Friday, August 6, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXXIX

For how long have "We" been on this Journey Together! For how many Millennia! For how long has The Battle between those who would Restrict Us and Prevent Us From Living in Peace and Freedom, and The Heroes who've Defended Our Rights to Evolve and Live in Peace been Going on!
And, Still the Armed and Psychological Conflict Continues to Threaten The Free Societies and Nations Of The Earth!

And, For how long has God been Used as A Reason for War! Immediately The Insight, Intelligence, and Sensitivity of Bob Dylan's "With God On Our Side," Comes to Mind!

I am Grateful for The Cultural Evolution that Continues to Speak Out against The Enemies of Peace and Freedom, and Racial Equality!

I am Grateful for the New Song by Taboo of The Black Eyed Peas, "One Heart, One Beat!"

I am Grateful for the New World Fusion Artists who've Come Forth with New Cd's In The Name of Love and Peace, such as; Gabriele & Joseph Tranchina's "A Song Of Love's Color!"

I am Grateful for "We are The World," the Original and Most Recent Version!

I am Grateful for John & Yoko's "Give Peace A Chance!" And Ringo's Request that the Word "Peace" be Mentioned on His Birthday!

I am Grateful for WyClef Jean Coming Forward to Run For The Presidency of Haiti!

"We" Need More Artists, Producers, Arrangers, Vocalists and Composers to Come Forth with New Songs of Love, Peace, Freedom, and Equality!
Its Time for Artists of All of All Creative Forms of Expression to Come Forth to Uplift, Encourage, and Enlighten Us with Their Universal Themes and Anthems of One World, and, Of The People Of The Earth Living in Equanimity and Harmony with One Another!

For how long are the Words of Our Great Ancestors, Saints, Martyrs, Heroes and Heroines, Going to Go Unheeded! Its Time that "We" All Spoke Out in One Voice "Let's Give The Earth An Opportunity to Evolve in Peace and Be in Peace!"

And, Its Time To Heal Our Wounds, Not Make New Ones!

Its Time To Educate Our Children in The Ways of Peace, Knowledge, and Freedom, and Not in The Foolishness and Destruction of War!

Its Time "We" Cared for The Poor and Destitute, Not Ignore Them!

Its Time that We" Put an End to War, and Not Escalate a New One!"

Its Time that The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations Truly Represented "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, and Not The Lobbyists and Capitalistic Oligarchs of The World of Business!

Its Time that The Worlds Religions Of The Earth Came Forth as One and Joined Hands in A Worldwide Display of Unity, and For The Greater Good of Humanity, and Say to The Citizens of The Earth, as Jesus did, "Come unto me all ye that are heavy laden and I will give you rest!" And, Let The Religions of The Earth Share Their Riches with All who are Heavy Laden and Living in Poverty!

Its Time for The World of Business to Come Forth in The Name of A Shared Prosperity For "One and All!"

And, Its Time for Our Courts, and, Law and Order Forces, To Put an End to The Corruption and Crime that Threatens Our Neighborhoods and Abuses Our Way of Life.

Why Should "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth Expect Anything Less than This!

Did not Jesus Of Nazareth, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Socrates, Siddhartha Gautama, Muhammad, Confucius, Martin Luther King, Lao-Tse, Melchizedek Machiventa, Zoroaster, St. Francis of Assisi, Nelson Mandela and so Many Other Illuminated Beings, Dedicate Their Lives to Show Us The Way!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "We" are at A New Crossroads of Modern Civilization and A Change Must Come! Let it be A Peace Change!

Let it Be A Change that Embraces "One and All!" An Earthrise Movement "Of, By and For The People," "We" who are The Heart, Mind, and Soul Of the Earth!

Let it Be A New Age of Financial Security, One that Protects, Serves, and Is Committed to The Well Being Of the Earths Populace!

And, Let it Be A Millennia that is Dedicated to The Preservation of The Earth, Itself, and All of Its Sentient Life Forms!

And, Let' s Spread The Word of A New Emancipation Declaration "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," All Over This Sacred Earth Of Ours, via The Global Internet and The Cross-Media Universe!
And, Let's Make Absolutely Positive That Our Voices are Heard Loud and Clear in The Next Elections, Because A Change Must Come!

And, Let Us Non-Violently Demonstrate that Its Time For The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations to Address Our Concerns in A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!

A Season of Change is Upon Us, and Too many Tears Of Sadness and Pain have, Already Fallen in Vain! Let this New Season Lead Us To A Peace Eternal!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!