Monday, April 13, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Energy Tax/Earthrise Movement

Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, InConsistent Weather Patterns, Tsunamis, Earth Warming, Is there, still, an Ever growing Hole in The Ozone Layer (no one mentions the Ozone Layer anymore, do "They," may be Al Gore does, I hope so), whatever, the Global Weather Conditions do not appear to Be Improving.
So, what's the Remedy to these Failing Weather Conditions?
An "Energy Tax," of course.
It seems to me, that "We" have been Taxed to the Limit already.

Isn't it Enough that "They," continue to Tax the Bridges and Highways, what "We" Eat, Drink, our Airline Ticket's, Our Vacations, and Our Children's Education.
And then,"They" Tempt us with Lottery after Lottery, of which a Portion of which, is supposed to go towards paying for After School Program's (I would love to see exactly how much has been payed into that fund, wouldn't you?).

How is it that "They," always have Enough to money, in the Annual Budget, to Pay for another War, or New Weaponry that The Pentagon deems necessary, for whatever Purpose "They" may need it for.

And, quite truthfully, it doesn't appear to matter what Administration is in Office, does it, Democrat, or Republican, there is "Never Enough" money in the Annual Budget to pay for our Children's Education, Health care, or to Improve, and Protect The Earth's Environment.

Isn't there Enough City, State, and Federal Tax already? Do "We" really need another Tax, an Improved and Better Tax, an "Energy Tax," to Be Wrought upon us?
Now, I may not Be the most intelligent person in The World, however, my Answer is No! "They have led us down this Path, of Never ending Taxes for Far too Long, and Enough is Enough.

It's Truly Time for An "Earthrise Movement," to Compliment The Global Bridge of Peace!

Change is more than just a Word, it signifies taking a Future Course, different form the Broken, Corrupt System that "We" have been Conditioned to Believe in, exists for our Best Interests. I'm sure that No one is Fooled by that "Song and Dance," any longer.

Once again, Voices of Reason, Environmentalists, and Peacemaker's, whomever You May Be, Stand Up, and Speak Out in the Name of One World, One People, and a Shared Prosperity for One and All.
Do not Remain Silent!