Monday, July 6, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

We Do Not Live in a Democracy,
We Live in a Capitalistic Oligarchy!

I am Totally Fed Up with the U.S. Government and President Obama's Administration. Our Government is supposed to Operate on Democratic Principles, and Ideals, but, Actually it does not!
Nor is it a Republic, although "We" do have the Vote.
However, what "We" are in Reality is a Capitalistic Oligarchy!
I invite You to Take a little time to do Your Own Due Diligence, and then Decide for Yourself. However, it is Very Important to do so, Especially during this Time Period filled with Sociological, and Political Illusions, and Delusions!

And, to continue, in a slightly different Vain, although Totally Compatible with my Train of Thought, is this Question; When are the Funds from the Recovery and Reinvestment Act going to be Completely Distributed?
Doesn't anyone in the Obama Administration Read the Newspapers, or Recognize The Sign of The Times.
Our Country has a 9.5 UN-Employment Rate! Which in itself is Totally Ludicrous!
Why? Because, aren't "We" the Most Powerful, and Richest, supposed, Democracy in the World?

And, Why was Vice President Biden in Iraq?
Why not, Send one of our Five Star Generals from the Pentagons
Joint Chiefs of Staff, instead!

I'm sure that Our Armed Forces would be Very Appreciative of this Gesture of Support, and Unanimity by Our Generals!

And then, Vice President Biden, and President Obama would be Free to Visit the Neighborhoods of the U.S. Middle Class,
Tent Cities, Urban Ghettos, and, Towns and Villages that are Struggling to Survive, Due to the Financial, and Credit Crises, and Give these Families some Real Encouragement, and Hope for Their Futures!
As well as, Provide Them with the Recovery and Re-Investment Act Funds that could, For the Most Part, Save Lives and Homes, and What little Dignity there is Left for "We the People" to Share with Our Families, and with Each other!

And, Finally, I am Completely Fed Up with President Obama and his Administrations Plans to Escalate the War in Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
Doesn't anyone Remember when He was Campaigning for the Democratic Parties Nomination, against Hilliary Clinton, that He told Us that He would Bring Home Our Troops, from Iraq!
He didn't say that He was Planning to Re-Mission (His Word!) Them to Afghanistan, did He!
Then, He was the Shining Hope, and Darling, of the Peace Movement, and Change. Well, Enough is Enough! I'm Tired of all the Half Truths, Semantics, and Rhetoric, that "We the People" have been told, However, so Eloquently! Enough is Enough!

Try to Tell an Adolescent Child, Why, They are Living in a Homeless Shelter, with Their Parents, and other Siblings?
Or, Why They have Lost Their Home Due to the Mortgage, Credit, and Financial Crisis?
Try to Tell a Young Child, Why Their Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Uncle, Aunt, or Cousin has Died in an Endless Cycle of War, that the U.S. of A, has been Engaged in!
Its all gotten to a Point where it is all Too Much!
Much Too Much, and Enough is Enough!

Voices of Reason , and Peacemakers of this the Third Planet from the Sun, Continue to Make Your Voices Heard above the Din of Hypocrisy, and Lies! Our Planets Survival Depends on You!