Monday, August 23, 2010




It's Time that "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Very seriously, Ask of One Another, and Ourselves, who are The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations who are Good For The Earths Survival and Evolution! This Goes Beyond What Political Party You are Affiliated with. Or, What Religion, Spiritual, or Global Economist who is The Most Popular on The Celebrity Book List/Tour! It's about what Leaders are The Most Genuinely Concerned about Our Welfare!

"We" are at A Crossroads in History that Demands that "We" Ask Ourselves these Questions! Because, "We" Exist in A Time Space Reality where No One Can Be Excluded from The Global Equation of Being Here and Now! And, "We" Must Address what is Best For Each and Everyone of Us! Why? Because A Sense Being Apart of A Universal State of Equanimity is Crucial to The Personal Evolution of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, in This The 21st Century! And Remember Do Not Be Fooled by Political or Religious Rhetoric, Because, There are No Immigrants Living on This Planet Earth! "We" All Belong Here!
And, For A Real Change to Occur, that is of Benefit to Each and Everyone of Us, First of All, "We" Must Understand this Unifying Point of View, For what it is!
For, if "We" Respect and are Truly Concerned for What is of Best Interest for Our Fellow Human Being, then, "We" Will have An Accord and Effect, that Heals and Transcends The Differences that Lie Between Us, or have Been Created to Divide Us!
Because, No Matter what Race, Creed or Nationality You maybe, "We are All Born and Bred as The Saying goes, on This Planet Earth! This is Our Home and "We" All are Apart of The Family of Human Kind!
And, By Accepting This Point of View, No One Will Ever Feel Impinged Upon By Anothers Needs! Because, "We" Would, simply, Understand Their Plight, and Universally, Intellectually, Philosophically, Morally, and Spiritually Be Aligned to, and Desire to Be of Assistance to Them! Once again as The Songs Go, "We are Family," and "We are The World!"

And, It's Time for The Israelis and Palestinians, and The Government and Rebel Forces in Africa! And, The Forces of Al Queda and The Taliban and The U.S. and It's Coalition Forces! And, The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations to All, Enter into A Global Truce and Begin Negotiations from An Honest and Sincere Desire to Put An End to War as A Way of Making Decisions and Resolving Differences, and Agree to Participate in Peace Dialogues until An Accord/Agreement, that is A Reflection of The Honest Concerns and Desires Of, By and For The People," is Reached!
Because, It is The Legal, Moral and Universal Responsibility of These Global Leaders who Represent The Governments of "We The People," to Renounce Violence as A Determining Factor and Way Of Life, and Learn to Co-Exist with One Another and "Give Peace A Chance!"
This Should Be The Foundation of Our New Emancipation Declaration of The 2st Century! Because, Our Children and Their Children are Depending on Us! And, It is of The Utmost Importance that Each and Everyone of Us Rise to The Occasion of Working for, An Establishing A Lasting Peace On Earth!

How Many More Lives Do "We" have to Lose Fighting in World Wars and Regional Conflicts? Before "We've Learned from Our Mistakes!

And, How Many More Lives Do "We" have to Lose, Due to Crime and A Disrespect of The Life Of Another? Before "We've Learned from Our Mistakes!

And, How Many More Lives Innocent Lives Do "We" have to Lose Due to A Total Lack of Concern f or Anothers Right to Live?
A Global Life Change Must Come if "We" are to Live in A Universal State of Equanimity and Equality with One Another, On Earth!

A Global Life Change Must Come if "We" are to Evolve as A People,
Existing in Parallel with The Universe's Constant State of Change and Evolution! This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Continue to Be as A Great Soul Force, Satyagraha, of Peace, "Of, By and For The People!"

And, Let Us Continue to Be as An Enlightened Earthrise Movement of Peace and Respect For The Life Forms of All Sentient Beings and This Beautiful Earth of Ours!

And, May Our Global Armed Forces Of the Earths Free Nations Continue to Protect, Defend, and Serve to Guard Our Borders, Neighborhoods, and Homes from Evil doers, Dictators, and Organize Crime!
There is Enough For One and All to Share, and No One Should Exist Without A Home, or, Be Threatened by The Fear of Poverty, or, of Being Racially Discriminated Against!

And, Let Us Continue to Sow The Seeds of A Peace Time Cultural Evolution that is "Of, By and For The People!"
A Just and Fair minded, Political, and Financial System that Provides for The Needs and The Social Welfare "Of The People!"

And, Let Us Continue to Spread The Word of Our Great Soul Force and Earthrise Movement of Life and Peace "Of, By and For the People," via The Global Internet and The Cross-Media Universe, and By All Means of Non-Violent Communication to Every Corner Of The Earth!

And, Let Us Continue to Find Encouragement and Hope in The Knowledge that The Survival of All Sentient and Inanimate Beings Of the Earth are in Alignment with, and are, in Fact, One of The Prime Factors of The Natural State of Evolution in The Universe!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!