Friday, July 31, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

A Capitalistic Oligarchy

This Country Works?

Recently I saw an Interview with Warren Buffett, and One of the Statements he made that stuck out in my mind was "This Country Works," (referring to the U.S.). I thought about this for quite awhile, and, eventually I thought that I understood what his meaning was. But then, I thought with Unemployment at 9.5%, Nationally, there seemed to be Something Totally Incongruous about his statement!

And, then to add to the fact that everywhere I, most recently, traveled along the East Coast of the U.S., I found a Great Amount of Discontentment, and Unemployment! Whether it be having a Conversation with a Bus Driver, in Orlando, Fl., or Listening to the Travails of a New Family in R.I., who were Unable to obtain a Bank Loan, even though both Husband and Wife had Employment, and Paid their Bills on Time, or Conversing with a Subway Passenger, in N.Y.C. Absolutely No One was Happy with the State of the Economy!

So, what did Mr. Buffett mean by "This Country Works!"

Surely, he couldn't be referring to the State of Michigan, where Unemployment is at 15%, so, What did he mean?

Now, because he is an Immensely Successful Business Man, and, to say that is a Gross Understatement, he Must Know Something that "We the People" are Not Privy to, Right?
But, what?

Well, I decided that I really didn't know!

However, just then I began to Reflect on the Reality that the U.S. Appears to be More and More a Capitalistic Oligarchy, than a Democracy, or, even a Republic, and that, gave me a Deeper Insight into the Country, and Conditioned Reality I Grew up Believing in!

For example; What could be the Cause for All of the White Collar Crime, and Corruption, in the U.S.? You could say Greed, and Lust for Power, However it all Lead Back to the U.S. being a Capitalistic Oligarchy!

And then, How could there be So Many Millionaires in the U.S., at a Time when, so Many Americans are Struggling Economically? Once again, the Answer was that "We" live in a Capitalistic Oligarchy!

And, Why are Wall Streets Profits on the Rise, while their are 2 Million Children Living in Poverty in the U.S.? Could it be that Our Countries Economic and Political Policies are being Driven by the Fact that the U.S. has become a Capitalistic Oligarchy?

This gave me Food for Thought, and, Just Maybe, Now,I Understand Why, Mr. Buffett said "This Country Works!

Think about it! Over the Last 3 Decades, How many U.S. Presidents were Millionaires? All but One!

On a Final Note, If the U.S. is to Be the Leader of the Worlds Democracies, Our Elective Officials, and Business Leaders must Practice what "They" (the Infamous "They") Preach!

"We" are supposed to be "A Government of the People, For the People, and By the People," aren't "We?" And, Not a Capitalistic Oligarchy!

Voices of Reason, Whomever, and Wherever You may be Do Not Hesitate to Interject Solar Axioms into the Foray of Lies, and Rhetoric, that Surrounds us, and, at Times, Impedes us from Acheving our Goals of World Peace, Racial Equalty, and A Shared Propserity or One and All!

It is the Only Way to Transcend the Conditioned Reality, and False Way of Life that Capitalistic Oligarchs have Used to Control, and Manipulate us, to Do their Bidding, No matter how Horrific it May Be!

And Remember, Together "We" are a Soul Force that Can Not be Denied!