Monday, August 9, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXXXX

It Must Be August!
While The Women and Men of The U.S. and Coalition Armed Forces are Fighting in UN-Declared Wars in Afghanistan/Pakistan and Iraq! And, The War on Global Terror/Overseas Contingency Operation Continues, The Members of The House Of Representatives and The U.S. Senate are Taking A Vacation!

While UN-Employment Continues at a Rate of 9.5% in The U.S. and The Worldwide Figures are Comparable to that, The Women and Men of The U.S. Congress" are Taking A Vacation!"

Does The U.S. Congress Believe that "They" have Some Indelible Right to Take a Vacation Because It's August!
Does The Earth Stop Revolving Because Its August!
The Near Hypocrisy of The U.S. Congress Amazes me! "They" Bicker and Quarrel, and Play Their Games of "Politics as Usual," All Year 'Round, and then Take Paid Vacations in August, At The Expense of "We The People!"

Is this Some New Psychological, Logistical, or Practical Approach towards Finding New Solutions to End UN-Employment?

Or, Finding A New Solution to Ending The UN-Declared Wars and The Global War On Terror and Bringing The Women and Men of Our Armed Forces Back Home?

Is this Some New Analytical Approach Towards Changing or Repairing The Failed Economical System that has Brought The World Economies and Financial Markets to Their Knee's!

How do you Explain to A Family who are Living in The Back of Their Car, or Van, that The Elected Officials, who are Supposed to Be Representing Them, Decided to Take a Paid Vacation, Because Its August!

How do you Explain to The Children of A Family, who've Recently Lost Their Home and are Now Living in A Shelter, that "Their Welfare Comes Second to When Its Time for Their Elected Officials August Vacation!

At The Least, to Underscore The Seriousness of The Economy, Why Not as A Symbolic Gesture Take An Unpaid Vacation, or Much Better than that, Stay on The Job and Pass A Jobs Creation Bill! A Jobs Creation Bill that Puts America Back to Work!
Or, Stay at Home and Meet with Their Constituencies instead of Taking a Junket to Wherever!
These Women and Men who were Elected to Represent Us have to Be Made to Know that "We The People," are Seriously Disappointed with Them!
And, if "They" Can Not Take The Time to Listen to Us, then "They" Should be Replaced from Office, in The Next Elections!

I Feel like The Character in The Film "Network" who Exhorts his Viewers to Open Their Windows and Scream Out "We're Mad as Hell and We're Not Going to Take it Anymore!"
I Can Hear The Rolling Stones Singing, in my mind, "I Can't get No Satisfaction," and Its For This Reason and So Many Others, That A Change Must Come!

Its Hard to Comprehend The Idea of An August Vacation for The Members of The U.S. Congress, or Any Government as A Matter of Fact, when UN-Employment Remains at Such High Levels!
On the Other Hand, It is Admirable that 40 Billionaires have Come Forth to Pledge to Give Most of Their Wealth to Charity! This is The Way To Peace, and A Shared Prosperity For "One and All," and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Suicides, Post Traumatic Stress Disorders, Tens of Thousands who've been Injured and The Continued Loss of Life are Reasons Why, Peace Must Come!

The Armed Forces of The Free Nations and Societies of The Earth Will Always Be Needed to Protect and Defend Our Rights to Live as A Free People, however, Let It Be In The Name of Peace!

And, Let Us Call For The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations to Engage in A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to Establish A New Age of Peace On Earth!
And, Let Us Encourage These Leaders to Embrace The Principles and Idea's of A Cultural Evolution "Of, For and By The People!"

And, Let Us Spread The Word of A New Emancipation Declaration "Of the People" via the Global Internet and Cross-Media Universe!

And, Let Us Non-Violently Sow The Seeds of Peace in An Earthrise Demonstration Of Peace!

And, Let Us Resolutely, Commit Ourselves to Bringing A New and Enlightened Universal State of Conscious Awareness to The Hearts, Minds, and Souls," of A Great Soul Force Of Peace!

Too Many Tears Of Love have Fallen and Drenched This Earth of Ours in Pain!
Its Time For A New Season Of Change! A Peace Change!
Let's "Give Peace A Chance!" This Is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!