Thursday, August 26, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXXXV

As The Hot Sun of August Beats Down Upon Us, Let Us Remain Focused on This Crossroads in Time! For "We" are Presented with The Beginning of A New Dawn! And, There is No Denying that A Change Must Come!
The Reasons are Many, But, For One, The Disparity that Continues to Exit Between The Elite, and The Hard Working Employee's/Citizens Of The Earth, has Grown Disproportionately Beyond Comprehension!
There are Too Many who are Working For Too Many Hours a Week, and Receiving Less than What They Deserve, While Paying More Taxes than They Should Be! And, A Change Must Come!

This is The 21st Century, Not The Middle Ages! This Should be An Age of Equanimity, Not an Age of Class Discrimination and Racial Inequality, and Prejudicial Racial Profiling!
And Secondly, There are Too Many Living in Refugee Camps, Displaced from Their Family and Homes Due to Regional Conflicts, and War!
And, Too Many of Us are Living in Temporary Housing Conditions, Due to Natural Disasters or Man Made One's, that are Unsanitary and Uncivilized! And, A Change Must Come!

This Should Be An Age of Cultural Awareness, Coupled with A Peoples Evolution that is In Parallel with The Universal Evolution of The Cosmic Creation!

But, For The Winds of Change to Bring about A New Season of Peace On Earth, New Peacemakers and Voices of Reason are Needed to Come Forth as Enlightened Visionaries of The 21st Century, and, as True Representatives "Of The People!"
"We The People," have Been Taken Advantage of, For Much Too Long! And, "We" have Been Taken For Granted, For Much Too Long!

"We" are Not Marketing Statistics that Can Be Conditioned and Manipulated to Think as Some Government or Corporate Think Tank would like Us to, For Their Own Self Interests and Purposes!
And, Its Time that "We" were Given The Respect that "We" are Due, Since, It is a Fact, "We" are The Economic Backbone of The Global Economy!
And, Its Time that "We" were Acknowledged as Being The Conscience and Soul Of The Earths Free Societies! These, are Just a Few of The Reasons Why, A Change Must Come, Philosophically and Spiritually, Especially amongst The Earths Civilian and Military Leaders! For, The Winds of Change are Blowing!

But, Whether You are A Parent, Politician, Economist, Philosopher, Military, Civilian, Religious or Spiritual Leader, "We" Must "One and All," Walk The Walk," and "Talk The Talk" of Peace and Change, 24 Hours a Day, and 7 Days a Week! And, There Can Not Be any Half Hearted Attempts!
And, We" Must "One and All," Resist, in Turn, The Voices of Rhetoric, Chaos, Deceit, Violence, and Dishonesty!

Let Us Speak, in Turn, The Language of Peace and Evolution!
Let Us Speak, in Turn, The Language of Non-Violence and Inspiration!
And, Let Us Erase The Language of Expletives and Invectives from Our Minds, Idea's. Thoughts, and Words!
And, Let Our Actions Culminate into An Earthrise Movement and Demonstration of Peace for "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth! And, An Emancipation Declaration "Of, By and For The People!" This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries,
Though "We" are But A Waft of Air of This Great Universal Wind of Change, Let Us, still Be A Great Soul Force, Satyagraha, that Represents The Myriad Life Forms Of This Planet Earth!

And, Let Us, as One Voice, Call for A Global Truce amongst All Warring Factions of This Planet Earth to Engage in Universal Peace Dialogues, Bent on Informing All Civilian and Military Leaders of The Global Nations, that Its Time for Them to Find New Solutions For The Earth Wide Advancement and Establishment of Peace On Earth!
And, Let Us, Spread The Word of Our Peace Initiatives via The Global Internet and The Cross-Media Universe!

And, Let Us, always, Remember that "We are The World," so, Let's Make This World of Ours A Reflection of Our Peace Vision!

And, Let Us, always, Remember that, "We" are One People, Living on This The Third Planet from The Sun!

But, Before "We" Inhabit The Universe as New Voyagers and Pioneers of The New Millennium, Let Us First, Learn to Live In Peace on Earth!

And, If Force is Necessary to Protect and Defend Our Principles and Way of Life, May Our Global Armed Forces Do so, But only, To Serve as Our Safe Guards, In The Name of Peace!

Yes, "We" are at A Great Crossroads in Time, that Can Give Birth to A Magnificent Age of Universal Change and Destiny, that "One and All," Can Share in Harmony and Equality, and, In Justice and Equanimity For One and All!"
And that, This is A Vision Path Worth The Sacrifice and Commitment to, as well as, For The Salvation and Grace of Our Present and Future Generations! And that, Its a Worthwhile Reason For Giving Peace A Chance!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!