Monday, July 20, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

There's a Great Blues Song that the Legendary Billie Holiday recorded that begins with her singing these lyrics ever so Soulfully; "Them that's got Shall Have, Them that not Shall Lose," and, Unfortunately, this Global Society of the Third Planet from The Sun, Continues to Evolve along a Path of Economic En Slavery, and Social Cast System that can only Lead us to Self Destruction!

"We" have been Coerced, and Manipulated to Believe that "We" have Free Will, and have Access to the Free Enterprise System, However, this is Not True!
It just been made to appear to be This way!

The Political, Financial, and Health Care Systems have been Corrupted and Broken, so, What is left for "We the People" to Believe in?

The Prelates and Spiritual Leaders of the World Religions are Not Actively Engaged in Guiding us into the New Millennium, so, in Whom do "We" Trust?

And, it is Obvious that the Fundamental Principles of Capitalism Lack a True Soul, and Conscious Awareness, and, Is Not Compatible with a Democratic Way of Life, No matter how much "They" (the Infamous "They") try to Convince us that it is!

And, Unfortunately, President Obama is Behaving as if He is, No more than an Eloquent a two year Senator from Illinois. And, He continues to Demonstrate that He lacks the Leadership Qualities that "We the People" need for the Evolution and Care of Our Families, and Our Society!
The Ranks of the Unemployed and Homeless have Not Diminished, as the President and His Administration told us would happen, They have Increased, and Continue to Grow at Record Rates! And, "We the People" can No Longer wait until "They" do something about it!
If the President, and His Administration had any Real Compassion for the Millions of American Citizens who are Out of Work, and Out of Money, "They" would stop making Excuses, and Make it a Priority to Distribute the Funds from Recovery and Reinvestment Act Immediately, into Our Hands.
"We" were told that the Passage of this Act would Prevent Unemployment from Rising, and End the Housing, and Credit Crises, Significantly, Before Summer! And, "We" Can Not Wait for another Two Years!
Why should "We" have to? The Banks have Not had to Wait, so, Why should "We the People" be put in this Position when it is the Wages of "We the People" who are Paying for all of these Bail Outs, to begin with!

"We" are Constantly being told Half Truths, or asked to Wait until "They've completed their Research, such as is the case of the Health Care Reform Bill the U.S. Congress is, at present, working on.
Well, where have "They" been for the last 16 years! And, as usual it will be "We the People" who will end up Paying for Reforms that will Not include "All of the People" of this Great Country!
Just as "We" are being asked to Pay for the 3 Wars that our Government is actively Engaged in, after Years of Being Told that "We" Won Both Wars already, in Iraq, and Afghanistan, and are Winning the Global War on Terror as well!

Where is the Money Coming from! Who can Continue to Pay for these Policies of Chaos! Doesn't anyone in Congress Believe that our Economy is in a Recession!
Our States are Barely able to Pay Their Budgets!

The Leaders of the U.S. Oligarchy, only Pay for what "They" Believe will Profit Themselves, and, Unfortunately for us, "We" are Nothing more than Consumers, and Pawns in Their Game Plan!

I'm sure that Each of Us Have Met Hard Working Neighbors, Friends, and Family, who are on the Verge of Giving Up, and, are Slowly but Surely Losing Faith in Themselves. Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Speak Up and Speak Out, Let Your Voices Be Heard above the Din of Injustice, and In Equality! And, Give Voice to Those who are In Need!
It is Time for us to Build a New World Society, that Embraces, Gives Grace, Supports, and Cares for Everyone who Exists on this The Third Planet from the Sun!