Friday, July 24, 2009


Calling Planet Earth
We Are Not Impressed!
(Health Care, War, and Racism)

If Republicans, and Democrats, whether "They" be Conservatives, Liberals, or Moderates think that "We the People" are Impressed with the Political Games, that "They" are Playing, "They" are Greatly Mistaken!
"We" are Fed up with their Immature Display of Partisan Politics, at Our Expense! After all,"We" are Paying for their Salaries!
And, if "They" can Not Represent us, as "We" Elected them to do, "We the People", will Fire them in the Next Elections!
"We can No Longer Stand for their Irresponsible, and Negligent Behavior, as Unemployment continues to Rise to Record Levels, and Too Many Americans are Suffering, Due to their Lack of Sincere Concern for our Welfare!
And if,"They" still don't get it, maybe "They" will, if "They" Join The Ranks of the Unemployed, and No Longer have the Health Care Benefits that their Families Enjoy, Once again, at Our Expense!

If"They" believe that "They" can Continue to Place the Interests of Lobbyists, before ours, "They" are in for a Big Surprise, Because "We" can No Longer Stand for their Callous Disregard of our Concerns.
And, if "They" Dare Leave for their Summer Vacation Break, in August, "We" will, also, take a Break from Voting for them, in the Next Elections!

This is a Crucial Time Period! Too Many Americans are Barely Making Ends Meet, and the Thought of our Elective Officials Going on Paid Vacation, is Much too Much to Take.

"They" need to Remain in Washington until "They've" Found a Fair Health Care Solution that is Beneficial to our Families, Friends, and Neighbors.
A Health Care Solution that "We the People" can Celebrate, and Feel Proud of!

On another Very Somber Note, so far, Thirty-Seven American Soldiers have been Killed in the New Escalation of War in Afghanistan, and Pakistan, this Month!
To their Families, Friends, and Neighbors, "We" Send You Our Deepest Sympathy's.
They will not Be Forgotten, Nor will their Lives be Lost in Vain!

And, as Racial Tensions, Once again, Flare up in the U.S., it Further Reminds us, that in order to Move Forward in Improving Race Relations, "We need to Change the Previous Pattern in our Country that permitted Inequalities to Exist amongst All Races!

It is Obvious that,"We" need to Actively Engage in a Continuous Dialogue, and Education in regards to, our Countries History of Race Discrimination, both, in our Homes, and Schools, If "We" are ever to Learn to How to Exist, and Show Respect for One another. And,it is also, Very Obvious that, "We need a Continous Reminder that, Ever Since the Inception of the United States of America "We" have been a Nation of Immigrants! The only True Americans are, Native Americans! And, Unfortunately, at times, it seems, that "We" Have Forgotten this Fact!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Wherever and Whomever You May be, Do not be Distracted by the Bickering Amongst the U.S. Congress, and, in and Amongst the Obama Administration! And, Do not Be Fooled by the Rhetoric of Health Care Sophists!
"Americans are Paying as Much, or, More than Any Other of the Major Western Industrialized Nations, But, our Families are Not Receiving a Fair Share Value for what "We" are Paying for! All the While, Insurance Companies Continue to Make Outlandish Profits, Once again, at Our Expense!

Enough is Enough, it is Time for us to Stand up Against these Capitalistic Oligarch's, and Demand a Fair, and All Embracing National Health Care Plan!
One that Truly Represents the Ideals, Goals, and Principles of Our Country!