Thursday, September 23, 2010



The Way To Peace! C-III

What Better Opportunity is there, than Now, To Sow The Seeds of Change and Peace On Earth!
With The Opening Session of The United Nations, The Clinton Global Initiative, and A Harvest Full Moon All Happening at The Same Time!
So, What Better Time is there, to Commit to Investing One's Time, Energy, and Financing to Healing The World!
And, to Paraphrase Former President Clinton on The Morning Joe Show, "This is not a Right/Left Issue! This is A Right or Wrong One!"

And, In This New Season of Change, again, What Better Time is There, than Now, For The Banks, Global Corporations, The Private Sector, and The Well to Do, to Make a Statement by Investing in, Developing, and Changing The Earth For The Betterment of One's Fellow Human Being! Especially Now, During These Very Difficult Times, For so Many of Us!

And, What Better Time is there, than Now, To Work Together to Eliminate Poverty, and Come to The Aid of Small Businesses!
And to, Invest In Our Farms, and Green Technologies! And, Do What's Right For The World!
And, If there was Ever A Better Time, or Desire to Find A Way To Do Something Better For The Earth, and, For "We The People," This is The Time to Do It!

And, Its Definitely Time to Transcend Our Differences Whatever They May be!
Because, Without A Vision, Hope, or Dream, that Things Will Get Better, What Do You Have? A State of Hopeless Depression!
And, Its Much Better to Be Judged by Our Actions, than by Doing Nothing to Make Things Better! So, Let's Agree to Disagree, But, "We" Have to Do Something!

So, Let's Create The Earths Greatest Network for Communication and Speak Out against Economic and Racial Oppression!

And, Let Us Agree to Speak Out For The Protection and Rights of Our Children!

And, Let's, Set Up "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms," via The Global Internet and Engage The World in A Universal Conversation of Peace and Change!
For, In This New Season of Evolution, The Winds of Change are Blowing Strong and Clear, with Each and Every Breath "We" Take!

The Forty Billionaires, that I referred to in my Previous blog, are apart of the New Face of Change, and, Obviously, An Important Part of The World of Big Business, and Global Financing of The 21st Century! And, Their Investment In Charitable Affairs is A Magnificent Gesture Towards Eliminating Poverty!

And, The Clinton Global Initiative Proves what Can Be Done by Pulling Together World Leaders, The Private Business Sector, Global Corporations, Individual Investors, Philanthropists, and The Global Cross-Media Universe to Invest Their Time, Energies, and Capital in Fighting Disease, Investing in Green Technology, and Improving The Overall Social Welfare and Living Conditions of The Citizens Of The Earth! And, Most of All, CGI Shows Us The Value of Working Together! And, by Working Together "We" Can Make a Difference!

And, Its Time that The Leaders of The Worlds Economies Agreed to Re-Invest in The Future of The Earth by Investing in, and Sowing The Seeds of A Peace Time Economy! A Global War Time Economy is Not The Path of The Future! And, The Winds of Change are Here and Now!

And, Its Time For A New Age of Philanthropy to Rise Up on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace and Compassion, to Come to The Aid of Our Fellow Human Being, and Invest in A Cultural Evolution that Educates, and Brings Relief and Conscious Awareness to "The Citizens Of The Earth!"

But, Each of Us Must Do Our Own Part, if Our Earthrise Movement "Of, By and For The People," is to Reach The Goals and Aims, that "We" Have Been Working Towards! Each of Us, in Our Own Interdependent Way!
And, That Means, From "The Poorest of The Poor, to The Richest of The Rich," "We" Must All Establish A Standard of Living That is, Spiritually, Emotionally, and Intellectually, In Equanimity and In Parallel with The Evolution of The Cosmos!
Whether it Be, by, Simply Discussing Ways To Better Ourselves, and then, Sharing These Idea's with Our Families and Friends, to Participating in Non-Violent Demonstrations, or Voting One's Conscious, Can Make A Difference!

And, "We" Have to "One and All," Become Earth Activists, and Voices of Reason, Sharing and Building New Bridges to Connect Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions All Across This Beautiful Planet of Ours!
And also, In Doing so, Commit and Dedicate Ourselves to Resolutely, Defend and Protect The Rights of Each Other! For, "We" are All "One People," Citizens Of The Third Planet from The Sun, called Earth!

And, by Standing Together, As One Great Soul Force, There is Nothing that "We" Can Not Do! As long as "We" Believe that "We" Can!

Its All within The Eye of The Beholder, and The Winds of Change Have Shown Us that Perception in An Important Part of Change!

And, As "We" Continue to Evolve "as One," From "Unreal to Real," A True and Irresistible Change Will Come to Be An Everlasting State of Being and Consciousness, once again , that is In Equanimity and In Parallel with The Universe!

For, "We" are All, Parts of The Solution to Heal The Emotional, Intellectual, and Spiritual Wounds of Each Other!

And, "We" are All a Part of The Solution to Heal The Earth! This Earth of Ours, That has Been Ravaged Over and Over again, by The Senselessness of Greed and Profit at Any Expense Mentality, of The World of Big Business!

Which is Why, It is, also, So Important For There to Be, A New Political and Financial System, That is "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," to Create New Jobs, Invest in Research to Build and Create a Peace Time Manufacturing Industry that Produces, Rewards, and Encourages Further Investment in New Millennium Technology, That is Ecologically and Economically Beneficial to "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, The Earth and Universe!

And, to Fully Embrace These Winds of Change, "We" are in Need of A New Earth Constitution and Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century that Truly Protects, and Preserves The Rights, Principles, and Laws Of "We The People!"
That States UN-Equivocally and Simply, That "We" are All Equal Under The Moon, Stars, Luminous Bodies of the Cosmos, and The Sun!

So, once again, What Better Time or Opportunity is there, than Now, to Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue, to Address The Concerns and Future Of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
The United Nations General Assembly is in Session! CGI is Engaged, and Bringing Together New Coalitions to Help Struggling Nations and Those of Us Who are In Need! And, Its A Harvest Moon! This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium! And, This is A Time to Heal The World, and Establish A Peace Time Economy For "One and All" to Share!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and The 21st Centuries, There is Still So Much to Be Done! However, It is Rewarding to Feel apart of A Vibrant New Synergy Made up of Kindred Spirits, Students, Artists, Educators, Philanthropists, and Universally Aware Interdependent Women and Men of All Persuasions, Who are Sincerely and Steadfastly Setting New Paths of Non-Violent Engagement in The Name of Peace and Change!
This is Our Earth, and "We are The World" so, "Let's "Give Peace A Chance!"
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!