficult for me to imagine this, if the two million figure applied to Sudan, I could understand it better, because of the War and Genocide that continues to ravage that part of the World, but this applied to the United States of America. Now, that was last year, and, here we are in 2009, having given Billions, if not Trillions of Dollars, to Bail Out the Banks, Mortgage Companies, Automobile Industry, and Global Financial Institutions, who needed rescuing, because of the Greed and Corruption that has run rampant, and, in my humble opinion, continues to run rampant in a System that does not work. Obviously it does not work, when there are so many who are living in Tents, or the Backs of Their Cars. But, how is this possible in the 21st Century! If, there is any rescuing to be done, it is, once again, in my humble opinion, the One's who need Rescuing are the millions of Children, Worldwide, who are living in Poverty. Imagine what 700 Billion Dollars would do to Change the Plight of Families who have Lost their Home's, and Job's, due to a Broken and Corrupt System that has lied to us, and, once again, in my humble opinion, continues to.

The question is; How do "We" bring World Attention to the Tragic Situation that so many find themselves living in? In this regards, it would be of Great Assistance, if the World's Celebrities would Speak Up, and Speak Out as Forcefully as Their Celebrity would allow them to. This would Motivate, and Force the Global News Media, that is insatiable when it comes to gossip, to be forced to Expose the Failed Policies of any Government who did not invest in the Future of the Children of their Citizen's, irregardless to what Financial Position, or Class, their Parents may belong to. And, why should any Child be Forced to Live in Poverty, and Worry about where their Next Meal will come from! Why should any Child in, this, The New Millennium have to Worry about Not Being Properly Educated! And, why should any Child have to Worry about Being Given the Proper Health care it may need, in a Time of Sickness, or in General.

I would also like to see those Elected Officials, who Love seeing Themselves Walking through Ghettos, and Impoverished Area's, when they are trying to get Our Votes, "Remember their Campaign Promises," and Actually find Creative Way's to Eliminate the Conditions that have Created Impoverished Conditions to begin with. "They" always find Way's to Finance Their Campaign's, and Gain the Attention of The Media , but, somehow, "They" are unable to find the Financing, or Focus the Attention of The Media on how to Eradicate Poverty.

I sincerely hope that Our Future Generations will look back on this Time Period and take Pride in the Fact that their Government's, Celebrities, Intelligentsia, Societies, Families, Spiritual, and Religious Leader's Cared Enough to Bring About a Positive Change for The Betterment of All Sentient Beings, and Eliminated Poverty and Strife from this Planet.

Voices of Reason, and Peacemaker's whomever You May Be, Speak Out in the Name of Peace and Equanimity for All Sentient Beings. Do not Remain Silent in this Time of Need!