Thursday, September 30, 2010



The Way To Peace! C-V

Our Children are "The Promise of The Future," so, Imagine the Shock I had to Learn that, "One Child Drops out of School Every Eleven Seconds," in The U.S.

Which Makes it all the More Gratifying to Learn that, "The Promise Academy," in NY and Colin and Alma Powell's "Americas Promise," are Two Organizations Who are Reaching Out to The American Communities, sometimes, "Block by Block, or State by State to Make a Difference!

And Fortunately, there are other Organizations Who Care about The Youth of The Earth, Who are, also, Offering Solutions, and Actively Doing Something to, Seriously, Make a Difference!

However, Whether through Charter, Public, or Private Schools, A New Concentrated Effort Has to Be Made to Educate Our Children!

But, Additional Financing is Needed to Provide Funding for "After School Programs," and "Training," to Prepare Our Children for The Future that Lies ahead of Them, and How Best They Can Make Their Own Personal Contributions to, "Give Something Back" to The Earths Communities, while Simultaneously, Advancing Towards The Attainment Their Own Dreams and Goals!

And, If, The U.S. alone, Can Afford to Pay Two Billion Dollars a Week for The UN-Declared War in Afghanistan, and Pakistan, to Protect The Citizens of Those Countries, and Prevent Al Queda from Being Able to Maintain an Active Presence, and Attack Our Allies, and Our Shores, Then, It is Equally as Important For The U.S. to Provide For The Education and Welfare of It's Youth!

And, the Cost for The Latter Point Should, At the Least, Quadruple the Cost of The UN-Declared Wars/Overseas Contingency Operations! And, A "Free Education Should Be The First Major Step, in Making This Very Civilized Investment, and Statement to The World!

Its Ludicrous for Parents, and Students, to Be Asked to Pay Such Exorbitant Amounts for Their Children's Education, Which Takes Years to Pay Off!
Education is "Free," in The Other Western Industrialized Nations ,Who are Our Allies! And, It Should Be Free in The United States as Well!

And Why, Are "We" Asked to Pay Tax after Tax, seemingly, Without End! What are These Taxes Being Used for, Education? I Think Not!

And, Why is there, At the Least Two Million Children, in The U.S. alone, Living in Poverty! Imagine What The Figure is Worldwide!

This is A Tragedy, and Should Be An Embarrassment to The World of Big Business and The International Finance Community, Who Dabble in Trillions of Dollars/Euros etc. Why aren't "They" Contributing to Educate Our Children! "They" are Constantly Marketing New Schemes to Entice Them!

And, If, There was Ever A Reason For An Earthrise Movement "Of The People, By The People, and For The People," It Should Be, to Protest against Any Child Living In Poverty!

And, If, There Ever was A Sin, Committed against Humanity, The Idea that Any Child Should Live in Poverty, Would Qualify For It!
And, In This Day and Age, There Should Be Absolutely No Reason For It!

And, If, There Ever Was A Valid Reason For A New Cultural Evolution on Planet Earth, It Should Be to Enlighten, Protect, Guide, and Care For The Lives and Futures of Our Children!

And, It is To This Purpose, That The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations, Should Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue! Their Focus Should Be On Creating An Earth Constitution and Emancipation Declaration that Calls For The Education, Protection, and Guidance of Our Youth, with A Promise that, The Interests and Lives of Our Children, Takes Priority Over All Else!
This is The Way To Peace, and, Healing The World! And, This is, The Way To A Peace Millennium, and, An End to War! And, A New Season, and Age of Peace On Earth!

And, To Support This Issue, A Universal Escrow Account Should Be Set Up, As apart of A New and Compassionate Effort by The World of Financial Affairs, to Place A Portion of The Tax Paid by "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, to Be Used, to Guarantee that No One Should Ever Go Without a Home, Food, Clothing, or The Means to Care for Their Families! Just Think of The Difference Such An Account Would Make! It Would Be A Great Humanitarian Gesture!

And, Think about, The Pressure and Stress, That It Would Take off, "We The People," Knowing that Our Needs were First and Foremost Considered in The Eyes of The World of Business, and, That Our Dollars, Euros, etc. That Has Been Used to Support, and Bail Out, "Big Business" is Being Appreciated!

And, This Would, also, Show A New Attitude, and Commitment on The Part of The Global Business Community, that Shows Favor Towards A Peace Time Economy, "Of, By and For The People!" A Change Must Come!

And, as Demonstrated in The Afghanistan, Pakistan, and The Iraqi UN-Declared Wars, A Coalition Army of Forces Should Be Assembled, and, There Should Be, Absolutely, No Reason Why Not! A New Coalition, A Global Armed Force of Brave Women and Men, Whose Duties Would Be, To Protect and Preserve, The Rights Of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, against Any One, Who Would Threaten Us, From Living In Peace! And, Maintaining The Way of Peace On Earth!

And, in Addition, A Delegated Force of These Brave Women and Men, Would Be Designated, to Aid Our Police Departments, and Erase Crime from Our Towns, Villages, Cities, States and Countries, For Once and For All! And End, Acts of Violence, Corruption, and Immoral Acts against Our Children, Women, and Men! A Change Must Come!

It is Gratifying to See Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's "Real Men Don't Buy Girls" Campaign to Raise Awareness about Child Slavery!

But, "We" Can All Make a Difference!

Whether it Be Jon Stewart, and Steven Colbert's Demonstration, and Friendly Competition with Each Other!

Or, A Teachers Commitment to Teach in A Poorly Funded School, in An Urban Neighborhood!
"We" Can All Make A Difference!

Whether it Be, A Musicians Composition in The Name of Peace and Harmony!

Or, A News Journalists Desire to Report The Truth!
"We" Can All Make A Difference!

Whether it Be A Parents Love and Care of Their Children! Clothing Them, Changing Them, Feeding Them, and Providing For Them!
"We" Can All Make A Difference! And, This is How Great Moments Come to Be! And, This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us, Reach Out as A Great Soul Force of Peace and Change, To Our Kindred Spirits and Soul Mates, Friends and Neighbors, All Over This Earth of Ours, and Spread The Word of Our Non-Violent Evolution, and Conscious Awareness of Who "We" are As A People," and, of, What "We" Can Be, As A Great Soul Force of Reason, Experience, Knowledge, and Wisdom!

And, Let Us, Create A Great Network of Activist Communication by Utilizing Our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions, to Speak Out in One Magnificent Voice of Interdependent Citizens Of The Earth, that Our Time Has Come! And that, The Winds of Change are Here and Now! And that, "We" Want to Live in A Civilized World, Where Peace is The Way, and A Shared Prosperity "For One and All," is Our Mantra!

And, Let's Utilize Every Means of Communication to Achieve Our Goals! Whether it Be, by Using The Internet, or, The Cross-Media Universe, or, by Mouth! Or, via "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms!" Let's Non-Violently "Shake Up The World," For, "We are The World!" And, This is Our Earth, and Our Future is at Stake!

So, once again, Let's Soar on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, and Embrace The World! And, Let's, "Give Peace A Chance! This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!