Sunday, September 12, 2010



The Way To Peace! #100

In this Age of Instant Global Communication, Idea's are The Most Important Allies to Help Us Transcend The Conditioned Reality that Surrounded Us, and Has Had A Powerful Effect on Our Everyday Way of Life!
And, Whether "We" Agree or Disagree "We" Must All Speak Out against The Injustices that Continue to Plaque Us, if , "We" are To Live In Peace! For, Without Idea's, "We" Would "All" Find Ourselves Existing In "A Robotic State of Being and Malaise of The Spirit, that Would Be Too Unconscionable to Imagine!"

And, For Example, "We" Must Continue to Speak Out against Poverty!

And, There is No Valid Reason Why, Anyone Should be Homeless!

Or, Why Racism Should Continue to Exist on Our Planet Earth!

And, This is The 21st Century, Its Time that The Earths Civilian and Military Leaders Found Concrete Ways to Address The Issues that are of Great Concern to "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth!
Such as War!
And, A Global Truce Would Be a Powerful Statement to The World!

And, As Previously Stated Here, There Will always Be Those Whose Intentions are Not Peaceful One's, But, that Should Not Deter Our Leaders from Seeking, or Negotiating, To Live in Peace With Like Minded Leaders Who Believe in Representing The Principles and Laws Of Free People Of The Earth!

In The Past, History Has Shown Us that, Great Moments Have Arisen from Times of Great Danger on Earth, and, These Moments Have Come from A Great Resolve and Will "Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And Today, "We" are In Need of New Approaches Towards Finding Solutions to End The Corruption that Our Global Financial System Has Caused, To The Demise of The Worlds Economy! Sending Millions of Us into UN-Employment!

And, "We" are In Need of A Global Constitution and Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century that Represents Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth!
And, A Humanitarian Based System that Fully Represents "We The People!"
A Just System that is "Of The Earth, and In Equanimity with The Universe!

And, Let Us Fuse, and Coalesce Our Idea's of Peace, and How to Share The Earths Resources and Riches with "One and All!"

And, With One Interdependent Voice, Sing Out, Loud and Clear as A Great Soul Force of Peace, that "We are One People, Of This Planet Earth," and that, "We Desire to Live In Peace!"

And, Let Us Not Forget For One Moment, that "We" All Have Our Part to Play! And, This is One of The Reasons Why, I've Suggested Meditating, or Contemplating, on A Daily Basis, Especially During These Troubled Times!

It is so Important that "We" Take The Time to Address the Myriad Concerns that, "We" are Faced with, On A Personal and Universal Basis!
Yes, Universal , as well, Why? Because, "We" are "All" Apart of A Greater State of Being than "We" Have Been Conditioned to Believe in!
And, "We" Have An Equal Responsibility to The Ecology of The Universe, as well as, to The State of The Ecology Here On Earth!

The Sheer Consequences of Our Actions Have Ripple Effects that are Limitless in Scope! And, Each Action Causes A Reaction that Must Be Adhered to, and Learned from, Without Causing Such Destruction, and Negativity that, "We" are Impeded from Evolving In Equanimity with The Cosmos, as well as Here On Earth, with Each Other!

There have Been Great Times on Earth when "We" Have Existed in Culturally Evolved Time Periods, and, In Peace With One Another, But, It Takes A Great Resolve of Beneficent and Moral Leadership, Combined with A Commitment By Its Citizens, to Rise To A Higher Ground of Conscious Realization!
This is, The Earthrise Movement that I have Referred to! And, This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Resolutely and Respectfully Dedicate Ourselves to Utilizing All of The Resources at Our Command to Work Arduously Towards Establishing An Age of Peace On Earth, For Our Generation and For The Generations to Come!

And, Let Us Persevere, and Act in Concert with One Another Towards The Achievement of Our Goals!

And, Let Our Hopes, Dreams, and Visions Guide Us to A New Reality, and, A New Sense of Humanity that is Compassionate, Generous, All Encompassing, and All Inclusive! Excluding No One!

For "We" are "One and All," Citizens Of This The Third Planet from The Sun! The Earth is Our Home!

And, Let's Continue to Spread The Word via The Internet, Thru Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, "Peace Chat Rooms," and The Cross-Media Universe! And, Thru Non-Violent Demonstrations and Word of Mouth!

This is Our One Hundredth Blog of "The Way To Peace Series," and "We" Will Continue to Speak Out, Express, and Put Forth Interdependent Idea's and Universal Views, For as long as it Takes to See The Seeds of Peace Grow, and One Day Become A Reality On Earth!
And, I Invite You to Continue to Fly with Us on "The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace" as "We" Non-Violently Follow The Vision Path of The Winds of Change!
And, "We" Would like to Thank Those of You Who Have already Committed to Undertake This Journey with Us!

And, "We" Would like to, Expressly, Give Our Thanks to The Many Who Have Motivated and Empowered Us, By The Sharing of Their Idea's, Thoughts, Actions, and Words of Inspiration and Encouragement! " Let's "Give Peace A Chance!"

This Is, The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium that is United In Peaceful Co-Existence With An Age Of Consummate Healing, Spiritual Enlightenment, and Cultural Evolvement!