Thursday, August 12, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXXXI

Have "We" Forgotten The Value of Life? Have "We" Taken For Granted The Value of One Woman, or Man's Life? Has it Become To Easy For Our Civilian and Military Leaders to Send Our Children to Fight in Wars on Foreign Shores?

From "Dishonor Killings" as Documented in Marianne Smothers Muni's "Quest for Honor,"Following The Activist Struggle of Runak Faranj to Eradicate Honor Killings in Iraq, to The Genocide in The Congo as Documented in "Pushing The Elephant," Film by Beth Davenport and Elizabeth Mandel, Showing the Heroic Struggle of Rose Mapendo! To Drug Wars, and Gang Bangers! To Suicide Bombers and, to Driving Intoxicated, the List Goes On and On!

Have "We" Forgotten The True Meaning of Life? Have "We" Been so Indoctrinated By A Conditioned Way of Life that "We've " Come to Believe All The Lies that have been Told to Us, Under The Guise of Traditions, Religion, Political Ideologies, or Financial Delusions, that has Led to Make Us Believe in A "Profit at Any Cost Philosophy!"

Have "We" been so Mislead by Our Civilian and Military Leaders Of The Earths Nations that "We" Can No Longer See the Truth, or Hear The Truth!

Have All the Lies, Rhetoric, Half Truths, Manipulations and Temptations, Left Us Unable to Discern What is Real from What is Not Real! In Director Stephen Marshall's "Holy Wars," I watched Men of God Bent on Destroying Each Other in The Name of God!
To what Good is there in Taking The Life of Your Fellow Human Being! What a Tragic Waste of Life This is!

"We" are at A New Crossroads of Modern Civilization, Do "We" have The Soul Power to Make The Changes Needed to Evolve into An Age of Peace, Wisdom, Enlightenment, Equality, and An Age of Shared Prosperity For "One and All?"
Yes, I Believe that "We" Do!

Do "We" have The Global Armed Forces to Enforce, Maintain, Protect, and Preserve The Ideals Of Peace and Freedom For "One and All!" Yes, again, I Sincerely Believe that "We" Do!

Do "We" have The Civilian and Military Leadership and Resolve in Place to Enact Out The Wishes and Emancipation Declaration "Of, By, and For The People?"

A Season Of Change is, once again, Upon Us! And, It is Obvious that "We" are All in Agreement that This Change is A Necessary One, For "One and All!"
And, "We" know it in Our Hearts, Minds, and Souls to Be True!" To what Degree, is what is Needed to Be Discussed in Peace Dialogues All over This Sacred Earth of Ours!
And, In New Peace Platforms and Events that Should Be Set up to Address The Need For A New Perspective Of Change!
It is Re-Assuring to See Film Producers and Directors Doing so, in Events such as IDA, at The IFC Center in NYC!
It is Re-Assuring to Hear it in New Music By; Taboo of The Black Eyed Peas "One Heart, One Beat," and Gabriele & Joseph Tranchina's New Cd "A Song Of Love's Color!" Or, By The 40 Billionaires who've Pledged to Give Half of Their Fortunes To Charity!

Unconsciously or Consciously, A New Wind of Change Renewing Our Spirit!
Just The Thought of it, Gives Hope to Those of Us who are Poor and Destitute!

Just The Thought of it, Brings A Smile to The Peace Activist who has Labored For A Decade in Hopes of An End to War, and A Peace Change!
Just The Thought of it!

Women and Men, Saints and Martyrs, Prophets and Voices of Moderation and Reason, "One and All," Since The Beginning of Civilization have Made The Idea of Peace and Freedom For "One and All," under God, Their Priority!
Their Names have Illuminated The Dark Time Periods Althrough-out The History of Human Kind, and Still Does! Jesus Of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Confucius, Zoroaster, Lao-Tse, Melchizedek Machiventa, Muhammad, Socrates, St. Francis Of Assisi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther King have All been Moved Deeply By The Meaning and Essence Of Life!
And, They've been Empowered By The Universal Omnipresent Spirit of Life! And, The Sanctity of The Life Force, that is Manifested in All Sentient Beings! And, have Taught Us By Their Example to Rejoice and Share in The Beauty of Life's True Nature! This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, A Time of Healing is Upon Us and Is Greatly Needed!
A Season Of Renewal is Here and Now, and Greatly Needed!

Let Us Call Upon Our Civilian and Military Leaders to Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue! The Lives of Billions of Us are at Stake!

The Lives of Our Children and Their Children, and Their Children's Children are at Stake!

The Lives of All Sentient Beings of This Planet Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun, is at Stake, and The Quality Of Life, and The Earths Survival!

Let Us Reach Out to One Another via The Global Internet and The Cross-Media Universe and Spread The Word of Our Earthrise Movement of Peace!
The Time has Come for Each and Everyone of Us, Who Value The True Meaning Of Life to "Give Peace A Chance!" Too Many Lives have been Lost in Vain! Too Many Lives have been Traded and Sold, and Raped and Imprisoned, Out Of An Evilness, Total Disregard and Disrespect For Ones Fellow Being! And, A Change Must Come!
"We" are All Citizens Of The Earth! And, This Earth of Ours is Made Up of A Myriad Diverse Life Forms, All of which Should be Respected By "One and All!"
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!