Monday, August 2, 2010




The Ego of War!
The U.S. is Beginning to Resemble, more and more, An Imperialist Nation and Not The Leader of The Free World Nations that It is Supposed to Be!

If "We" are to Fight in A War, Let it Stand for Something that is Clear, Real, Admirable and Meaningful to The Citizens Of The World!
And, Let there Be A Global Consensus, or, At the Least A Consensus of The Populace in The U.S. that Supports The War, Before Entering into it, or Escalating it!
And, Can't "We" Stabilize Afghanistan Without Sending 94,00 Members of The U.S. Armed Forces there? After all, Its Been Almost a Decade of Fighting there!

And, Haven't "We"Learned Anything at All, Since The Vietnam UN-Declared War?
Do "We" have to Send Our Young Women and Men to Fight in Yet, Another UN-Declared War, that Appears to be Never-ending?

And, Why is There No Exist Strategy? Could it Be because Exit Strategies are Not Apart of The U.S. Imperialist Global Plan! A Policy Which Appears to Be, "Policing The World!"

And, it Appears that, only when The Timing is in Place, or, if there is Too Much Resentment against The Seemingly Never-ending, Ongoing Conflict, Does The U.S. Finally Begin to Withdraw A Token Amount of Our Troops! But, only to Satisfy The Anti-War Movement, or Public Opinion!
And, The Underlining Reason for Doing this is Usually to Prevent One Political Party, or Another from Losing Power in The U.S. Government or Wherever The UN-Declared War/Conflict has Become UN-Popular!

It Truly Amazes me about The Seemingly Lack of Caring Attitude, or The Taking it For Granted Attitude, that The Global Civilian and Military Leaders Of The Worlds Nations have Taken in regards to Using The Lives Of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, to Implement, and then Enforce, and then Re-Enforce Their Personal Agendas and Policies!
This Point, alone, is As Great A Tragedy and Offense, The World has Ever Known, Because, Of The Centuries of Loss that This Policy Making Philosophy has Caused Billions of Families All Across This Planet Earth!

Take The Time to Think about This Simple, and Yet, very Disturbing Point of Contention as You Historically Review The Global Events Surrounding Each New Empire Nation that has Conquered, and then Controlled The Nations of The Earth!
Which is All The More Obvious, Why A Change Must Come! A Peace Change!

Is is So Difficult for The U.S. and The Coalition Forces to Leave Afghanistan, and, or Iraq (as it Now Appears)! Yes! But, Why? Its Not as if The U.S. and The Coalition Forces have Lost A Major Battle in Either Iraq or Afghanistan/Pakistan! So, what is The Problem! Oh, of course, The Ole Psychological One! Or, Is is An Egotistical One! Or is it, Quite Simply, A Territorial One!

But, Tell that to The 66 Members of The U.S. Armed Forces who've Lost Their Lives Fighting in These UN-Declared Wars for The Month of July!

And, Tell this to Their Families and Friends who are Still in Mourning over The Loss of Their Family Members and Friends!

Tell this to The 160 Members of Our Armed Forces who've Committed Suicide and The 1, 170 Others who've Attempted Suicide!

Tell this to The Tens of Thousands who've Been Injured and Lost Their Limbs!

Tell this to The Families of The 6, 000, or More, Members of Our Armed Forces whose Graves have been Misplaced or Mislabeled!

Tell this to The Millions of Innocents who've Lost Their Lives in The Name of War!
And, Tell This to The Millions who've Been Forced to Flee from Their Homes and Countries and are Living as Refugee's in Neighboring Nations, and, or in Camps that are An Offense to Any Sane Human Being to Live in!

"We The People," Citizens Of The Earth have been Victimized by War and The Conditions of War for Far Too Long to Even Imagine! And, This is Why A Change Must Come!

A Total Change in The Political and Economical Philosophy and Way of Doing Business by The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations, which is Why Its Time for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to Right The Wrongs that have been Perpetrated against The People! And, Begin anew In An Age of Peace and Shared Prosperity For "One and All!"

And, A Peace Time Economy Should Be Unanimously Agreed upon! With A Universal Escrow Account that is Specifically Set up to Address The Social Security and Welfare of The Citizens Of The Earth!
It is Time that An Untouchable Portion of Our Taxes Be Guaranteed, and Used Solely for The Benefit of "We The People!"
And, A New Financial System that is Of, For, and By the People!"
This is The Way To Peace! A Peace Time Economy! And A Peace Millennium! Truly its Time for A New Season Of Peace On Earth!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries,
There Will Always Be Forces of Chaos, Evil, Destruction, and Mayhem amongst Us, and This is Why, if "We" are to Defend and Protect Our Way Of Life, and The Principles of Peace and Freedom that "We" Stand for, Let it Be in The Name of Peace and Freedom that is, "Of, By and For The People!"And, Not for Reasons that are Unclear or Unreal!

And, May Our Earthrise Movement of Peace Be One that Illuminates The Future Horizons Of The Earth For A Time Eternal!

And, May "We" Be A Great Soul Force of Peace that is For A Time Everlasting!

And, Let Us Spread The Word of Our New Millennium Emancipation Declaration Of Peace On Earth via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe! And, through Non-Violent Demonstrations!
And, Let Us Vote For Women and Men who are Committed to Advancing The Quality Of Life "Of, By, and For the People," in The Next Elecions!

And, Let Us Always Remember that "We" are One World, and One People, Citizens Of The Earth! And that, No One is An Immigrant!

And, Let Us Remember that "We" are "One Heart, One Beat," as Taboo of The Black Eyed Peas has Beautifully Shared with Us!

And, Let's "Give Peace A Chance,"as John & Yoko and A Few Good Friends Shared with Us Many Decades ago!

And, while The Times have Changed, Unfortunately Somethings have Remained The Same, And War Must Come to An End, For Once and For All! Too Many Tears Of Love have Fallen in Pain! And A Change Must Come!
This is the Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!