Sunday, August 15, 2010




The Universe is Change! There in Lies Equanimity, Peace, Tranquility, Knowledge, Understanding, and Enlightenment! All New Beginnings and Endings are Nothing Less or More Than Change! So, What are "We" Waiting for?
This is The Time Period for A People Evolution that is Consistent and In Parallel with The Cosmos, to Evolve! But, To Do that, "We" have to Show Compassion For Our Fellow Human Being!
It has Occurred to me that Perhaps The Powers that Be, and The Global Politicians are Selectively Choosing whatever Victims and Agonies that are Causing Us, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Great Sadness, Pain, Sorrow, and Death, To Focus on, and Give Their Closest Attention to? And, if so, Why Take this Course of Action? Are "We" so Dispensable?
Why Not just Focus on Finding The Remedies and Solutions Needed to Address These Issues and Concerns that Most Directly have A Negative Effect on Us? A Change Must Come!

But, it Must be A Change that is Consistent with The Universes Unlimited State of Equanimity! Which is Change!
There is A saying that, "What Must Be, Must be!" But is This A Solar Axiom, or, Just Another Man Made One/Delusion!

And, Its Time for Our Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations to Stop Being Resistant to Change, and Understand that Trying to Do so, is Like Trying to Count The Waves in The Earths Oceans! Change Must Come!
And, "They" Must Learn to Understand that, There is No Sense in Trying to Prevent The Return of A Peace Time Global Economy! Because, Change Must Come!

And, There is No Sense to War, or Regional Conflicts! Because, There is No Strategic Value to Them! They only Cause Destruction and This is the Time For A New Re-Construction and Re-Investment in The Earths Infrastructures! And, It is Time for A New Age, with New Economical, Political, Religious, and Social Parameters! The Old One's, along with War Time Economies, simply, Do Not Work in This New Millennium of Scientific, Technological, and Cultural Evolution! A Change Must Come!

There are Moments of Splendor when An Athlete, Artist, or Woman or Man Of The Times Enters into The Zone and Everything that She or He Does Can Not be Stopped or Denied! These are Moments that Can Lead to Great Happenings! And, that Time Zone is Upon Us! So, Let it Be! Because, This to, is A Sign of The Times and A Change Must Come!

A New Awakening is At Hand! An Earthrise Movement and Great Soul Force that Desires A Complete and Total Change in The Way The World of Business is Done!

And, A Total and Complete Change in The World of Partisan Politics Must Come to Be! And, In Its Place Should Grow, A New Participatory One that Represents "The People," and Not Special Interest Groups and The Lobbyists of Capitalistic Oligarchs!

Its Time For A New 21st Century Emancipation Declaration "Of, By and For The People!" Nothing Less than that Will Be Accepted! Why? Because, A New Season Of Change has Come! And, This Time of Change Demands that A Call For A Global Truce and A Peace Dialogue Be Called For by The Earths Civilian and Military Leaders Of The United Nations! Its Time that "They" All Committed to Being Apart of The Peace Change!
In Addition to that, A New Calling For Peace Dialogues Should Be Held by "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth All Across This Sacred Planet of Ours! This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Universal Conscious Awareness, Truth, and Compassion be Our Guide!

And, Let Us, always, Remember that "All Things Must Pass," as George Harrison Composed and Sang, But Even More Importantly is that "All Things are Possible if "We" Believe it To Be!"

So, Let Us Be True Believers, as "The Freedom Riders" did, and as The Anti-War Demonstrators and Students have Done!
And, Let Us Believe in Satyagraha as did Millions of Citizens of what was To Be, and Is India!
The Poor and The Destitute Expect No Less from Us! Our Children Expect No Less from Us!
Jesus Of Nazareth, Mahatma Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Muhammad, Confucius, Zoroaster, Melchizedek Machiventa, Socrates, St. Francis Of Assisi, Lao-Tse, Martin Luther King, Rose Mapendo, Runak Faranj, Jim Zwerg, Diane Nash, John Lewis, and Rosa Parks would Expect Nothing Less from Us! And, "We" Must All Do Our Part! This New Age and Season of Change Depends On Us!

So, Let Us Walk This Vision Path of Peace Together, United in Change Eternal! And, Respectful Of All Sentient Beings of Life's Gift Everlasting! And that, "We" are All Citizens Of This Universe of Change!
"We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun are All One! One Under The Moon and Sun, Indivisible! And, No One Here and Now, is An Immigrant!

And, Let Us Spread The Word of Our New Awakening via The Global Internet and The Cross-Media Universe!
And, Let us Demonstrate it, Non-Violently, in Each and Every Idea, Thought, Word and Action!
For, A New Age of Global Understanding, Wisdom, and Justice "For One and All," is Here and Now, and Can Not Be Denied Us!

And, Let Us, always, Remember that The Gift of Life is Omni-Present and Universal, and This Gift is Ours to Respectfully Share with One Another in Unlimited Eddies of Equanimity, Freely!
A Change Must Come and It Has! Let's "Give Peace A Chance!"
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!