Sunday, May 30, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXX

Every First Term President of The United States Must Look Forward to The Day when "They" Can say "The Buck Stops with me!" The Original saying was made by Former President Harry S. Truman when He said "The Buck Stops Here!
And, True to Form whatever The Disaster May be, whether Man-made, such as with The British Petroleum Fiasco, or A Natural Disaster, such as Hurricane Katrina, in Actuality it Usually Ends Up Taking Years before The Conditions Caused by The Disaster are in Some Way, Favorably Resolved and Beneficial For One and All Involved !

And, Very Tragically, This is Continuing Pattern has Re-Occurred Over and Over again, For at Least A Millennium or More! Even before this Phrase was Coined, as the Saying goes!
My Point is that "The Buck Never Stops" by Simply Saying it, You have to Do Something! One thing is Not to Rely upon The Corporation who Caused The Problem in The First Place! This is Old School Teaching, First Grade!

And then, although I May be Jumping Back a bit, Make sure that You are Prepared to Become President of whatever Country in The World that You are Considering to Run for Office in, before You Enter into The Race to Become One! After all its a Job Unlike Any Other, but, if it was like Any Other You would have to Know how to Do it! Wouldn't You! Or, Can You Wing it, and Simply Learn on The Job with A Little Help from Your Friends!
Why? Simply, because there are Too many People, Citizens Of The Earth, who are Depending on Intelligent, Yes, but also, Experienced Leadership to Guide Them Through Troubled Times as Their Nations Leader!
And, This Job is Not just A Photo Op, or Global Popularity Contest amongst who has the Best Smile, or who Looks More Compassionate while Holding or Kissing some one's Infant during an Election Campaign for what May be The Most Powerful Position in The World! Is it!

Or, Simply Believing that The Time is Right to Run for Your Nations Top Office, for whatever Reason!
Nor, should it be because You are a Millionaire and have The Financial Connections to Buy Enough Votes, if that's at all possible? Or, Able to Sway Enough Votes, or have Enough Important Benefactors to Help You Become President, or Prime Minister, or Governor, or Mayor, or whatever Position it is that is being Sought after!

I would think, To Be The Leader of A Nation, wherever it May be, First of All,You have to Make An Unbreakable Commitment With The People!
And Secondly, You have to Make an Undying Commitment to Protect, Preserve and Serve The Earth, and All of its Sentient Life Forms!
And Thirdly, You have to Agree to Uphold The Laws and Principles Of The Earth, This The third Planet From The Sun!
And Stand Steadfast, when being Confronted by The Global Corporations of Big Business, or as "They" are Now being Referred to as "The Too Big To Fail" Corporations!
And, Stand Steadfast, when You are being Confronted by The Capitalistic Oligarchs (The Invisibles) when Their Plan's to Ravage The Earth "For Profit," are Not in The Best Interests of "We The People," or This Sacred Earth of Ours!
Such as, in The Offshore Drilling Oil Proposals!
And, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, have to Be Protected from The False Assurance's and False Promises Made by These Capitalistic Oligarchs, and Their Corporations Guarantee's that Nothing Will go Wrong, or, that "They" have Taken All the Necessary Actions to Make Absolutely Sure that "They" Can Handle any Problems that May Occur, is True!
Or else, as it is with British Petroleum (who has been seriously negligent before), "We" Will be Forced to Pay an Enormous Price for Their Indiscretions and Actions!
And, it Will be Too Late For Our Sea's, Skies, Lands, Sentient Life Forms and "We The People!"

And, it Will be Too Late for President Obama and His Administration, who Acted Too Late to Begin with, and Trusted Too Much in, yet, Another "Too Big To Fail" Corporation, who were Not Prepared to Provide The Proper Safety Measures as "They" Claimed to Have in Place!
BP's Actions and Negligence has Cost The Loss of Human Life, and who Knows what the Actual Cost will be of Sentient Life Forms, in General!
And then, there's The Loss of Employment, Earnings, and Quality of Life of Everyone Living in The Gulf who will be Severely Devastated by The BP Oil Spill!!

You would Think that after Centuries of Abuse, Misuse, and Manipulation by "The Powers that be," and The World of Big Business, that Our Nations Leaders would have Learned Not to Trust them Implicitly!
And, Make sure that Their Words are In Line with Their Actions!
Because, One thing that British Petroleum has Proven is that The World of Big Business Can Not be Trusted!
And to Continue with this Train of Thought for A Moment Longer, hasn't The Recent Debacle of Big Business, that has Caused Catastrophic Global UN-Employment, The Loss of Homes, and The Loss of Trust in Our Elective Officials, (who are Supposed to Oversee The Activities of Big Business), Shown Us UN-Equivocally that "They Can Not be Trusted, and Enough is Enough!
What More Proof Do "We" Need to Know that it's Definitely Time For a Change in The Way that "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth do Business!
And, If there ever was a Time in Modern Civilization for "We The People," to Pause and Reflect upon The Ill Begotten Decisions "Made to Increase The The Almighty Bottom Line, which is, Profit for The Few, The Elite, The Power Brokers, The Too Big To Fail Corporations, and the, (Too Many) Bought and Sold Elective Officials, at The Expense of Our Quality Of Life, that Time is Now!
And, Just as Importantly, A Time for Change, A Peace Change is Now!
And, This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Time Economy "Of The People, For The People, and By The People,"and A Peace Millennium!

Voices Of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth Need A Change from The Economic Failed System that has`Existed for Far Too Long, to A Peace Time Economy of Reconstruction that Includes Global Business Practices and Business Models that are Built on Ethical Codes of Behaviour that are Consistent with The Financial Laws and Regulations of A Higher Principled and Just Earth Society of "We The People!"!

And, Let Us Change from A World Beset upon by The Abuses of Our Children by Member's of The Worlds Religions, to A Highly Spiritual and Humanistic Era of Women and Men who have Learned to Place The Best Interests "Of The People, For The People, and By The People," Above and Beyond The Evil, Sinful and Lustful Behaviour of Mankind!

And, Let Us Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue of All The Leaders of the Worlds Nations to Bring An End to The Senseless Waste, Destruction and Loss of Human Life due to The Fighting in One War after Another!

And, Let Us Bring to An Absolute Reality Our Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century, and Call for An End to Poverty, Racism, Social Insecurity and Unrest amongst The Earths Populace!

And Let Our Non-Violent Earthrise Evolution Of Peace Sow The Seeds Of One Earth, Truth and Justice, and A Shared Prosperity For One and All!

And, Let's Make Sure that Our Age Evolves into A Cultural, Educational, Scientific, Technological and Spiritual Millennium of Peace!
And, Let's Spread The Word via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe that Our Time has Come! Lets' Shake up The World! And, Let's "Give Peace A Chance!"

And May Our Hearts, Minds, and Souls be as One, and In Memoriam with The Countless Number of Families who have Lost A Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Aunt, Uncle, Niece, Nephew, Cousin, Friend, or Neighbor!
This is The Way To Peace, An Age Of Consummate Conscious Awareness, and A Peace Millennium!

Thursday, May 27, 2010



The Way To Peace XXXXXXIX

Let's Hope that it is Not Necessary for Another BP Off Shore Oil Disaster to Occur before The Leaders of The Worlds Nations Actively, More Seriously and Conscientiously Pursue Advancing Their Individual Countries into A Green Technological, Ecological, and Environmental Age! Our Future may very well Depend on The Evolution and Production of More Alternative Energy Sources such as; Wind Farms, Tidal Power, Electrically Powered Automobiles, and Solar Energy!

This Vast New Green Alternative Energy Industry is a Sensible and Rational Course of Action to Take, and Can be Financially Rewarding as well!
But, this Alternative Course of Action has to be Given a Serious Opportunity to Prove its Ethical and Financial Potential!
And, Our Leaders should be Actively Pursuing The Manufacturing of This Alternative Energy Evolution before Another Oil or Nuclear Catastrophe Takes Place!
Why Not Head off The Next Disaster before it Happens for Once!

"We've" All heard President Obama speak about The Millions of New Jobs that The Green Industry Can Create and "We" know that there is a Potential of Billions of Dollars that its Environmental Services Can also Generate, so, What's the Hold Up!
Its a Fact that "We" Need Job's and its also a Fact that "We" Need a Real Quantum Leap in The Global Economy, and Job's? So, once again, What's The Delay!

And, It's Time that The Leaders of The Worlds Nations Integrate their Strategic Energy Plans, with New Alternative Energy Strategies, and Make a Forceful Commitment in Their Plans to Inventively Immerse these New Initiatives Together with Their Out Dated One's!

And, "We" Do Not Need any More Analyzing about The Pros and Cons of The Use of Alternative Energy Sources, "We" Need Action!

And, "We" Need Women and Men who are Pro-Active in Nature, To Balance Out The Deep Thinkers, whose Actions End up Appearing Like More Procrastination, Instead of Being The Fore Runners and Pioneers of A New Age of Change!

And, "We" Need Women and Men who are Willing and Determined to be Active Interdependent Partners of A New Vision Path of Change!

Women and Men who Believe in The Practicality and Necessity of Change, Especially when Our Skies, Sea's, Lands, and Universe are Continuously Being Threatened by Man Made Vehicles of Destruction!

Women and Men who Will Not Show Fear in The Face of Hostility and Adversity when Our Lives, and The Survival of Our Planet Earth is Being Threatened with Destruction, but still, Believe in The Canons of Peace on Earth! A Peace that is Everlasting For All Sentient Beings!

Women and Men of Vision who are Willing to Stand Fast when Confronted with The Audacity of The Capitalistic Oligarchs (The Invisibles) whose Lack of Concern or Lack of Responsibility for their Actions or The Consequences of Their Actions is an Unconscionable and Immoral Crime against "We The People," Citizens of The Earth!

"We" Need Women and Men "Of The People, For The People, and By The People," who are Willing to Say "No" to New Requests by AIG, for example, For Additional Bail Out Funds from The U.S. Government!

"We" Need Women and Men of Truth and Justice who are Fair Minded and Strong Enough in their Beliefs to Condemn The Acts of War made by North Korea, who attacked a South Korean Warship without Cause or Reason, and Killing 46 Sailors! "We" Need Women and Men who are Not Afraid to Levy Punishment that is Moral and Just against Kim Jon-IL the Leader of North Korea, and his Government for their Actions!

Its Time that The Leaders of The Worlds Nations More Resolutely and Purposefully Advance Their Countries into A Green Technological, Ecological, and Environmental World, by Producing More Wind Farms, Tidal Power, Electronically Powered Automobiles, and Solar Energy Alternative Energy Sources!
This Vast New Green Energy Industry is A Sensible and Rational Approach to Bringing an End to Our Sole Dependency on Nuclear and Oil Energy Sources, and in Doing so, Can Bring Forth A New Strategic Business Model for Global Energy that Can Be Financially Rewarding!

Too Much Time is being Wasted! And, Too Many Lives have been Lost!
And, The Worlds of Global Politics and Economics have Fallen into An Abyss of Risky Business Practices, and still hasn't Learned from its Previous Mistakes!
"They're" Business Models, more and more resemble A Game of Roulette!
And, its Obvious that "We" Can Not Continue to Trust Wall Street or The Global Corporations and Marketplaces to Play Fair and Straight with Us! Their Bottom line Continues to Be "Profit at any Cost!"

And, instead of Bail Outs, The IMF, The FED, The ECB, Investment Capitalists, Entrepreneurs, and World Governments should be Investing in A Cultural, Technological, Scientific, Educational and Industrial Evolution of The 21st Century!
This is The Way To Peace, A Peace Time Economy, and Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers Of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Encourage Our Elective Officials to Pursue More Energy Efficiency Programs!

Let's Passionately Encourage Our Elective Officials to Consider Initialing A Wide Sweeping Global Effort of World Peace and Diplomacy before Entering into, Yet Another Global Conflict!

And, Let Us Renew Our Commitment and Dedication to Right The Wrongs that have Continuously Brought Us to The Brink of, Yet Another War!

And, Let's Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to Address the Global Concerns that have Oppressed and Manipulated Us For Centuries without Pause!
Global Concerns such as; Poverty, Racial and Class Differences, and Not Enough Health Care, Sanitation, and Education For Those amongst Us who are Less Fortunate, due to Natural Disasters, or Man Made One's!

And, May Our Earthrise Movement of Peace Bring about An Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century Call For An Age of Equanimity, Equality, Justice, and Peace, and Prosperity For One and All!

And, Lets Spread The Word, via The Internet and Cross-Media Universe that "We The People," Citizens Of the Earth are A Great Soul Force that Can Not Be Denied! And that, "We" have been Ignored for Too Long!
Let Us Be`The Philosophers Of Peace! And, The Spokeswomen and Spokesmen Of Peace!

And, Let Us Be The True Advocates Of Change! For "We are The World," and For Centuries "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth have Given Our Lives and Fought in War after War in The Name of Peace and Justice For One and All!
So, Let's Non-Violently Shake Up The World and, Let's "Give Peace a Chance!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!

Sunday, May 23, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXVIII

A Change Must Come! UN-Employment is Still at 9.9 in The U.S. and Globally its Not Much Better!
There are Approximately 100,000 U.S. Coalition-Led Troops in The UN-Declared War in Iraq!
And, Another 62,000 U.S. Coalition-Led Troops in The UN-Declared War in Afghanistan!

Does it Really Matter that"We" have a New Health Care Reform Bill?
Or, a New Financial Regulations Bill? Or, that Our Banks, Financial Institutions, and Automobile Industries have been Bailed Out? Yes!
But, What about UN-Employment, and The Fact that Our Daughters and Son's are Still In Iraq, and Afghanistan! When Will there be an End Result of these On Going Real Life and Death Issues?

And then, there's The BP Oil Spill! When Will there be an End to this Real Life and Death Disaster?

And then, there's The Drug Cartels in Mexico! Plus Threat's of, and Acts of Violence Made by Terrorists! Are "We" to Believe that this is the only Way that Civilized Men and Women of The 21st Century Can Resolve Their Differences?
Is Violence and The Threat of More Violence the only Recourse? What ever Happened to Diplomatic Efforts!

These Real Life and Death Issues Continue to Plaque Us, over and over, Without there being A Transcendental Vision Path to Encourage Us and Give Us Hope For The Future!

Where is The Vision Path "We" Need to Transcend The Philosophical, and Economical Divide that Exists amongst The Nations of This Planet Earth?
Without One, what do "We" have to Empower Us?

Its Obvious that "We" Need A Vision that Transcends The ISM's, and IST's that Presently Exist in Today's World of Politics and Finances!

Its Obvious that "We" Need A Vision Path that Transcends The News Headlines of Doom and Gloom!

And, "We"Need A Vision Path that Clearly Defines Who "We" Are and What Our Goals are to be, as A Global Populace, Citizens Of The Earth!

And, "We" Need A Vision Path that Gives Purpose and Commitment to Our Lives!
A Vision Path that Unites Us as A World of Interdependent Citizens Of The Earth!
An Earth "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

A Vision Path that Represents Us, One and All! For No One is An Immigrant on This The Third Planet from The Sun! "We" are All Citizens Of The Earth!

For Too Long "We" have been Mislead, Misguided, Manipulated, and Conditioned to Believe that Our Governments and Leaders had Our Best Interests in Mind!
But, The Truth is that "They" (The Infamous They) have Favored The Global Institutions, Banks, Financial Markets, and The Worlds Too Big To Fail Business Corporations!
And Now, that it is Obvious to One and All, "Where The Money" is being Prioritized and into Whose Hands it is being Allocated when Corruption and Chaos has Caused A State of Amorphous and Destroyed The Fabric of Our Earths Societies and Our Lives! It is All the More Obvious Why A Change Must Come!

"We" Need A Vision Path that Encompasses The Family Values, Social Mores, Security Needs and Financial Concerns of "We The People!"

A Vision Path that Inspires The Women and Men of Our Armed Forces!

A Vision Path that Inspires Our Police Department! Fire Departments and Civil Servants!

A Vision Path that Embraces and Cares for Those amongst Us who are Less Fortunate and Living in Poverty!

Fellow Citizens Of The Earth, A Change Must Come! A Vision Path Made Up of Trustworthy Women and Men "Of The People, For The People, and By The People," Must Become a Reality!

"We" Can No Longer Afford to Wait For Tomorrow, because, it is A Solar Axiom that Tomorrows Never Come! There is only "The Now!"

So, Let Us Act Now, to Change Our Destiny's from One of Financial Chaos and Political Unrest, to One of Global Equanimity, Peace, and A Shared Prosperity For One and All to Share! This is The Way To Peace!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Let's Encourage One and All to Use Their Power of The Ballot Box, to Bring about A Peace Change!

Let's Encourage One and All to Non-Violently Demonstrate that A Peace Change Must Come!

And, Let Us, One and All, Challenge Our Leaders and Governments to Call For A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to Declare The Advent of An Age Of Peace on Earth!

And, Let Our Earthrise Movement of Peace, Sow and Cultivate The Seeds of An Emancipation Declaration "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

And, Let Us Spread the Word via The Cross-Media Universe and Global Paths of The Internet, that Our Time has Come!

And, If Our Daughters and Son's Can Bravely Entrust and Lay Down Their Lives, on The Lines Of Battle Grounds on Foreign Shores all over this Earth of Ours, Fighting against The Foes of Freedom, Injustice, and Peace, the Least that The Religious, Spiritual, Financial, Military and Civilian Leaders of The Worlds Nations Can Do, is to Dedicate Their Lives, in return, to Preserve, Protect, and Serve "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth and The Lives Of All Sentient Beings of This Planet Earth, its Sea's, Skies, Lands, and Universe!
This is The Way To Peace, A Peace Economy, A Peace Millennium and A Peace Vision "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!," and A Great Soul Force of Hearts, Minds, Souls and Idea's that Can Not be Denied!

And, Remember "We are The World," Let's "Give Peace a Chance!"

Thursday, May 20, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXVII

You do not have to be a Genius to See the Writing on The Wall (as the saying goes) to Know that A Change Must Come!

The Global Financial System is a Broken and Failed System, and The Conditioned Reality that "We" have been Intertwined in, has Caused an Ineptitude in Our Service Industries, and in Our Global Corporate World and Institutions that is Suffocating Us, and Smothering The Human Spirit!

And, Make No Mistake, this is a Global Tragedy in The Making, and if "We" do Not Rebel Against The Powers that Be (The IST's of The Global Oligarchy) "We" Will Continue to Fall into a Complacent, Spiritless, Non-Productive State of Existence!
Global UN-Employment and A Vision less World Economy are just Two Symptoms of this Purposeless Reality that I am Referring to!
And, A Lack of Belief and Trust in Our Governments, Religions, and Financial Leaders are Another Part of this Malaise of Spirit!

And, The Feeling of Hope has Taken a Devastating Beating since the Last Presidential Campaign, and Election in The United States! And, A Change Must Come For All of Our Sakes!

"We" have Trusted, For Too Long, Politicians who have Made False Promises and Made Rhetoric that "They" had No Idea of How "They" were Going to Implement, if Elected! A Change Must Come!

And, "We" have Trusted Our Religious Leaders, Implicitly, only to be Shown Over and Over again, that "They" to, have Their Own Secrets, and Too Often Refuse to Admit to Their Own Mistakes or Rid themselves, and Their Religions of The Evil Intentions and Immoral Acts of Violence that "They" are Supposed to Be Spiritually and Humanistically Opposed to! A Change Must Come!

And, "We" have Trusted For Much Too Long The Goldman Sachs, The AIG's, The SEC, The Fed, The World Banks, The IMF, The ECB, Regulators,and The Global "Get Rich" Markets! A Change Must Come!

And, You Can Not Believe what You Read or what Your International, National, Regional, and Local News Commentator says, Because, quite simply, You do Not Know what Affiliation, or Whose Pocket He or She May be in! "We" are Desperately in Need of Newsmen and Newswomen who Cover The News in the Tradition of Walter Cronkite! Someone "We" All Trusted and Believed in! Yes, A Change Must Come!

And, Yes, "We" Definitely Need New Political Party's who are Truly "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

And, Yes, "We" Need New Economists who Believe in A Peace Time Economy "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

And, Yes, "We" Need New Spiritual/Religious Leaders who are Of The People, For The People, and By The People!" If God Gave The Life of His only Begotten Son For "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth, then The Religious/Spiritual Clergies should Get Out of Their Ivory Towers, and Gilded Palatial Edifices and Walk in Our Shoes! And, Experience The Horrific Acts Of Genocide that have Destroyed Our Families and Homes!

And then, Go En Masse where Children and Adult Women and Men are being Sold into Slavery, and Expose this Immoral and Evil Business Practice of Human Trafficking For what it Truly is!
And, If "They" Truly Believe in God, then Let these Men and Women of God Prove it, as Jesus of Nazareth did! And, as Mahatma Gandhi did! And, as Mother Teresa did! And, Siddhartha Gautama, Muhammad, Socrates, Confucius, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Zoroaster, Melchizedek Machiventa, St, Francis of Assisi, and Lao-Tse did! Because, A Change Must Come!

And, to The Leaders of Our Global Armed Forces, This is The Age of Extraordinary Technological Evolvement! And, This is The Millennium of Mystifying Scientific Evolvement! And, it is Your Sacred Duty to Make Sure that Weapons of Mass Destruction are Changed into Weapons of Peace that Serve to Protect "We The People," Citizens Of The Earth!
And, It is Your Sacred Duty to Protect and Maintain The Peace!

And, It is Your Sacred Duty to Be Servants "Of The People, For The People, and By the People!" As was Emperor Charlemagne and President D. Dwight Eisenhower who Learned that it was their Sacred Duty and Responsibility to Serve The People!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries,
Let Our Emancipation Declaration Of Peace Bring Back The Feelings of Hope, Trust, and Belief in Our Ideals and Principles!
And, May this be A Peace Configuration For One World, Living in Peace and Prosperity For One and All. For All Sentient Beings of this The Third Planet of The Sun!
And, Let Our Earthrise Movement of Peace, Encourage One and All to Transcend The Conditioned Web of Negativity, Duplicity and Lies that has Impeded and Attempted to Entrapped Us!

And, Let Our Millennium Of Peace be A Cultural Age Of Educational Evolution, Knowledge and Enlightenment!

And, May Our Peace Efforts Lead Us to A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue that Heralds a New Age of Peace on Earth!

And, once again, Let's Spread The Word that "We" Will Not be Fooled Again, or Persuaded From Our Pursuit of An Everlasting Peace on Earth!
Let's Spread The Word via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe that "We" Want "Peace Now! Let's Tweet it, Download it, Email it, and Print it Out! Let's "Give Peace a Chance!"
And, Remember that "We are The World," and A Great and Non-Violent Soul Force of The Truth!
This is The Way To Peace and A Peace Millennium!

Monday, May 17, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXVI

Let there be A Great Earthrise Movement "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"
Let it Flow as A Great Cascade of Non-Violent Waters that Soaks and Covers The Earth Entire, All in its Path! Drenching The Fires of War, and Terrorist Acts of Violence!
While Simultaneously, Nourishing The Seeds of Peace and An All Inclusive Universe Inhabited, and Represented by All Sentient Beings! Resolutely Refusing to Give Way to The Temptations of A Conditioned Reality!
Knowing that there Can Not Be any Real Satisfaction in A World without Agreement and Justice that Benefits "We The People," and Cares For The Welfare of "We The People," without Prejudice or Vindictiveness Leveled against "We The People!"

It is Obvious that, If "We" do Not Change from Our Present Course, "We" will Continue on a Path where Assassination, Murder, Destruction, War, and Crime will be The Global News Media's Headlines, and Our Primary Mode for Survival!
Think about it!
And, To whom will "We" Give Thanks for the Lives that have Passed away?

And, To whom will "We" Give Thanks to, For The Million of Lives that have been Lost due to War and Violence?

Just last week, Eleven More Lives of Our Armed Forces were Lost in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"We" have to ask Ourselves Why? And, what is The Value of Their Lives?

The U.S. has Spent More than a Trillion Dollars Fighting in Both The Iraq, and Afghanistan UN-Declared Wars, but, How do "We" Evaluate The Loss of Life of A Daughter and, or Son, to A Mother or Father? Brother or Sister?

And, Is there No other Way To Achieve Peace on Earth, other than War?

And, Is there any Real Integrity or Honor in an Armed Conflict without there being an Established Age of Peace on Earth?
Or, are Our Children Fighting in these UN-Declared Conflicts Simply for Our Leaders to Create a New Strategic Global Design that is Beneficial to their Philosophical Way of Thinking?

Is War, and Armed Confrontations the only Answer to The Problems that "We" are Presently being Faced with?
And, Why isn't there More Peace Directives, and Diplomatic Overtures being Made?

It's More than obvious that "We" Need A New Generation of Respected Women and Men of Justice and Enlightenment, who Value The Universality of All Sentient Beings, to Lead The Way to A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue!

Women and Men of Interdependent Philosophies of Life!

Women and Men who are Appalled by The Millions of Deaths that have Paved The Paths of War, UN-Declared Wars, and Global Conflicts!

Women and Men who Agree to be True Representatives "Of The People, For The People, and By The People," who are Determined to Put an End to The River of Blood that has Flowed, and at times Tainted Our Lives, and Been The Cause of A Cascade of Tears of Tragedy, that have Resulted in The Deaths of Too Many Lives without A Real Consideration of what The Consequences would be!
Consequences of Death and Violence that have been The Cause of Human Trauma and Mental Imbalance of Episodic Proportions, For Century after Century!

And, No Matter How hard "We" May Try, The Tension, and at times, Guilt Continues to Exist, and be Revealed in Every Confession and, Request for Forgiveness!
And, will Continue to Exist, as such, until "We" have Cleansed Ourselves from Believing that Violence is The Answer, and Solution to Our Problems!

Yes, "We" will Always have Need of Women and Men of Conscious Awareness who are True Public Servants "Of The People, For The People, and By The People," Citizens Of The Earth, to Protect Us, and The Preserve The Peace!
But, only to Maintain The Peace, and Not to Gain Strategic Possession of An others Property, Country, Riches, or Resources!

And Yes, "We" are Aware that there are those amongst Us who would Rather Gain Success at An others Ruination!
Or, Achieve their Aims, and Ambitions through Illegalities and Loopholes!
"They" are, The Infamous "They" who would Take Advantage of their Fellow Human Being for their Own Advantage, and, or Pleasure!

"They" are The Cruelest of The Cruel, who take Pride in Genocide and Killing Defenseless Children!
"They" have No Conscience! "They" have No Sense of Morality! And, "They" have No Souls!
And though,"They," at times, Profess to be Protectors Of The People, Do Not be Fooled by their Pretenses because in Truth, "They" do Absolutely the Barest of Minimum to Ease The Strife and Misery of The Tens of Thousands of Us "We The People," who are Barely able to Survive and Care for Our Families, Some, of Which, who are Living in Tents!

"They," The Infamous "They," May be Learned and Privileged, but All that "They" have Learned is to do Nothing when Financial Regulations and Laws are Being Broken and Violated at The Expense of "We The People!"
And, "They" Accept Payment to Look the Other Way, when Corporations and Financial Institutions Continuously Break The Law of The Land!
And Permit the Actions of Corporations, such as BP, to Threaten the, already, Delicate Balance of The Earths Ecology and Environmental Stability!

Does anyone Wonder about The Reason Why, The Ozone Layer Exists? Remember The Ozone Layer?
And then add to that, the Effect that Tsunamis, Climate Change, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Hurricanes have had!
And when you Add to that, The Oil Spills and Pollution, You Fully Realize The Abuse and Rape that Our Earth has Received by these "Profit at any Cost" Worlds of Big Business! "They" are The IST's of The Global Oligarchy! "They" do Not Value Life, "They" only Value what Glitters and is Gold, and The Almighty Dollar/Euro/Yen, etc!

So, Yes, "We" Definitely Need Armed Protection, New Regulations, New Reforms, and Diplomatic Oversight to Defend and Protect Us from Further Injustices from Taking Place!
And Yes, this to is, The Way To Peace!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, Interdependent Women and Men of Intellect and Compassion!

Interdependent Women and Men of Great Heart and Soulfulness!

Interdependent Women and Men who Believe in Truth and Empathy, Honesty and Sincerity, Equality and Sympathy!
Who are, Non-Violent Peace Activists of The 20th and 21st Century, Our Time has Come!
Let Us Mobilize into A Great Soul Force, and Inspiring Earthrise Movement "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

Let Us Empower Each Other and Make Sure that Our Message is being Heard!

Let Our Emancipation Declaration Reach-Out Across The Earth via The Internet and The Cross-Media Universe o'er Land and Sea to State UN-Equivocally that Our Time has Come!
This is The Way To Peace, Enriched by A Peace Time Economy, and A Peace filled Millennium!
And, Remember "We are The World," so, Let's "Give Peace a Chance!"

Thursday, May 13, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXV

The Late Folk Musician and Composer Tim Hardin wrote "Reason To Believe" Decades Ago, and I humbly believe that Title, alone, has Great Symbolism for Today's World as well! Without A Reason To Believe, what in fact do "We The People," Citizens of The Earth have! Each other, Yes! Our Friends, and Families, Yes!
Politicians and Members of The Clergy, are Questionable, to Say the Least!
And, Our Banks, and Financial Institutions are also Questionable!

So, "We" have to Motivate Each Other, and Empower Each Other to Transcend The Conditioned Reality that has Created a Web of Deceit, Distrust, Destruction, and Corruption around Us!

And, "We" have to Acknowledge, and Distinguish between what Simply does Not Work from what "We" Need to Support and Give Strength to Our Earths Societies!
And, in Referring to Our Earths Societies, I am Differentiating between The Exclusive Parallel Universe of The Elite, The Capitalistic Oligarchs, The Royals, and The Invisibles from The Universe that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth Live in, and Work in, and Bring Our Children up in!
This is an Important Point for Us to Process, and Thoroughly Understand!

Its the Same Understanding that Capitalism without a Compassionate/Highly Principled, and Moral Code of Ethics will Not Work in Reality with A Democracy!

Without Compassion and Commitment to A World of Equal Opportunity and Fair Play by Capitalists, Greed and Lust of Power abound UN-Fettered, and UN-Restrained!
Devouring Everything, and Everyone in its Way! And, This is Not The Way To Peace!

"We" Need Caring and Nurturing Women and Men who are Culturally and Spiritually Evolved to Represent Us in these Difficult Times.

"We" Need Dedicated and Strong, Women and Men Of The People, For The People, and By The People," Citizens Of the Earth to Rise to Our Defense in Times of Trouble as The Women and Men Of Our Armed Services do, Fighting to Preserve and Protect Our Way of Life, and The Freedoms that Our Ancestors Gave their Lives for!

"We" Need New Heroines and Heroes "Of The People, For The People, and By The People," who Fear Not the Enemies Of Peace!

Who Fear Not The Leaders who would Lead Us Down The Path of Destruction!
Leaders who would Prey Upon Our Weaknesses for their Gain!
Leaders who send Our Children to their Deaths in Combat without Purpose or Reason, other than for their Hubris, and Profit!

"We" Need Women and Men of Enlightenment and Resolute Steadfastness, who will Not Bow their Heads to Anyone who is Not Forthright and Truthful!

"We" Need Women and Men who Understand that The Old Way of Doing Business Simply does Not Work anymore! The System does Not work without Bail Out after Bail Out! Leaving Too Many of Us, UN-Employed!

Where are The New Jobs in Technology!
And, Why is there Simply No Immediacy For the Concern of "We The People," By The IMF, By Our Governments, By The Institutions, By The Banks, By Wall Street, By The Insurance Industry!

Do "They" (the Infamous They) think that "We' are Expendable, or, that "We" Can Simply Wait until the Next Jobs/Stimulus Bill is Passed! Their Procrastination and Ineptitude's are Causing the Loss of Our Homes, and Our Livelihood!

"We" do Not Want to Hear Anymore of their Rhetoric and False Promises, (Especially when "They" are Campaigning)!
What "We" Need is Action! What "We" Need is Jobs! What "We" Need is an Honest Health Care System! And, Leaders who are "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

What "We" Need are Women and Men, who are Willing to Place Our Concerns above The Concerns of Big Business! Those so called "To Big To Fail Companies!"

And, if Our Children are to Fight in Wars, whether UN-Declared, or, Not, Let them Know that They are Fighting For World Peace, and Universal Equanimity, and Freedom For One and All, and Not for Oil, or, some Global Military Strategy that is Outdated!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers of The 20th, and 21st Centuries, Let Us Advance Our Cause of Humanity and the Lives of All Sentient Beings to Embrace and Evolve in A Natural State of Grace and Non-Violence!

Let Us Advance Our Earthrise Movement to Endorse A Peace Time Economy that Supports A Global Society, and World Employment that is Rich in Global Sustenance That One and All Can Share!

And, Let Our Earthrise Movement be All Inclusive, irregardless of what Race, Creed, or Nationality "We" May be!
"We" are All Born of this Earth! "We" are All Children of The Earth! This Sacred Earth, its Sea's, Skies, Shores and Universe, is Our Home!

And, Let Us Embrace Each Other as True Sisters and Brothers of One World!
And, Let Our Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century be Reflective of A World at Peace with itself!

There is still Much to Do, "We" have The Exploration of The Universe to Look Forward to, but, First "We" Must Learn to Live in Peace On Earth!
Let this be One of The Anthems, Mantras, and Amendments of Our United Peace Effort, and Global Soul Force!

And, Let Us Call Forth All of The Earths Warring Factions and Initiate a Proclamation For A Global Truce, and Peace Dialogue!

And, Let Us Reach-Out across The Endless Boundaries of The Internet, and The Cross-Media Universe and Spread The Word that its Time to Give Peace a Chance!
And, once again, Remember that, "We are The World" so, Let's "Come Together" in A New Peace Equation of The 21st Century, and Peace Configuration of The New Millennium!
And, Let Us Know in Our Hearts, Minds, and Souls, that "We" are Interdependently Marching on The Same Illuminated and Humanistic Path, as Mahatma Gandhi, Socrates, Mother Teresa, Confucius, Jesus of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, Muhammad, Melchizedek Machiventa, Zoroaster, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, St. Francis of Assisi, and Lao-Tse!
And that, This is The Way To Peace, and A "Reason To Believe!"

Sunday, May 9, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXIV

I always find this Time of The Year to be Very Challenging. To make a Simple Analogy, The Weather is Warming up, and with it Less Apparel is being Worn by All The Sexes!
Its A Wonderfully Beautiful, and Sensual Season of Spring Time Distractions, that Portend Summer Vacations, and Time at The Beach, if you can Afford it!

Its A Wonderful Season of Distractions from The UN-Declared War in Afghanistan!

Its A Wonderful Season of Distractions from Thinking about All of The Women and Men of The Global Armed Forces still in Iraq!

Its A Wonderful Season of Distractions from Knowing about The Thousands of Young Women, Men, and Children who are Sex Toys, and Living in Illegal States of Human Bondage and Slavery!

Its A Wonderful Season of Distractions from Knowing that there are Millions of Us, "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, who are Still Living in Poverty, after Century upon Century has Gone by, without Recourse!

Its A Wonderful Season of Distractions from Feeling an Immense Frustration over The Rising State of Global UN-employment! Which has Risen to 9.9 in The U.S.

And then, there's The Wall Street Roller Coaster! Get on if You Dare!

And then, there is The UN-Civilized New Laws, and Rhetoric in The U.S. over Immigration.
Doesn't anyone Remember that "We" are All Immigrants! The only Natural Descendants in The Americas are The Native Americans! Everyone else, and I mean Everyone, is An Immigrant!

And then there's The News Media! Why do "They" have to Continuously Bombard Us with Negativity (Under the Guise of News)!
Whether its The National Network, Local, Cable, Print, or Satellite News, it doesn't matter, the first, second, third, fourth, and so on and so on, News items are All related to Violence, Destruction, Crime, or Religious and Political Scandals!
Even the Meteorologist slant on The Weather somehow Leads to being a Warning of Bad Weather to Come!
And, should there be A Sports Scandal, that would Make for A Perfect Newscast, of course, from "They're" Point of View! What Happened to The Great Tradition of Reporting the News as was Personalized by Walter Cronkite!

And, During an Election Year, or Leading up to One, The Distractions Come Fast and Furious with The Left Attacking The Right and Vice-a-Versa!

With the Candidates Making Promises that "They" Rarely Keep, and Being Seen in Photo-Ops to Impress Us, "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, with their Sensitivity and Humanity! And, of course, "They" try to Dazzle Us with their seemingly Total Concentration, and Concern about The Issues that Most Seriously Affect Our Lives!
Its always a Touching scene, unless your like soon to be Ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown of The UK, and you get Caught with Your Pants Down, as the saying goes, Making an Insulting, and UN-Called For Comment about Someone that You hope will Vote for You!

But, this Year The Distractions are Not Going to Win Out! Because, there is Too Much to Stay Focused on!
And, There is Too much to Speak-Out on!
The Issues of Concern are Too Severe, and Too Real to Ignore, or Procrastinate about!
For example, the Situation in Haiti has Not Improved Significantly Enough, to Not Continue Reporting on!

And, as a Matter of Fact, the Situation in Louisiana, since Katrina, has Not Improved Significantly Enough! And now, there is The BP Disaster to Threaten their Waters, Sea life, and Coast Lines! Along with Mississippi, and Florida!

And then, there's The UN-Declared Wars that Continue to Wage on and on!

And, The Continued Terrorist Threats that are Directed at "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, instead of Being Directed in Campaigns of Armed Engagements on Fields of Embattlement, where they should be!

There can be No Great Victory, or Act of Courage in Attacking The UN-Armed Women, Men, and Children of The World! These Acts of Intrusion, Can only be Referred to as being Shameful and Cowardly!

And, I Can Find No Satisfaction, or Pride in being Successful in The World of Business Affairs, while One Person is Living in Poverty, or Any Child goes Without Food, Clothing, A Proper Education, or the Possibility of Not having A Promising Future!

And, if You are A Millionaire, or, A Billionaire, You should be Thoroughly Engaged in, and Donating An Equal Amount of Your Financial Resources and Time Towards, The Elimination of Poverty, and Homelessness from The Face of The Earth!
For Every Hour that You Devote to Your Financial Affairs, and Towards Making a Profit, You should be Time Managing An Equal Hour of Time Devoted Towards Aiding Your Fellow Human Being, and The Earth!
And, Philanthropic, Spiritual, Humanistic, Cultural, and Universal Enterprises should be Your Main Focus!

And, the Leaders of The World Religions should be Living in The Midst of The People! And, Walking Hand in Hand with The People!
"They" should be Sharing their Meals, and Wealth with he People!
As Jesus did! As Gandhi did! As Mother Teresa did! As Lao-Tse, Siddhartha, Socrates, Zoroaster, Confucius, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Melchizedek Machiventa, Muhammad, and Saint Francis of Assisi did!
And it should be their Sacred Duty to, Speak-Out on Behalf "Of The People, For The People, and, By The People!"

And, This is The Time when those Amongst Us who are The Most Wealthiest in Spirit, and in Earthly Riches should Give Freely of Themselves, and then, Continuously Re-Invest even More so, to Establish a True Equanimity, and Prosperity For their Fellow Citizens, and The Earth itself!
To Give is To be Real! And, it is Time that UN-Reality became A Reality of Shared Empowerment, and Compassion for One and All!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peaceful Millennium! A Change Must Come! A Peace Change!

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers of the 20th and 21st Centuries, Let Us Not Allow The Over Saturation of The X's, or The Media Airwaves Distract Us from Our Goals of World Peace!

And, Let Us Not be Distracted from Sharing Moments of Quality with Our Families, Friends, Neighbors, and Colleagues!

For "We" are apart of A Great Earthrise! An Earthrise of Peace and Prosperity For One and All!

And, "We" Can Shake up The World!, "We" Can Change The World! For "We are The World!" A World Of The People, For The People, and, By the People!"

"We" are A World that Embraces The Life Forms of All Sentient Beings, and Respects The Majesty of The Earths Sea's, Skies, Lands, and Universe!
Let this be Our Emancipation Declaration of The 21st Century!
And, Let this be The Anthem, and Mantra of Our Earth Proclamation For A Global Truce, and Peace Dialogue to Take Place Amongst All Warring Factions of The Earth!

And, Let there be No Stone left Unturned until "We" have Achieved Our Goals!
For "We are A Great Soul Force of Earth that Gathers No Moss!

And, Let No Ear be Left, Without Hearing The Word! And, No Eye be Left Without Seeing The Truth of Our Effort!
And, Let US Spread This Truth, and Words of Enlightenment, and Encouragement via The Global Internet, and Althrough-out The Cross-Media Universe that Our Time has Come!
This is The Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!

And, Let there be No Distractions from Our Determination, and Pursuit of A Peace Everlasting! A Peace "Of The People, For The People, and, By The People," Citizens of The Earth!

Thursday, May 6, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXIII

Congratulations goes out to The Street Vendors in Time Square and The NY Police Department and The Authorities for Catching The Suspect in The Times Square Bombing attempt! Its an Excellent Example of how The People of The United States can Make a Positive Contribution to The Protection of Our Cities, Villages, Towns, and States! And proudly so!

On the Other hand The BP Disaster is an Example of how Destructive Off Shore Oil Drilling can be Without The Proper Safeguards in Place!
The Damage that BP's Drilling Disaster has Caused is Beyond Comprehension!

The Gulf of New Mexico, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida lie Naked in its Path!
And, The Fishing Industry is Receiving a Crushing Blow to its Prosperity, and Survival in this already, Severely Tested area of The U.S.

And, it Amazes me How Many Times BP has been Fined, and Still it's in Business!
BP's license should have been Suspended after the Texas Refinery Explosion in 2006!
Or, after The Serious Oil Spill in Alaska in 2007!
How Many More Chances should the Executives of BP be given before "They" are Removed from their Positions. Or, as Donald Trump might say, "They're Fired!"

And, if President Obama does not want His Presidency to be Remembered for this Tragedy, as Ex-President Bush's Presidency is Remembered for His, and His Administrations Lackluster/Horrible Response when Katrina Struck and Devastated Louisiana, President Obama should use All of The Resources of The United States/FEMA to Prevent any Further Destruction to Our Sea Life in The Gulf and All along its Shorelines! Again, Louisiana, Florida, and Mississippi are all Subject to this Path of Destruction!

And, He should Seriously Reconsider Putting Forth any more Off Shore Drilling Proposals until He has Positively made sure, as sure as Possible that this Kind of Disaster does not Happen again!

And simultaneously, He should Move Quickly to Advance Green Technology and Alternative Energy Proposals, that He spoke so Eloquently about when He was a Presidential Candidate!
The Time for Talk is Over, Action is what The Country Needs if New Energy Sources are to be Implemented and Made apart of Our Earths Society!

The World has been Eagerly awaiting for the Once Great Manufacturing Industry of The United States to begin Producing a Green Industry that Empowers the 21st Century!
And, "We" The Citizens of The Earth have been Looking Forward to, as well as, in Desperate Need of, The New Jobs that Will be A Result of The Green Technological Evolution!
This Must take place, Before The Global UN-Employment Causes Furthermore Severe Stoppage, and Blockage of The Heart Valves of The Worlds Economy!
And, the Idea of Off Shore Drilling is Not the Compromise, or Proposal that "We The People," Citizens of The Earth Need to Put Us Back to Work!
The Change that "We" have been Expecting, to Happen, For More than a Year, should be A Reflection of New Idea's, and New Business Models of A Highly Moral and Ethical Characteristic, and Nature of The Technological, Scientific, Educational, Spiritual, Philosophical, and Culturally Evolved New Millennium! And, "We" Expect Nothing less than that!
"We've" had Enough of The Corrupt Old Buddy Boy System, and Mentality that has Profited at Our Expense!

And, as a Gesture of Good Faith, All of the Executives and Company Officials who are Responsible for Off Shore Oil Operation of BP should Resign, or be Fired, and Replaced with Women and Men who Respect Our Sea's, Skies, Earth and Universe!

Women and Men who are Willing and Able to be Honest and Conscientious Executives and Representatives of a New and Advanced Global Financial System that Merits Safety above the Merit of Financial Profit!

Women and Men who Value, Truth, Reliability, Hard Work, and Accountability, Above and Beyond The Almighty Dollar/Euro/Bottomline!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, if "We" are to Protect Our Wetlands, and Marshlands, Waterways and Forests!

If "We" are to Protect The Life Forms of All Sentient Beings, Air and Universe from further Devastation and Pollution, "We" have to Stand Steadfast against The Capitalistic Oligarchs who do not care, Not One Bit, about what The Consequences may be of their Evil and Malicious Programs and Agendas of Lust and Greed!

"They", (the Infamous they), whom I refer to as The Invisibles, are Represented by Politicians and Business Leaders who are in Collusion with Each Another for One Reason, which is to Profit at The Earths Expense and Demise, if "They" Deem that to be Necessary!

And while "They" Pretend to be "Too Big to Fail," "They" Must be Brought Down to Earth!

"They" Must be Forced, Non-Violently, through Our Perseverance, Ingenuity, and Intelligence, to Respect, Protect, Serve and Honor "We The People," Citizens of The Earths!

"We" do not Need any more BP's, Exxon's, Chernobyl's, 3 Mile Islands, or Katrina's, to Hit Us over The Head, before "We" Get The Message!

And, Now its The Turn of Our World Leaders to Understand that A Real Life Change Must Come, in The Way that "They" do Business! A Change that is "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

And lastly, "We" Need more Peacemakers and Voices of Reason to Balance Out The Violence, War, UN-Declared Wars, and Crime that only Begets more Violence, Crime, and War in Return!

And, Its Time for A Global Truce and Peace Dialogue to Take Place amongst Intelligent, Enlightened, and Consciously Aware Leaders and Nations who Fully Realize that A Global Peace Must Come! Coupled with A Peace Time Economy! And, Let this be Our Emancipation Declaration of the 21st Century!

And, alway's Remember that "We are The World," so, Lets "Give Peace a Chance! And, Let this be an Age of A Great Earthrise Movement that Leads Us to The Way of Peace, and A Peace Millennium!

Sunday, May 2, 2010



The Way To Peace! XXXXXXII

As Inflammatory Statements Continue to be Exchanged between World Leaders, and Terrorist Attacks Threaten The Citizens of The Earth! And, as UN-Declared Wars begin New Initiatives, Another Child goes to Sleep Hungry, and in Tears, in a Shelter for The Homeless! And, as Another Gathering of World Nations assemble in NYC, at The United Nations, The World Debt has become A New Parody of Musical Chairs of Disastrous Proportions, of A Failed Economic System, on A Global Level!
The Principle Players of this Real Life Tragedy of Global Economics are; Most of The Member Countries of The EU and European Nations namely, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Russia, Ireland, Italy, France, Germany, The UK, Portugal etc. And also Starring in this Tragedy of Global Economics is; The U.S., India, China, Japan, Israel, The United Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil and Switzerland!
Its like a Real Life Game of Monopoly, except that The Lives of "We The People," Citizens of The Earth are in Serious Jeopardy!

And, By now, it is Not a Secret that The Global Financial System is Broken! Its been a Wild Wild West Shoot 'em Up Debacle taking place on Location at Wall Street and The Global Marketplace! And, its Caused A State of Amorphous, and Destruction All through-out The World! And, When The Excrement Hit The Fan, as the saying goes, All The Markets Came Tumbling Down! Along with Our Savings, Homes, and Our Feelings of Social Security and Trust in Our Institutions and Governments!
Without A Fair Regulatory Oversight in Place, The Greedy, Lust of Power, and Risky Business Mentality of The Financial Institutions, Banks, and The Representatives, and Executives of The Global Marketplace were Free to Manipulate, and Find New Loopholes in The Current Laws, and Walk and Talk the Thin Fine Line between what is Legal and Tender, and Illegal and Evil, without Fear of What the Consequences May be!!
And, All you Needed, to be A Player, was Access to Billions, if Not, Trillions of Dollars, or Credit (which is most likely an underestimation on my part)!
And, the Easiest Mark for Obtaining this Capital was "We The People," Citizens of The Earth!
Why? Because For Centuries "We" have been Conditioned to Believe in Our Banks, Financial Institutions, Religions, and Politicians!
And, For Centuries "We" have been Taught to Believe in Our Laws, Principles of Conduct, Everyday Values and Morals of Life, and, in Good versus Evil!
And, "We" have also been Primed, and Set Up to Do Whatever Our Leaders have Asked of Us, for the most part, In The Name of Freedom, God, Financial Gain, and Our Own Self Preservation!

"They" (the Infamous they) have Played Us Well, and Know exactly which Buttons to Push to Move, either, Unlimited Amounts of Money for their use, or Millions of Our Sons and Daughters to Fight in their Global Conflicts, and, or their UN-Declared Wars!
"We're" Never Told, in Detail, what The Real Costs of what The End Results Would Be, because that would be Giving Us Too Much Access of How The Game is Played, thereby Making Us, The Biggest Losers in The End!

And, although Laws are Broken and Exposures are Brought Forth, and Charges Made, and, Fines Levied, this to is apart of The Game!
Only a Few Scapegoats are Convicted of doing anything Illegal, or Immoral, while The Powers that Be, (The Invisibles), The Capitalistic Oligarchs Continue to Go Free and Undeterred! And, at Times "They" are even included in, either through Intermediaries, or through Lobbyists, to have Input in The Creation of New Laws, and Regulations, supposedly, to Further Prevent Economic, or Political Improprieties, and Law Breaking from ever Happening again! Ironically, that "They" have been The Perpetrators of!

Just Imagine that For Centuries, One Form or Another of these Illegalities or Improper Business Practices have Prevailed under The Guise of Progress, and, or even Revolution!
And, The Time has Come for this Age of Using and Abusing The People to Come to An End!
And, Its Time that The Castigation and Castration of "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, Come to An End!

Its Time for A New World of Truth, Peace, and Justice "Of The People, For The People, and By The People," to Begin, In A Non-Violent Form of A Great Earth Rising of The People!

Its Time for A New Generation of Women and Men to Come Forth to be True Representatives "Of The People, For, The People, and By The People!"
To Represent Us and to Create New Guidelines, Laws and Regulations that will Best Protect, Serve, and Empower "We The People," so that "We" can Live Our Lives, and Share The Earth and All of its Infinitesimal Resources in Equanimity, Equality, and Respect for One and All! As well as for The Survival of Our Planet Earth and All of its Sentient Beings!
A Time Where The Universalization of One and All is The Common Bond between Us, irregardless of what Race, Creed, or Nationality You May be!

And, Without a Doubt, The Time has Come for A New Peace Millennium and Peace Time Economy to Emerge from The Centuries of Darkness, Destruction, War, Violence, and Conditioned Abuse of "We The People," Citizens of The Earth, which has Existed for The Benefit of The Few, The Elites, The Royals, and The Power Brokers of The Capitalistic Global Oligarchy(and The Invisibles)!
Yes, A New Age of Peace, Truth, Trust, and Harmony must Come!
And, This is The Way To Peace!

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers of The 20th and 21st Centuries, if Our Children and their Grandchildren are to be Given a Complete and Knowledgeable Education!

If Our Sea's, Shores, Skies, and Universe are to be Free from Pollution and Destruction, "We" must Put a Stop to The Senseless/ Profit at any Cost Mentality that is Depleting Our Forests, Jungles, Waterway's, and Ravaging Our Earth!
And, as "We" are All Aware of Our Universe will be next!

"We" must find Non-Violent Ways to Spread The Word, and Demonstrate against The Mind Set and Capitalistic Philosophies of "Me First," that Continue to Seize, Without Our Authorization, or Consideration, any Property that "They" feel will Add to their Profit Margin, Without any Feeling of Remorse for their Acts of Destruction, or Care of what The End Results May be! As long as "They" Achieve their Goals!
And, as "We" are All Aware of by Now, their Idea's and Goals are Not in Conjunction with Ours!

So, Let Us Take Back Our Earth!
Lets Vote Out of Office anyone who is Not in Tune with Our Emancipation Declaration "Of The People, For The People, and By The People!"

And, its Time for A Global Truce that Leads Us, One and All to Peace Dialogues that Leads Us to Finding Solutions to The Myriad Issues that Need Immediate Resolutions, Without Further Procrastination!

This is An Age of Great Potential, Culturally, Humanistically, Technologically, Scientifically and Spiritually! But, "We" have to Rise to The Challenge that "We" are Faced with! And, Its Time that "We" Erased Corruption, Poverty, Human Slavery, War and Violence from The Face of The Earth!

And, May Our Earthrise Movement of Peace be One of The Paths of Enlightenment taken, to Lead Us from "Unreal to Real," and to Peace and Prosperity on Earth for One and All!

And, May "We" be A Great Soul Force Of The Truth, For The Truth, and By The Truth, that Our Future Generations Can take Great Pride in!
Remember "We are The World," Lets "Give Peace a Chance!"
This is the Way To Peace, and A Peace Millennium!