Sunday, September 26, 2010



The Way To Peace! C- IV

Its a Good Feeling to See, So Many, Gestures of Good Will Being Freely and Compassionately Given by Individuals such as; Michael Zuckerberg The CEO of Facebook, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, Angelina Jolie, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's "Real Men Don't Buy Girls" Campaign to Raise Awareness of Child Slavery, and Former United States President Bill Clinton, CGI, Rose Mapendo, and Runak Fafanj, are Just a Few, Who are Leading The Way.

This also Includes Companies such as; Proctor & Gamble, Who Plan to Distribute Two Billion Packets of Water Purification Product for Free, to Developing Countries, and The Forty Billionaires Who Have Signed The Gates-Buffett Pledge, to Give Half of Their Fortunes to Charity.

These are, of course, The High Profile Names and Corporations Who Have Stepped Forward to Provide whatever Resources They Have Available to Improve The Quality of Life of "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!

However, One Can Not Ignore The Magnificent Gestures Made on a Daily Basis by Individuals of Interdependent Natures, Who Perform Their Duties such as; The Brave and Courageous Members of Our Armed Forces, Teachers, Nurses, Firemen, Doctors, Police Men and Women, and Women and Men of Religion and Spirituality, Who Give Freely of Themselves Interdependently of Whatever Religion, or Way of Life They Aspire to, Because, "To Give," is What They Believe in!

And then, there are Doctors and Nurses Without Borders, and The Women and Men of The Red Cross, The Peace Corps, and Interdependent Women and Men of The Global Cross-Media News Media, Who Report The News Without Prejudice!

And then, Add to that, The Women and Men of The Arts, and On and On The List Goes, Making up Hundreds of Millions of Interdependent Individuals from Every Nation Of This Planet Earth! The Third Planet from The Sun! Peacemakers and Voices of Reasons, "One and All," Who are Making Their Voices Heard and Speaking Out in The Name of Humanity, The Ecology, Conservation, and Protection of This Planet Earths Environment, and All of Its Sentient Beings!
Its Quite Admirable that, In This New Season of Hope and Change, The Winds of Change are Flowing All Across This Magnificent Earth of Ours!
And, Its Our Responsibility, Each and Everyone of Us, to Continue to Transcend The Conditioned Reality that Has Impeded Us, and Through Manipulation, Coerced Us from Seeing One Another Clearly!
Why, Because, First of All, "We" are All Citizens Of the Earth! "We" Represent A Myriad Different Life Forms, Nationalities, Creeds, Races, Colors, and States of Consciousness from All Across The Earth!

But, While Representing So Much Diversity, "We" are All, For The Most Part, Inter-related, Much More Than Just Six Degree's of Separation! Making Us All apart of The Great Source of Life, Of The Earth and Universe!

So, to Say that, It is Most Gratifying to See so Many Magnanimous Gestures of Good Will Coming Forth, from so many Different Sectors and Sources Of The Earth, is Truly An Understatement!

However, Being A Empirical, Pragmatist in Nature, I Can Not Be Oblivious of The Great Amount of Work that still Lies ahead, and Must be Done!

Yes, Being Patient and Taking One Day at A Time is Very Important, But, "We" Must Not Ignore The Hundreds of Millions of Voices from All Over The Earth, Who are Calling out For Aid! From Haiti to Pakistan! And, From The Streets and Neighborhoods of Urban Cities to Small Towns, and Villages, All Over This Earth of Ours!

And, Let Us Not Forget that "We" are Engaged in Two UN-Declared Wars, The Overseas Contingency Operations, and Regional Conflicts that Continue to Drain Us Financially, and Take From Us, The Futures of Our Children, Friends, and Neighbors! And, These are Just Some of The Reasons Why, A Change Must Come! And, The Winds of Change are Flowing!

And, Its Up to Each One of Us to Remain Non-Violently Vigilant and Pro-Active in This Crossroads Of Our Lives!

And, It is of The Greatest Importance that Women and Men of All Persuasions, Continue to Come Forward to Defend, and Protect Our Principles, Laws, and Freedoms from Crime, Dictators, and Immoral Acts against All Humanity, and All Sentient Beings, and The Earth Itself!

And, to The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earths Nations, It is Time For You to Stand Up against The Evil Forces, and Crimes Against Humanity, that Have Caused The Deaths of Ten's of Millions Of The Citizens Of The Earth, Out of Purely Lustful, Greedy, and Selfish Reasons!
And, Its Time For You to Join Forces In The Name "Of The People!"
And, Financially, Imaginatively, and In Principle, Support The Proponents Of Peace in The Middle East!

And, to Go Even Beyond that, Its Time to Call for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue, to Sow The Seeds of Peace, For The Future Of "We The People," and Our Future Generations!

And, It would Be of Great Encouragement, if The Worlds Civilian and Military Leaders Endorsed The Idea of A New Global Constitution and Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, that is "For The People!"

And, Its Time For The Global Business Community to Get Off The Fence and Invest in Creating and Financing A New Global System of Finance, that Creates Employment and Invests in, and Supports Research and Training in The World of Green Technologies! And, Divests Itself of The Greed Mongers and Capitalistic Oligarchs, Who Have Caused Corruption, and Created Fear, and Reluctance to Participate in Our Earths Communities, Small Businesses, and Fear of Investing in, and Supporting A New Age of Cultural Evolution On Earth!

And, Its Time For "One and All" to Re-Invest in A United Synergy and A Universally Minded, Social Consciousness, That is Devoted to "Heal The World!"

And, Let Us "One and All" Commit to An Earthrise Movement "Of, By, and For The People," to Evolve as "One" to Reach A Higher Ground of Human Civility and Humanity on The Wings of The Phoenix of Peace! This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Work Together as "One," to Diligently Direct Our Energies, Together, Towards Providing The Necessary Resources, Safeguards, and Support Structure, that Protects The Social Welfare and Security, once again, "Of The People, By The People, and For The People!"

And, Let Us Create The Greatest Global Activist Communication Network, that, The Earth Has Ever Seen, through An Endless System of "Peace Dialogue Chat Rooms!"
And, Let Us Spread The Word of Our Peace Initiative via The Internet, through, Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter, and Text it Althrough-Out The Cross-Media Universe! And, via Non-Violent Demonstrations and Word of Mouth!

And, Its Time For The World to "Give Peace A Chance," and, Since, "We are The World," Lets Sow The Seeds of A Clear Peace, Immersed in A Consciousness of Fruitful Idea's of Change, in The Hearts, Minds, and Souls of Each and Everyone of Us!

And, Let Us Continue to Be, A Great Soul Force of Peace, Change, and Hope, that Our Children and The Children of Future Generations Can Take Great Pride in!
This is How Great Moments are Achieved, and Defined! And, This is The Way To Peace, A Peace Time Economy, and A Peace Millennium!
And, A Time For Us to "Heal The Earth!"

And, I Would like to Share this After Thought with You, However, It is Consistent with Our Purpose and Vision!
As "We" are All Aware of, The United States and Most of The Earths Most Powerful Nations, Have Invested Heavily in Space Exploration! And, This Has Been Going on For More Than Half a Century! And, It is Indeed Our Destiny to Travel to, Explore, and Pioneer The Luminous Bodies of The Cosmos, Just as "We" Have Explored and Pioneered The Great Continents, Of This Planet Earth! But, Having Written that, The Civilian and Military Leaders of The Earth, Have A Responsibility to Establish An Age of Peace On Earth, Which Should Include Financial Security, For Each and Every Citizen Of The Earth, That Equals The Investment Effort that is Going Forth to Pioneer, Explore, and Inhabit The Universe!
An Age of Equanimity, Justice, Peace, Social Security and A Shared Prosperity For "One and All," Must Be in Place Before One Colony is Set Up on Another World! Anything less than that, Would Be An Affront to All of The Lost Lives that were Promised Peace On Earth, But, Died Before Its Realization!
This is The Way To A Compassionate Peace On Earth, and In The Universe!