Wednesday, September 15, 2010



The Way To Peace! C-I

I Understand Why There is so Much Bitterness and Disappointment Directed Towards Many of Our Political and Financial Leaders Today!
In The U.S., For Example, so Much Hope was Placed on The Success of President Obama's Election and The Feeling amongst Many, that A Positive Change Had Finally Come to The U.S. that Would Improve The Quality of Our Lives!

And, There was The Hope that The President and His Administration Would Repair The Economy and Create New Employment Opportunities, While Punishing Those Responsible for The Financial Crash in The U.S. that Had, in fact, Had a Detrimental Effect on The Global Economies as well!

But, All The Stimulus/Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Appeared to Do was Reward Those Who were Responsible for Breaking The Law, or Fudging The Books that Caused The Financial Fiasco in The First Place!
And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Have Been Left UN-Employed or Struggling to Pay Our Bills, even If "We" Have Employment!
All the While, The CEO's of "The Too Big To Fail" Corporations are Still Receiving Large Bonuses!

And, While The Democrats Appear to Be Passing Important Reform Bills and Ground Breaking Legislation, UN-Employment still Continues to Rise, and Our Family, Friends, and Neighbors are still Existing Under the Threat of Losing Their Homes, if They Can't Pay The Property Tax, or Make Their Loan Payment on Time!

And, The Republicans are A Major Embarrassment to Us All, Playing Games of Politics, in Their Attempts to Re-Take Washington, While American Citizens are Being Squeezed by The Negative State of The Economy, and Having to Deal With An UN- Caring Business Community!

So, At Present, Its Extremely Difficult to Trust Your Politician, Banker, or Financial Consultant!
So, Understandably, These are The Reasons Why, There is so Much Distrust and Bitterness Coursing Its Way Through The U.S. And, It is also A True Reflection of What Can Be Seen Happening Worldwide!

Just recently President Obama Advised a Group of Students to Work Hard to Achieve Their Goals (this is a Paraphrase of what The President said) and, I Thought to myself, Yes, that's The Proper Attitude to Take, and I've Got to Work Harder!
And, in Fact, I've, always, said to myself, and My Associates, that I Feel that I Have to, Continuously, Do Better than What my Previous Best Effort was, in order to Achieve my Goals!
But, It Seems a Shame that So Many of Us, After Years of Hard Work, Have to Continue to Think This Way to Survive, Without Repose! Or else, You Might Lose Your Job!

This is The 21st Century! Where is The Social Security and Safe Guards that "We" were Told that "We" Would Receive if "We" Worked Hard and Played by The Rules!
But Now, One Wonders, by Whose Rules! And, Who is Changing The Rules for Their Own Benefit! Or, To Benefit The Few Capitalistic Oligarchs and Global- Ists of The World!
And, Why are "They" (The Infamous "They") Allowed to Continue to Have Their Way, Whenever "They" Want to, and, Once again, Its always At The Expense of "We The People!"
And, Why aren't Our Religious Leaders Condemning these "Above The Law," Manipulative, Soul Less, Individuals! Are "They "Too Big Too Touch" even for The Clergy!
So, "Who Do You Trust!" This is Not A Game! Who is Speaking Out to Protect The Rights of "The People!"

History has Shown Us, that Great Moments Have Been Achieved when Women and Men of Great Consciousness Have Come Forth in Times of Great Travail, and Sacrificed of Themselves to Right An Injustice in The World!
And, They Backed Up Their Words with Action! And, They Gave Freely of Themselves to Make a Better World for All of Us to Live in!

And if, "We" are to Change The World and Make it A Better Place for Us and Our Children to Live in, Then "We" Will Have to Do The Same Thing!

These are Serious Times, and There is Little Doubt that "We" are at A Crossroads, and It Will Take A Serious Effort to Right The Wrongs Committed against "We The People" and Give Hope to The Disheartened, and Bring Back a Return To Times Gone by, When Hope Prevailed, and Inspired Our Children and Each of Us to Try Harder and Go One More Mile in The Name of Peace and Prosperity For "One and All!"

And to, The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations, I say, "We" Need You to Exceed Your Previous Efforts and Potential!
"We" Need You to Sacrifice of Yourselves to Change The World and Establish A New Political and Global Finance System that Truly Represents "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
And since, Great Moments are Achieved by Great Acts, Why Not Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to End The Violence of War for Once and For All!
The Headlines All over The World, alone, Would Cause A Great Surge in "The Spirit of The People!"
And, to Show Your Resolve, Instruct A Global Force of New Millennium Armed Forces (made up of NATO, UN, or Women and Mew of The Combined Earth Nations Armed Forces) to Keep The Peace, while Peace Negotiations are Ongoing!
And, These Brave and Courageous Armed Forces Would Maintain and Sustain The Peace from Being Broken by Any Disruptive, Corrupt, Evil, or Chaos Driven Antagonist, Whose Self Interests are A Threat to Any Peace Seeking Nation, or People!

Once again, Great Moments are Achieved by The Realization that A Greater Goal is More Important than Making a Profit at The Expense Of The Earth and One's Fellow Human Being!
So, To The World of Finance and Big Business, I ask You, Is Profit at Any Cost Worth The Depletion Of The Earths Natural Resources!
And, Is The "Almighty Bottom Line" Philosophy of Doing Business Worth Seeing Thousands of Us, Losing Our Homes!
And, When You Look in The Mirror, Is The Face You See, The Face that You Would Like Your Children to See! The Face of Greed and Lust for Power!

The Forty Billionaires Who Have Announced Their Intention of Giving Half of Their Fortunes to Philanthropic Causes and Charitable Organizations are The New Face of The World of Finance, and This is The Face that I Have Great Hopes in, that Will Create A Great New Future that Embraces A Universal State of Being and Compassion, and Invests in, and Cares for The Social Welfare Of "All The People!" And, Brings about The End of Poverty On Earth!
This is The Way To Peace and A Chance To Heal The World! And, A Peace Time Economy and Peace Millennium that "We" Can All Share!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Lift Up Our Spirits and Soar on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace!

And, Let Us Spread the Word of Our Earthrise Movement of Peace thru "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms," The Global Internet, and The Cross-Media Universe!

And, Let Us Demonstrate, Non-Violently, to "Give Peace A Chance!" And, Let Us, Non-Violently, Shake Up The World, Because, A Change Must Come! And, A New Emancipation Declaration and Global Constitution "Of, By, and For The People," Must Come to Be!

And, With Our Each and Every Breath, Let Us Be A Great Soul Force of The Winds Of Change!
Because as Bob Dylan sang (and Continues to sing On Tour) "The Times They are A Changing!" And, If "We" are to apart of This Change and Change Our Lives, In Equanimity with The Universe, Then Change "We" Must Do!

And, Always, Remember that No Matter What Race, Creed, or Nationality You May Be, First and Foremost "We are All One Family of Human Kind! Born on This Planet Earth, The Third Planet from The Sun! And, The Lives of All Sentient Beings are Sacred and Should be Respected!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!