Friday, July 10, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Its Time To Move Forward

There Must be a Song that "We" can All Sing Together. A Song of Sharing! A Song of Peace! A Song of Kindness! A Song of Hope!

There Must be Something that Brings Us All Together, as One People, and One World!
Why? Because the Time To Move Forward towards a Universal Evolution of All Sentient Beings is Now!

There is No Time to Wait, or Hesitate, The Time to Act, is Now!

Its Time to Move Forward, and, in doing so, Erase the Conditioned Barriers that Continue to Manipulate, and Control Us!

Its Time to Move Forward, and, in doing so, Let Our Actions Transcend the World of Politics, that Continues to Impede Us. Remember that The System is broken!

Its Time to Create a New World, that Includes Every Sovereign State, However, A New World that Provides a Home for Each and Every Citizen of The Earth!
Why should any Man, Women, or Child Be Without a Home, or Meal!
This is The Twenty-First Century, The New Millennium, Why should anyone Die of Poverty, or Starvation!

The Earth is Rich in Resources, Rich in Wealth, and, Rich in Free Enterprise, so, Why should any Man, or Woman Be without Employment!
Why can "We" not Share the Wealth and Prosperity of this Planet, Humanistically and, in Equanimity!
Its Time to Care for those who are in Need!

And, Its Time to Rise above the Fruitless Acts of War, Crime, and Violence!

Its Time to Embrace the Innocent, and Protect Them from Dictators, Tyrants, and Sophists!

Its Time to Reach Out to Those who are Less Fortunate, and Can No Longer Care for Themselves, or Their Families, Due to the Transgressions against Humanity that have, for Far Too Long, Gone Unpunished by The United Nations!

Its Time to Touch the Hearts and Souls of The Many who have Lost Their Children, (Due to a Lack of Health Care) and Feed and Heal The World!

Its Time to Move Forward towards a World of Peace and Harmony for One and All!
And, Its Time to Let Go of a System that is, Quite Simply, Dysfunctional, and Does Not Work!

Its Time to Change the Borders that Shape the Sovereign States of This Earth, to Reach Beyond Nationalities, Races, and Creeds! Thereby Creating a World of Inclusion, and Not Exclusion!

Its Time to Believe in Something more than Diamonds and Gold, or, Fame and Fortune!

Its Time to Be One World, One People, and, One Nation, of this The Third Planet from The Sun!

"We" All Live Parallel Lives, in this Universe, that can have a Positive Effect upon One Another, and, Its Time that "We" Realize the Greater Importance of this!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers wherever, and whomever You may be, Be of Good Courage, and Soulful Spirit, The Time to Move Forward is Now!