Friday, July 17, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Le Cirque De Ridicule

Razzle 'N Dazzle 'Em Pt. II

While The Razzle 'n Dazzle 'Em Cirque De Ridicule Continues, More and More Children Live in Poverty in the United States, approximately 18%!

While the Political Cirque De Ridicule Continues, "They," the "Infamous They," Love to Razzle and Dazzle us with their Seemingly Profound Statements, and Lofty Rhetoric, Attempting to Demonstrate that the U.S. Government is Sincerely Doing Something on Our Behalf, "They" are Actually Leading us Down the Same Ole Path to Nothingness.

The Main Characters of the First Act of this Opera, Judge Sonia Sotomayor is, the First Hispanic American Woman to Be Nominated to the Supreme Court, of the United States, by the First African American President, that, in itself makes for Great Theatre!

Then, add in the Conservative Republicans of the U.S. Congress, and their Republican Colleagues, and finally, the Conservative News Commentators!

All the While Unemployment Continues to grow to 9.5 %, the Highest its been in Decades, Which Means in Very Real Terms that, Millions of Men and Women are Struggling to Make Ends Meet, and Provide Food, and Clothing for their Families!

As the Second Act begins, The Hopes of Millions of Americans, Who are Without Health Care, and, are Praying that the U.S. Congress, and, President Obama and His Administration, will Keep Their Word, and Provide them with National Health Care Reforms that Will Include Each and Every Citizen of the United States of America, the U.S. News Media Continues to be Fascinated with the Soon to Be Ex-Governor of Alaska. Making her the Main Character of this Act! The U.S. News Media Needs to Re-Access what Our Priorities, and Needs are in Context with what Theirs are! But, More about them a little bit Later in this Blog.

As the Third Act of the Cirque De Ridicule commences, the U.S. Economy is still, in a Serious State of Disarray, The Financial, and Political Systems are Broken, However, "We the People," are still being asked to Support a New Escalation of War in Afghanistan, and Pakistan, even though New Revelations Surface Surrounding a Cast of Old Characters; (1) Our Old Nemesis Former Vice President Dick Cheney, (2) The C.I.A., (3) The First African American, U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder,and, (4) Of Course, the U.S. Congress.

It sounds like a Network TV Game Show Called "Who Do You Trust," doesn't it!

And, to Add to the Ridicule of the Cirque "We the People," are Supposed to Believe that the Costs of the New Health Care Reform, that is Supposed to Benefit us, Will be Paid for, Without any New Taxes being Raised by Our Government!

And, Lets Get Back to the Global/ U.S. News Media who Continue to be Willing Accomplices of this Course of this Cirque De Ridicule, that Includes; Commentators, Magazines, Newspapers, TV, Radio, Satellite, and Cable News Networks, All Working Together for Two Purposes, too Create Higher Ratings, and Increased Sales, All at the Expense of "We the People!"
Do "They" care that what "They" are Reporting, or Commenting about, May, or, May Not be the Truth? Of course Not!

And for the Last Act of this Inhumane Farce, While the World Longs for a Pure Note to Be Sung, or a Moral Truth to Be Spoken to Give us Hope, and Inspiration, the World Religious Leaders Remain Silent, while Genocide, War, and Crime Continues to Ravage and Rob Our families of Our Son's and Daughter's!

Shakespeare Could Not write a Better Tragedy than this, Unfortunately!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Wherever, and Whomever You may be, While it is Obvious that Climate Change is a Result of an Earth that has been Ravaged and Raped by the Global Corporations, and Governments, it is, also, very Obvious that if "We" Do Not Speak Up, Demonstrate, and Declare that "We" are Fed Up with this Cirque De Ridicule, that Continues to Destroy Our Planet, "They," The Infamous Powers that Be , Will Continue to Shove this Reality Show Down Our Throats until "We've" Choked to Death!