Saturday, August 28, 2010




In my Travels I have been Greatly Impressed by The Architectural History that I've viewed! It has Been, both, A Moving and Inspirational Sight to See!
However, It has, also, Given me The Insight to See, and, Further to Contemplate over The Burdens of History that "We," Human Beings Have had to Share!
And that, "We" have Not had The Proper Time, Needed, to Mourn, Sufficiently, Over The Passing of Those "We've" Lost!

And, "We've"have Not had The Meaningful Time Needed to Grieve, or, Feel a Sense of Relief from The Stress that "We've Incurred, or, that which Our Ancestors have Incurred! And, It has Not Given Us The Opportunity to Experience A New Beginning in Our Lives!

It has Been An Unfortunate Re-Occurrence that from Generation to Generation, or, More Precisely from Millennia to Millennia, Too Many Civilian and Military Leaders of The Worlds Nations have Chosen to Be, either, The Protagonists of Peace, or, Have Chosen to Engage in A Course of War or Violent Confrontation, in Their Attempt to Claim a Piece of The Earth for Their Own Selfish Purpose!

And, in Doing so, Our Ancestors, and Their Predecessors, who have Soldiered in these Ongoing Wars and Conflicts, Leading Up 'Til The Ongoing, UN-Declared Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan/Pakistan, and Global and Regional Conflicts in General, and The War on Terror, Have Not had Time to Heal! And, Our Children Continue to Come Home in, either, Coffins or Wounded Physically, and, or Mentally!

Think of It, Whole Generations of Families Devastated by The Loss of Their Children, or, having Been Brutalized by The Immoral Acts that Accompany Each, supposed, "Military Campaign to Glory!"
What An Enormous Burden "We've" Been asked to Carry without Proper Compensation or Release!

The Sadness, The Tragedy, The Guilt, and The Victories of War have Been, One and All, Immersed into One Grand Illusion of what World Conquest, and Dominance is Supposed to Be! And, Its Time for The Truth to Set Us Free!

There is No Glory in these Global Quests for Fame, Power, and Fortune! But, There is Death, Destruction, Mutilation, Fear, and Physchological Damage Beyond One's Imagination!

And, Its Time that "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth sent A Clear and Concise Message to The World Nations Current, Civilian and Military Leaders, that "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Have Endured More than Enough Death, Tragedy and Destruction in Our Lives, to Last Us for Another One Hundred Years, and Enough is Enough!

And, It is of The Utmost Importance that "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Clearly Instruct Our Children that Violent Aggression, or Pre-Meditated Acts of War and Violence are Not The Way of Life that "We" Believe in, or Adhere to!

Until "We" Stop Our Children from Being Apart of, or, from Following in The Path of Violence without a Valid Cause or Reason, "We" Will Continue to Be Led Down a Never-ending Path of Manipulation and Mind Conditioning! And, This is Not An Acceptable Path for Our Present and Future Generations! And, It Must Be Brought to An End!

"We" are at A New Dawn of Human Evolution, Thanks to The Information and Intelligence that One Can Derive from The World of Global Communication! The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe have Given Us Immediate Access to The Truth, and that is Why, The Winds of Change are Here and Now!

And Because, "We" have Been Empowered by This Global Age of Instant Communication, "We" Can Set Up An Earthrise Movement of Global Peace Dialogues in Every Town, Village, City, State, and Nation, through Peace Chat Rooms, All Over The Earth! All you Need is A Computer to Link Up with A Global Network of Non-Violent Peacemakers and Voices of Reason!

And, Altogether, "We" Can Call For The Military and Civilian Leaders of The Earths Nations to Come Together, and Reach A Unanimous Accord to Call For A Global Truce, and Conduct Peace Dialogues amongst All of The Peace Loving, and Warring Factions Of This Planet Earth!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Martin Luther King had "A Dream!" Mahatma Gandhi, Led A Great "Satyagraha" Movement! And, This is Our Place in Time to Make a Difference, and Change Our Millennia into An Age of Peace!

"We," already, have in Place, The Global Armed Forces of The Earths Free Nations to Defend and Protect The Peace, and to Keep Us from Harms Way! So, Let Our Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, Instruct These Brave Women and Men To Be Servants "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," and For Peace On Earth!
And, By Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions, Let Us Be A Great Soul Force of Peace and Change, In Equanimity and In Harmony with The Universe's Natural State of Being and Evolution!

And, As Citizens Of the Earth, Let Us Embrace Each Other as A Universal Part of The Family of Humankind and All Sentient and Inanimate Beings!
"We" are All Citizens Of The Earth! There is No Six Degree of Separation Between Us! "We" are "One People," Existing Under The Moon and Sun! And, Our Home is The Earth and The Universe Of Stars and Planets that Inhabit The Cosmos!
And, Its Time that "We"Gave Peace A Chance to Flourish on Earth! So that, The Winds of Change Can Carry The Seeds of Peace All Over This Sacred Planet of Ours!
This is the Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!