Friday, April 17, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Is It Too Much to Ask For?

Is it Too Much to Ask for; An End to War, An End to Poverty, A New and Conscientiously Evolved Universal Standard of Living, with unlimited Possibilities for Growth and Evolution for All Sentient Beings! Why Not?
A New Season of Life has begun, Spring is Finally Here, and "We" have a New U.S. President, and New Democratic Controlled Congress, and this is The New Millennium, and it should Definitely Be a Time for Change!

However, I find it Amazing that Politicians can Ask us for Contributions to Their Campaigns, and Ask us to Pay Tax upon Tax for Their Federal, State, and City Budgets, yet, when there is a Tragedy like Hurricane Katrina, leaving one of our Most Treasured Cities, and States under Great Oppression, and there is No Immediate Contribution to alleviate the Tremendous Stress, Homelessness, and Re-Building that is needed ( after how many years has it been). They should be Disgraced by Their Lack of Action!

They have passed Two Stimulus Packages, and an Appropriation Bill, amounting to Billions of Dollars, and, still, there are U.S. Citizens living in Tent Cities, or in Their Cars, Living in Parking Lots, or wherever They can.
Why hasn't there been an Immediate Change in Their Lives for the Better.
Where has the Billions of Dollars gone, or is it, still, sitting in an Account in The U.S. Treasury.

Is anyone in The U.S. Congress Aware that UN-Employment is, still, Growing at an Alarming Rates.
I am More and More Amazed at the Insensibility of our Politicians. And, to a Great Degree, this is a Global Condition as well.

When You see Photographs of Earth from Space, it is One Planet, and One World, apart of a Great Universe of Creation. That exists with an unlimited myriad forms of Life, All Different, of which "We" are apart of. How extraordinary this is to Behold.

And then, I hear of the Genocide in Darfur, and the total Dis-respect of Life in Sudan, and I say to myself "Where is The Political and Religious condemnation and Outrage of this Senseless, and Brutal Attack upon Human Beings.

Mothers and Daughters are Raped, Kidnapped, and Killed without Ad Nauseam.
And, Young Men are being Forced to Fight against Their Neighbor's, and families.

Why hasn't the Leader's of The European Union, The United Nations, NATO, and The U.S. forced an End to this Senseless Dis-Respect of Human Life?
There is No Excuse for this Tragedy to Continue, None at All.
President OBama can give a Press Conference, and Very Informatively Describe to Everyone the Reason's for Escalating The War in Afghanistan, However, He has said very little, since becoming President, or done Virtually Nothing, about Sudan and Darfur. This can not be the "Change" of Policies that He had in Mind.

And, Why hasn't there been a Global Media Blitz by Every Major News Organization Covering this Shame on the Soul of Mankind.
It would Force the United Global Nations, Spiritual Groups, Concerned Citizens,and Religions to Demand an End to this Tragedy, this Abomination.

It is Time for a Concerted Effort on the Part of Every World Leader, Religious, Spiritual, or Political to Join Together in The Name of One World, One People, One Planet, In the Name of Peace and a Shared Prosperity for One and All.
In the Name of an End of Poverty, an End of Racism, An End of War, and an End of the Untouchable Mentality that Exists amongst All Classes ( That Both Martin Luther King, and Mahatma Gandhi, led Soul filled Campaigns against).

This is a New Season of Hope, "We" have Learned so much from our Experiences, Can "We" not Expect A Positive Change to Take Place?

And, This is A New Millennium of Cultural, Spiritual, Technological, and Scientific Evolution, Can "We" not Expect the Same Evolution to Take Place Humanistically, as well as for All Sentient Beings.

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, whomever You May be, Speak Out, and Demonstrate your Willingness to Change this World in the Name of All that is Sacred in our Lives, and for the Survival of the Future Generations of this
The Third Planet from The Sun!