Wednesday, September 1, 2010




As the Singing of The Cicadas Herald The Advent of Autumn, and The Fall Foliage, and While The Seasons Continue to Change, Some Things Do Not!
For Instance; While there Will Be No More Combat U.S. Brigades Left in Iraq, There Will, still, Be At the Least 50,000 U.S. Service Women and Men Remaining there, (plus the Paid Mercenaries that Have Been Hired)!
How Many Will Finally Come Home, and How Many Will Be Re-Directed to The UN-Declared Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan is Another Matter!

So, It is Very Hard to "Turn The Page," as President Obama has Suggested that "We" Do! And, For Hundreds of Millions, if Not, Billions of Us, Worldwide, This is Not The Change that "We" had Been Hoping For!

And, It is Because of This Lack of Change in The Overall World Dominance, Psychology, and Philosophy of The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Governments of The Worlds Nations that A Change Must Come, before "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Can Finally, "Turn The Page!"

Its Very Difficult for, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, Who Have always Been The One's with The Most to Lose, and I'm Speaking of The Parents, Daughters and Son's, Grand Parents, Sisters and Brothers, Aunts and Uncles, and Family Members in General, Who Have Had to Go Through War after War Hoping For A Lasting Peace To Come, Simply "Turn The Page!" Because Too Many Lives Have Been Lost! And, If Anything, "We" Have to Continue to Make Our Voices Heard!

And Now, Is The Time to Heal Our Wounds, Not Make New One's!

Now, Is A Time For Healing, Not An Unspecified Time Period that is Devoted to More Deaths of Our Children Who Continue to Fight in Yet Another UN-Declared War, Who are In Harms Way!

And, Its Time For The Truth to Be Told Outright to Us, and Not The Unspoken, Left Out, Edited, Held Back, Half Truth and Watered Down Versions, of What The Real Intentions of What Our Elected Civilian Government Officials, and Military Leaders Intend on Doing!

For Another Example; Don't Continue to Mislead Us with Slogans of Your Intentions (For Election, or Political Purposes) and then, A year, or Two Later, Say that There Will Be 50, 000 Members of The U.S. Armed Forces Remaining in Iraq!
And, to Compound my Point "We The People," still, Do Not Have An Accurate Accounting of How Many of Our Daughters and Son's, who Have already Fought in Extended Tours/Campaigns in Iraq, Will Be Re-Directed to The UN-Declared War in Afghanistan/Pakistan!

And, Its Time for The Civilian Officials of The U.S. Government and Military Leaders to Be Upfront with Us! Don't Back Door Us! After All, "We" Live in A Democracy, Don't "We!"

And, The U.S. Coalition Forces are from Democratically Run Governments, Aren't They!

So, Why aren't Decisions Concerning War and Peace Decided Upon Constitutionally! And I Mean "Of, By and For The People!"

If "We" are Not Being Governed as A True Democracy Should Be, Then The Winds Of Change Must Come! And, Bring A New Emancipation Declaration "Of, By and For The People," To Replace The Failed Political, and Economical System that is, Still in Place! A Change Must Come!

Actions Speak Louder than Words, However, Eloquently They May be Spoken, and Now is The Time For Healing and Peace, Not More of The Same ole Misdirected Policies of War, and A War Time Economy that "We" Have Been Force Fed to Endure For Millennia after Millennia! And, A Change Must Come!

But, "We" Have Our Work to Do, as Well! "We" Must Demonstrate and Non-Violently Call For A Global Truce amongst All, who Continue to Pursue Courses of Destruction, Disruption, and Acts of Violence, and The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Governments of The United World Nations, Who Represent "We The People," to Find New Way's and New Solutions For Establishing Peace on Earth!

And, Peace Dialogues Must be Conducted with The Sole Purpose of The Citizens Of The Earth, Living in Peace and Harmony with One Another! And, A True and Fair Representation of Justice "For One and All!"

As A Doctor Heals Our Physical Wounds!

And, As A Psychologist Heals The Wounds of Our Minds!

And, As Religious/Spiritual Women and Men of The Spirit and God, Heal Our Spiritual Wounds, Its Time For The Civilian and Military Leaders to Heal Us and Free Us from The Abuse that Has Been Heaped Upon Us by The Corrupt Political, Economical, Immoral, Power Hungry Capitalistic Oligarchs, and Dictators, Who Do Not Care about The Welfare of "We The People," So that "We" Can Finally Live in Peace On Earth!

And, Its Time to Heal Our Oceans and Fresh Waterway's!

And, Its Time to Heal The Earth!

And, Its Time to Purify The Air "We" Breathe!

And, Its Time to Allow The Brave Women and Men of Our United Global Armed Forces and Their Families to Heal Their Wounds!

And, Its Time, For Us, "One and All," to Heal Ourselves!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, to Further Expedite Our Message of Cultural Awareness, and, Of Our Peace Initiatives, Let Our Earthrise Movement Encourage The Implementation of Peace Dialogues "Of, By and For The People," Citizens Of The Earth, via The Internet in "Peace Chat Rooms!"

And, Let Us Spread The Word of This Powerful New "Global Communication Soul Force For Peace," Althrough-out The World via The Cross-Media Universe and Word of Mouth!
And, "Give Peace A Chance," to Grow by Sowing The Seed's of Peace and Harmony in Each and Every Idea, Thought, Word and Action!

And, In Doing so, Be A Great Soul Force of Peace Activists and Peacemakers of The New Millennium! Empowered By A Universal Synergy, that is, In Equanimity and In Parallel with The Natural Evolution and Growth of The Cosmos!

And, in Doing so, Be United, as A Family of Human Kind, Dedicated and Committed to The Preservation Of This Planet Earth!

For "We" are "One and All," Citizens Of the Earth! This Earth is Our Home, No Matter What Race, Creed, or Nationality You May Be!
And Remember that, "First of All" "We" are All Citizens Of The Earth, This The Third Planet from The Sun!
And that, Makes Us, "One and All," Sisters and Brothers Of Earth and The Universe, and "No One Is An Immigrant!"
This is the Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!