Monday, July 13, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Is Peace Too Much To Ask For!

What is this Mindset that Causes U.S. Presidents to Escalate, or Engage in Pre-Emptive War Policies! As Marvin Gaye sang "Whats Goin' On?
And Why does a Peace Candidate become a War Time President?
I thought that The New Millennium was supposed to be Non-Militaristic, and A Culturally Evolved Time Period!

I, for one, am Tired of All the Excuses, and Rational for War! Even the Leaders of the Western Industrialized Nations appear to be Content, Not to Send any more Troops to participate in Combat Related Situations, in the New Escalation of War in Afghanistan. So, Why are "We" there?
We've been told by President Obama, to Drive out the Taliban. That sounds logical, but then, Why have "We" waited for So Long to do this? I thought that "We" Won that War already!
And, as of Late, I haven't Seen, or Heard the White House Press Corps Claiming that the New Escalation is Directly Related to Capturing Bin Laden, which would Make Sense, to me!
So, What is it all about? To Prevent Terrorists from Attacking the U.S.?
Or, is this simply about Poppy Seeds, Oil, Geography, and Global Strategies!

Whatever the Reasoning is, I have a Few Questions to Pose to the U.S. Government, and President Obama, and His Administration; I would like to Know, Is Peace Too Much to Ask for?
Isn't anyone Interested in this Idea in the U.S. Congress?
Aren't "We the People" entitled to a Say in Our Governments Course of Action? Don't "We" Deserve a Change in the Course of Action, and Policies, initiated by the Bush/Cheney Administration?
Truly, Is Peace Too Much to Ask for! Doesn't The World Deserve it? Peace at Last!

John Lennon sang "Give Peace a Chance," and when You, sincerely, consider this Idea, isn't it a Wonderful Thought!
After All of the Years of War that "We" have been Engaged in!
After All of the Lives that have been Lost. Many of them, Lost in Vain! Such as in The Vietnam War!
So, Why Not, Give Peace a Chance?

I would advise, that it is Time for this Course of Action to be Acted Upon, and, Immediately!
Why? Because then, The U.S. Government, and the Global Nations could Seriously Embark upon a New Course of Action, and Policy, to Eliminate Poverty, Starvation, and Homelessness! And in doing so, Save Millions of Lives!

How? By using the Funds designated to Fight Wars, and Use these Same Funds to Invest in a Peace Time Economy!
Which would give them No Excuse for Not Providing us with, A Universal Health Care Program, and Free Education, for Everyone! Every Citizen of the United States of America, and The World! I'm sure that, the IMF wouldn't mind Contributing to such a Meaningful Cause!
Why Not! Its already being Provided for, in the Western Industrialized Nations, so, Why Not in the U.S., and Althrough-out The World!
What's to Prevent this from Happening?

"We" Definitely Need a Change in Our Priorities, that Seems Obvious to Most Everyone! The System is Broken, that, also, Seems Obvious to Everyone!
So, Why Not show some Real Humanity towards the Citizens of this Great Country. It is "a Government of The People," isn't it!
Why Not! Isn't Life, as Precious as Death!
Isn't the Lives of Our Children, and Their Families Worth, at least, as Much, or More than a Stealth Bomber, or a Spy Satellite!
Isn't is Time "We Gave Peace a Chance!" Is that Too Much to Ask For?

If "We" continue to Follow this Course of War, "We" are going to begin Wondering, Who are the Bad Guy's? And, Who are the Good Guy's?
Especially, when the Actions, and Policies of our, supposed, Allies, and Enemies, all end up Causing New Acts of Terror,War, and Genocide!

As of Late, I've begun thinking that,there is Less than Six Degrees of Separation between all of us. I've come to the Belief that, there is, but, One! And, It is Peace versus War!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, whomever, and Wherever You May be on this the Third Planet from the Sun, Is it Too Much To Ask for, a World Living in Peace, and Harmony with Itself, and with One Another! Is this Too Much to Ask for?