Thursday, September 9, 2010




These are Troubling Times! Why? Because of The Lack of Co-Operation of The World of Big Business, and The Continuing Squabbles amongst Our Politicians, Especially as The Up & Coming Elections Grow Closer, are Just a Few of The Reasons!
However, Each Day I Find it Very Important to Find Peace within, and then, Share it! And, I suggest that "We" All Take The Time to Spend as Much Quality Time, as Possible, with Our Family and Friends!
And, While You're at it, Take The Time to Read A Good Book, simply, For The Pure Enjoyment of it!
And, Listen to Good Music that is Imaginative, Inspiring, and Lyrically Enlightening, or Satisfying on Some Level of Your Emotional, and, or Conscious Being!
Its These Moments that Get me Through The Day, and I Hope that These suggestions Can Do The Same for You!

But, Not Everyone Can Take The Time to Do so, Unfortunately!
The Economy still Hasn't Rebounded Sufficiently to Improve The Plight of Millions upon Millions Of Us, Worldwide!
And, Racial Profiling and Class Discrimination are still Being used as Political and Vengeful Tools to Manipulate Us, to Stand against Each other! Sadly!

And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Continue to Be Impeded from Evolving in The Natural Flow of Evolution, In Equanimity with The Universe!

History has always Shown Us How Important it is to Work Together, as One Nation, One World, and One People when Confronted with Adversity, and Forces of Negativity, Evil (yes, it does exist), Greed, Lust For Power, Selfishness, Immoral Acts against Our Children, and Dictatorships!

History has also Shown Us, Unequivocally, How Important it is, For The Global Industries, Financial Institutions, and Banks, to Invest and Support The Economy, Provide Work For The People, Provide Financing For The Re-Building and Continued Growth Of The Earths Infrastructures, and For Countering The Forces of Oligarchy whose Self Interests, (Unfortunately) Lack Any Real Concern For "We The People!"
These are The Soulless Ones! (The InVisibles)

Not only are These Troubling Times, But, They are, also, An Embarrassment to Any Honest, Intelligent, Consciously Aware, Streetwise Human Being! Why?

Because there are so Many, Who are Fortunate to Have Much More than They, or Their Families, Could Ever Spend in One Lifetime, Who Continue to Ignore, or Come to The Aid of The Myriad Poverty Stricken Area's Of The Earths Societies! Poverty Caused by Natural, or Man Made Disasters! But, Disastrous in Any Case, to Our Fellow Human Beings, All the Same!

It is of The Utmost Importance that These Fortunate Men and Women, Answer the Call of Humanity, and Come Forth, as Have the Forty Billionaires Who Have Offered Their Financial Assistance to Help The Poor and The Suffering, and to Give Support to The Struggling Middle Class, Who are, at times, Working Two Jobs a Week to Survive, or as the saying goes to, "Make Ends Meet!"

This is Not The Time to Hold Back, Its Time to Get Back to Reality! As The Mahatma meditated Upon, "Lead Us from UnReal to Real!" And, This is The Time to Apply This meditation to Shake Up, and Change The World!
And, For Once and For All, Eliminate Poverty from any Town, Village, City, or State On Earth!

And, Its Time For A Cultural Evolution, An Earthrise Movement, that Heals The Earth! Finds Cures for Its Diseases! Repairs and Improves The State Of The Earths Ecology! And, Invests in The Social Welfare of "All The People!"
The Winds of Change are Here and Now! And, The Signs of The Time Support it! And are On Display All Over The Earth, In Large and Bold Letters! "Peace Now!" "Jobs Now!" A Change Must Come! Let's "Give Peace A Chance!"

And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Will Stand for Nothing Less than, A Lasting Peace On Earth, For "One and All!"

Is This UN-Realistic to Hope for? No, It isn't! I ask You, Do, The Earths Nations Have The Financial Resources, and Armed Forces to Defend, Protect and Preserve An Everlasting Peace On Earth? Yes, of Course, "They" Do!
So then, Why hasn't it Been Their Priority? And, Why, hasn't it Happened?
The Answer is always A Simple One, But, Irregardless to Whatever the Excuse maybe, This is Our Time to "Turn The Page," as President Obama Stated!
But, This Time "We" Want The Page Turned Away from War, and The Continued Escalations of UN-Declared Wars. or Regional Conflicts, and Genocide!

This Time, Let's "Turn The Page Away from A Failed and Broken Down Financial System to An "Earth World Economy," and A Peace Time Economy that is "Of The People, By The People, and For The People!" For The "Winds of Change are Blowing!" And, A Change Must Come!

And, Let Us, "One and All," Turn The Page, and Lift Our Voices Up High, that "We" Want Our Agenda Adhered to!
And, Let Us Remain Focused on An Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century that is "Of, By and For The People," and Not, For The Elite, or The "Istic Oligarchs," that Have Corrupted and Manipulated The Existing Financial System For Their Own Benefit, and Theirs alone, But Definitely, Not For Ours!

And, Let's Turn The Page Away from Any Politician that Engages in Partisan Politics!
Its Time For A New Generation of Women and Men to Emerge, and Come Forth as True Representatives "Of The People!" For, The "Winds of Change are Blowing! And, A Change Must Come!

And, Its Time for The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations to Rise Up, Upon The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace, and Negotiate A Global Constitution of The 21st Century, and Establish A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue, that Sets Forth The Principles of Peace On Earth, Everlasting! This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Do Not Be Distracted by, The Onslaught of Rhetoric that is about to Be Cranked Up to Bombard Us, as the Mid Term Election Campaigns Continue to Escalate and Saturate The Global Airwaves, and The Media!
And, Do Not Be Fooled by, All of The False Promises that The Candidates are Going to Spew Forth, Out of Desperation, to Get Our Vote!

Instead, Let us Stay Focused on Our Agenda, and As A Great Soul Force "Of The People," Non-Violently Change The World by Sowing The Seeds Of Peace!
For Our Time Has Come, and The Winds of Change are Blowing!

And, Let Us Continue to Spread The Word of Peace, Change and The Earth, via The Global Internet, "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms," and The Cross-Media Universe, All Across This Wonderful Earth of Ours!
For, This is Our Earth, Our Home, and "We" are "One People," of The Moon, Sun, and The Cosmos!
And, There is No Time Better than The Present, to "Give Peace a Chance," than There is, Right Now!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium! And, A Time to Heal The Wounds of Atrocities Gone By, Let's "Heal The World!"