Monday, July 27, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Strategic Politics, Health Care, Economics, War
& The Invisible Man!

The Problem with Strategic Politics, Health Care, Economics, and War, is that, in spite of what its Authors Proclaim, these Strategies Lacks any Real Concern for the Lives and Welfare of "We the People!" They simply adhere to whatever the Ole AlMighty Bottom Line, and Global Map of Influence is!

For example; For how long has everyone in the U.S. Congress known that "We" have a Dysfunctional Health Care System that is Broken, with Seemingly Insurmountable Costs, that are having a Negative effect on our Economy, and, Is Providing us with a Health Care Service that is mediocre! Just ask anyone who has had to Wait in an Emergency Room for Hours, until they Received Attention for Whatever their MedicalConcern was!

There has to Be a New State of Equanimity and Profit Sharing that is Beneficial to Doctors, Nurses, Hospitals, the Insurance Industry, and Most Importantly "We the People!" One that Includes Everyone! Whether they are Employed, or Not!
One that Protects and Serves the Best Interests of Our Families! For the Sake of our Future Generations!

The Time is Now, for a Universal Health Care System that Can Be Implemented, Immediately!

"We Can Not Afford any Further Delays by the U.S. Congress! They, already, have The Best Health Care Benefits that Money can Buy, Thanks to "We the People!"
Now, its our Turn to Enjoy these Same Benefits!

And, Unfortunately, Once again, the Reality of Racism has Flared up in the U.S. Most of us have Experienced One Form of Racism, or Another, Growing up in the U.S., and, Its, Definitely Time for this Ugly Condition of the Humanity to be Ended! Once and for All! If, in Fact, Change is to Come for One and All to Share! One of True Racial Equality!
And, Both Men and Women, Must Step up Their Active Engagement Towards Attaining this Goal!
"We Must Achieve this New State of Equanimity and Equality, if "We" are to Survive as a Global Society that Both, Accepts, and Respects the Lives of All Sentient Beings!"
If there is any Worthwhile Common Cause, that Should Be One of the Anthems of the New Millennium, Racial Equality should be at the Top of the List!

On Another Note, I find this Concept that Our Economy is No Longer in a Recession to be Unbelievable to me! Unemployment in Michigan is 15%, and Nationally it is at 9.5%!
Production levels are still in a State of Decline! And, our Earnings are Barely Enough to Care for our Families!
And, the Shame of it All, is that the Obama Administration and the U.S. Congress has Not kept Their Word to Reinvest the More than Seven Hundred Billion Dollars, That They Passed in the Recovery and Reinvestment Act into our Economy, which would have Provided us, with Immediate Jobs, Greatly lessened the Credit Crises, Paid for Bad Mortgages, and Given us a Sense of Pride in our Elective Officials!
A Sense of Pride, and Feeling that "They" Really Cared for our Welfare!
What are "They" Waiting for!

And, on a Final Note, By Christmas the U.S. will have More than Sixty Thousand Troops in Afghanistan! As "We" are All Aware of, by Now, President Obama, and His Administration have Decided to Embark upon a New Escalation of Warfare, One that has, already, Resulted in an Escalation of Deaths, and Estimations have been made that this War will continue on One Level or Another, for, at least,Ten more Years!
When will "They" ever Learn that War, by, and, in itself, is Not the Answer!

If Our Government had Invested the same amount of Finance in Re-Building Afghanistan's Economy, instead of Leaving them to Depend on their Illegal Poppy
Trade, Afghanistan would have, already, Advanced Economically and Culturally as an Independent Sovereign Nation in The New Millennium!
And, able to Defend themselves! Instead, we are using War, as our Main Weapon, to Bring about Change!

Where is Obama, the Candidate of the Peace Movement, That, so Many Trusted, and Believed would Effect Change in the U.S. and Bring our Troops Back Home?
That Obama has become the Invisible Man!

And, Remember, there are Still, at least, One Hundred and Thirty Thousand of our Armed Forces, Still, in Iraq! Re-missioning our Troops to Afghanistan is Not Bringing Them Home!

Yes, "We" need Change, However, this is Not the Change that Millions of Americans voted for!

It would be of Great Assistance to World Peace, if, Our Government used the Talents, and Natural Abilities of More of our Generals, and Diplomats of Peace, Working In Concert with Each other, to Effect a Global Change in World Affairs that would Bring about an Everlasting Peace on Earth!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Whomever, and Wherever You May Be,
It Will Take a Great Effort to Bring about Peace on Earth, However, I Can Not Think of a More Noble Cause for us to Devote our Lives to, Other than Erasing Poverty, and Racial Inequality, Once and For All from The Face of This Earth!