Thursday, April 30, 2009




When the Rolling Stones wrote and sang, "I Can't Get No Satisfaction," I wonder if they realized how profound a statement this Phrase, Hook Line/ Chorus would end up being. Well, let me back up a little to last evenings Press Conference, with President Barack OBama, commemorating His First One Hundred Day's in Office. And, maybe I missed it, but, did anyone hear a Question from The Media about what the Presidents plans are to end the Genocide in DARFUR?

I was grateful to hear one Reporter ask the President about what he plans to do about the horrific State of Unemployment amongst African Americans, in N.Y.
And, The Presidents answer was, virtually (without paraphrasing him) the same one, as when He was asked about Tent Cities, in a previous Press Conference, which was that the problem will be Remedied by the Passage of His Programs (Stimulus Package, etc.).

I, truly, don't understand why he doesn't get it. Why He doesn't understand that it is imperative, that He go to these impoverished areas, and strife filled countries (in addition to his Town Meetings) thereby forcing The Media, and The World Leaders to Focus on the Magnitude of what The People, whose Lives are Being Ruined by The Injustice that continues to Suck the Life out of Them, and Destroy their Families, are Truly Going through.

If there ever was a time for Men and Women of Courage, Conscience, Political, Humanistic, Spiritual, and Environmental Influence to make their Voices Heard in Defense of these Citizens of our Planet, it is Now! Wasn't the Holocaust enough of a Tragedy to Remind The World of "What should Never Occur Again?" And yet, here it is, Happening all over again!

And, while President OBama's public opinion polls continue to Show that the American Public continue to hold Him in High Esteem, Simultaneously the Lives of Too many of Us continue to Be Nothing More than Meaningless Statistics, that go UN-noticed, and UN-reported. The President has to use His Popularity, and Political Capital, to Bring about Real Change in the Lives of These Individuals, and Their Families.

Yes, its Time for a Real Change to Take Place. Think about the Two Million People who were Killed in Sudan, alone, and that was Several Years ago, What is the Total Amount of Deaths, Today?

Think about the Damage, and Destruction, that was Inflicted upon the State of Louisiana, by Hurricane Katrina, and the Lack of Proper Response by the Previous Bush Administration.

Think about The Tent Cities that continue to Crop Up in the U.S. Its an UN-believable State of Affairs that would allow this to Happen in The Worlds Most Powerful Democracy. How can The U.S. Government, in All good Consciousness, Bail Out,Rescue, or whatever "They" call it, The Automobile Industry, Bank's, etc. while One American lives in these conditions? Isn't it a Violation of All what "We" Call Family Values

Think about the Lack of Social Justice amongst those who are Less Fortunate all around the World.

Think about The Stress and Pressure upon Families, to Care for, Feed, and Give their Children the Best Education Possible, as well as Not Lose their Homes.

If there ever was a Time for the World Media to take The World Leaders to Task over their Lack of Willingness, or Ability to End World Poverty, War, and A Class System that is Unjust, it is Now!

Enough is Enough! And, The Times just Ain't Changing Fast Enough, for me.
There are Too Many People Dying, and I'm Tired, after all the Years/ Centuries of All the Endless Excuses, by our World's Religious, Political, and Finance Leaders.

Its Time that "They" put their Resources in Action and Come to the Aid of the Millions upon Millions of People in Need, as well as the Hard Working Citizens of The World who have Come under UN-imaginable stress due to the collapse of The World's Financial Institutions.

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers Whomever, or Wherever You May Be, Stand Up, Demonstrate, March, and Speak Out in the Name of Justice for One and All.
Can't You Hear Bob Dylan's "Blowing in The Wind," being sung by the Ghosts of the Men and Women from Previous Generations who've Died in Vain !

Monday, April 27, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

A Sense of Being & A Sense of Belonging Somewhere

Recently during one of my Long Cathartic Walks, I began to Reflect on my Being Here, from Childhood, to Being an Adult, (that's why it was such a long walk) and I realized how much of my Life I have felt A Sense of Being Alone.
I'm Positive that this Feeling is what Unites Teenager's, who, while Loving their Families, often Feel Estranged from Them, as well.

The Question that Resulted from this Long Walk was, Why, did I Feel this Way?

Reading the Plato's Phaedo, and, in a Very General Sense, Applying The Socratic Method, greatly helped me through-out my Life's Experiences, Creative Enterprises, and Endeavors. Ask the Question?

And so, Why did I Feel this Way, or, in fact, anyone growing up in this Dysfunctional, and Broken Down System?

Most likely, I felt, it was Due to a Lack of Trust. One Reason was, that more than fifty percent of All Marriages end up in Divorce, and I'm sure a Much Higher Figure Exists amongst Individuals who are Living Together, Out of Wedlock. And, I was a Product oof the former Reason.

Or maybe, it was a Lack of Trust Directly Due to a Result of a Religious, Political, Financial, and Unjust Class System that "We" Can No Longer Believe in.
Or, quite simply, A System that is Broken, Corrupt, Lustful, Greedy, Insensitive and Uncaring about Poverty, The Homeless, and Those who are Completely Disenfranchised.

Or, Could it Be a Result of All the Blatant Lies that have been told to Each New Generation, over and over again.

Or, the Secrets that have been Withheld from us, by Each Newly Elected Administration, whether Republican, or Democrat.

Or, is it Due to the Lack of Honesty that Exists amongst Politicians, who, after becoming Newly Elected Officials seem to have Conveniently Forgotten that "They" were Elected to Represent, Protect, and Serve "We The People" and this Earth that is Our Home.

Or, is this Lack of Trust Due to, yet, another War, Based on Lies, that have Taken the Lives of Our Youth, and Paid for, By Our Taxes, and, Our Blood, and Sacrifice.

Or, is this Lack of Trust Due to a Covetous World of Celebrity, who continuously, Exemplify the Worst Qualities of Human nature, and their UN-Willingness to Use Their Celebrity to Bring About a Real Change that would be of Benefit to Our Youth, and, the Lives of All Sentient Beings. Is it Too Much To Ask that "They" use their Celebrity to do Something for their Fellow Human Being! Or, Give Something Back to those who are in need, who might have bought their cd's, or gone to one of their movies, or plays?

Or, is it a Result of a Media that continues to Spend Most of its Prime Time focusing on Meaningless, so called, Reportage of the Latest One minute success story, or the Latest Blurb, or Political One Liner, when the Real Stories are, for the most part Being Ignored. Such as the Lack of Coverage being Given to the Suffering of Millions upon Millions of Beings all over this Planet, of a Vast Universal Macrocosm, who did nothing to Deserve their Status, except Be Born to Parents who are Living in Poverty. Unfortunately!

Maybe, these are, just, Some of the Reasons Why, So Many have been Led to Feel, and Believe, that They are Alone, or, Feel Helpless, or, Hopeless, from Darfur to Louisiana.

To these Individuals, Specifically, I would like You to Know, and Remember that You are Never Alone. You are Always in Our Thoughts, and, Your Living Condition is Abhorred by us. Change will Come, no Matter how Long it Takes, Do not Lose your Faith, in us.

You are a Valuable, and Respected Member of The Family of Humankind.
You are a Treasured Member of The Fellowship of All Sentient Beings.
You are an Immeasurable Member of a Great Universe, and, of, One World, and of a United People of the Third Planet from The Sun.
And, You will Not Be Forgotten, nor Will the Lives of You, and Your Families Be Taken, from You, In Vain.

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers, whomever you may Be, Our Present, and Future Generations Depend on You to Make Your Voices Heard.
They Depend on You to Act Now, in the Name of Peace and Harmony, and, In Defense of Those who have been Displaced from their Families, and Homes, Due to War, and Unending Global Conflicts.
And, They Depend on us to Give Them a Reason to Believe.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

War and Torture

I grew up in the U.S.A. on the North Shore of Long Island, in a small town, very much like any other small town in America. And, I grew up believing that the U.S. represented and reflected all that is Good in the World. Quite simply put,"We" were the "Good Guys," and "We" Never Committed War Crimes, like Torture, or Imprisoned anyone Falsely. I Believed that Everyone was given a Fair Trial with Honest Representation, and were, also, Given Every Opportunity to prove their Innocence. I could continue on in this vain of thought, however, I Believe you get the idea.

And now, that I am an adult, and all the Revelations that have Come Forth in regards to our Government, and most specifically the Previous Eight Years of the George Bush Administration, as well as, the lack of Ethic's displayed by The U.S. Congress, whether in regards to the unethical Pork Spending, The War in Iraq, or Not Paying Attention to the Fine print in the First Stimulus Package," has Cast a Shadow over the Principles and Ideal's that I believed in.
And, the fact that our ex-Vice President defends these un-ethical Act's of War, that are Criminal Acts under the Laws of The Geneva Convention is appalling to me.
He represented "We the People," and what is even more appalling is that, both, he and former President Bush continuously lied to us, about The War in Iraq, and the Acts of Torture that "They" instituted as Policy.

Have I been too Naive, for all this time, to Believe in their Lies.
Yes! However, the Truth is that our Government has been engaged in War Crimes, Criminal Behavior, and Imperialistic Motives ever since "We" became the Thirteen States.

Actually, "We" were a divided country who Brutally Subjugated a Race of Native Americans.

How many times did the U.S. Government break treaties for it's own gain?
Too many times!

How many Men and Women were Sold into slavery?
Too many!

And yet juxtaposed to these Atrocities always Existed an Admirable Spirit of Exploration, and Individualism that was Inspiring, and Courageous.

Yes, their were many who came to the U.S. in Hopes of becoming Rich, however, there were the Many who came Purely to Renew their Lives, and own their Own Piece of Land.

Yes. there has always been Greed, and Avarice, however, juxtaposed to that were the Many who Strove to Create a Country that Believed in, and sought to Creat a Nation of Great Ideals and Principles.

Yes, there were those who Devoured Everything in Their Way, and Cared Not one bit, if it meant Casting Brother against Brother, or State against State, However, there were always the Peacemakers to Redeem us, and make us Feel Proud to be Americans. Which leads me back to where "We" are today.

"We" have a Choice to Rise above this Disgrace, or to Wallow in it's Demise.
One thing for sure is that, it is Time for Change.

Am I making a Moral Judgement against The U.S. Not Really, I'm just stating apart of History that I'm not Proud of, along with Another Part that Remains Deeply in my Respect.

Yes, I am more and more Aware of our Shortcomings, However, I sincerely Believe that Knowledge is Bliss, and Not Ignorance.

Do "We" have to resort to Torture to Protect our Country, I sincerely hope not!
I do not want to Pass along this Shame to Our Future Generations.
I would like them to see how"We" Transcended the Worst examples in Human Nature and instead, Brought a Universally Shared Peace to The Earth.
For sure "We" can not continue to Live under this Cloud of Shame!

Let us Demonstrate that "We" have Learned from our Mistakes, and No Longer wish to pursue them in any way whatsoever.

Let us Demonstrate by our Actions that "We" wish to Exemplify the True Ideals and Principles of A World Living in Peace and Harmony.
A World Living in an Age of Equanimity, and Equality for One and All.

Let us continue to Build a Bridge of Peace that Connects Each and Everyone of us, A Nexus of Peace Built on a Universal Commitment to Achieve the Highset Quality of Life of All Humankind. And, A Universal Nexus of All Sentient beings.

Voices of Reason and Peacemakers, this is the Time to make your Voices Heard. Stand up in the Name of Peace and Prosperity for One and All.

Do not Remain Silent. Our Future generations Depend on Us to Show The Way, and Bring about an Everlasting Peace on this Planet, the Third Planet from the Sun.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Calling Planet Earth

Earthrise/Music Industry

In the mid-nineteen nineties I produced and hosted a two hour World Music Program called; "Earthrise." It was broadcast on PBS-Radio in Orlando, Florida.
The program was designed to Spotlight a Plethora of Different Musical Artists such as; Jimi Hendrix, Sting, Claude Debussy, Aram Khachaturian, The Moody Blues, Pink Floyd, Stevie Wonder, as well as the Contemporary Artists of the World of Pop, Rock, R&B, Country, Reggae, Jazz, etc. No one, and Nothing was excluded from our Choices of Music. Our focus was on Creating a Platform for Lyrical and Musical Expression.
Now, Earthrise has Evolved into a Spiritual, Philosophical, Intellectual, as well as, Creative and Musical Sharing of Idea's, Thoughts, and Words, that, I sincerely, Hope will Lead to Establishing a Nexus of Individuals who Sincerely care about The Future of this Planet, the Third Planet from The Sun, and The Universe that "We" are apart of.

Lately, I've been thinking about the State of The Radio, and Record Industries as a Whole, and It is Definitely Time for a Change in how "They" TCB, Take Care of Business.
For one, "They," which includes International, National, Regional, and Local Radio, and Record Companies need to Develop New Music Formats, and Promotional/ Marketing Idea's, about how to include, Singer's, Musicians, Producer's and Arranger's, from All Over The World.
The Internet has proven, to One and All, that "We" are One Earth, and, that Our Interests are Global.

Its unfortunate that The Global Record Industries are still, Locked in a Little Box, Psychologically, and that "They" keep trying to Clone the Latest New Sensation, instead of Reaching Out, to Discover New Talent who are Passionately Devoted to The World of Music! If "They" did "They" might be surprised to Find Out that there is an Audience that would Entusiastically Support, and Generate an Overall Renewal that, both, the Radio and Record Industries would enjoy.
Its time that, both Industries, become apart of The New Millennium's Cross-Media Universe.

And, It is Time that "We," Each and Everyone of us, show Respect for All the Myriad Musical Genres, and Genius that have Inspired Generations of Music Lover's since the Beginning of this Contemporary Time/Space Reality.

And lastly, It is Time for, The Corporate Mentality to Learn to Change, and Adapt to The New Millennium Evolution.
I understand that the "Bottom line" is Important, however, without "Music," these Industries would be Non-Existent!

Friday, April 17, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Is It Too Much to Ask For?

Is it Too Much to Ask for; An End to War, An End to Poverty, A New and Conscientiously Evolved Universal Standard of Living, with unlimited Possibilities for Growth and Evolution for All Sentient Beings! Why Not?
A New Season of Life has begun, Spring is Finally Here, and "We" have a New U.S. President, and New Democratic Controlled Congress, and this is The New Millennium, and it should Definitely Be a Time for Change!

However, I find it Amazing that Politicians can Ask us for Contributions to Their Campaigns, and Ask us to Pay Tax upon Tax for Their Federal, State, and City Budgets, yet, when there is a Tragedy like Hurricane Katrina, leaving one of our Most Treasured Cities, and States under Great Oppression, and there is No Immediate Contribution to alleviate the Tremendous Stress, Homelessness, and Re-Building that is needed ( after how many years has it been). They should be Disgraced by Their Lack of Action!

They have passed Two Stimulus Packages, and an Appropriation Bill, amounting to Billions of Dollars, and, still, there are U.S. Citizens living in Tent Cities, or in Their Cars, Living in Parking Lots, or wherever They can.
Why hasn't there been an Immediate Change in Their Lives for the Better.
Where has the Billions of Dollars gone, or is it, still, sitting in an Account in The U.S. Treasury.

Is anyone in The U.S. Congress Aware that UN-Employment is, still, Growing at an Alarming Rates.
I am More and More Amazed at the Insensibility of our Politicians. And, to a Great Degree, this is a Global Condition as well.

When You see Photographs of Earth from Space, it is One Planet, and One World, apart of a Great Universe of Creation. That exists with an unlimited myriad forms of Life, All Different, of which "We" are apart of. How extraordinary this is to Behold.

And then, I hear of the Genocide in Darfur, and the total Dis-respect of Life in Sudan, and I say to myself "Where is The Political and Religious condemnation and Outrage of this Senseless, and Brutal Attack upon Human Beings.

Mothers and Daughters are Raped, Kidnapped, and Killed without Ad Nauseam.
And, Young Men are being Forced to Fight against Their Neighbor's, and families.

Why hasn't the Leader's of The European Union, The United Nations, NATO, and The U.S. forced an End to this Senseless Dis-Respect of Human Life?
There is No Excuse for this Tragedy to Continue, None at All.
President OBama can give a Press Conference, and Very Informatively Describe to Everyone the Reason's for Escalating The War in Afghanistan, However, He has said very little, since becoming President, or done Virtually Nothing, about Sudan and Darfur. This can not be the "Change" of Policies that He had in Mind.

And, Why hasn't there been a Global Media Blitz by Every Major News Organization Covering this Shame on the Soul of Mankind.
It would Force the United Global Nations, Spiritual Groups, Concerned Citizens,and Religions to Demand an End to this Tragedy, this Abomination.

It is Time for a Concerted Effort on the Part of Every World Leader, Religious, Spiritual, or Political to Join Together in The Name of One World, One People, One Planet, In the Name of Peace and a Shared Prosperity for One and All.
In the Name of an End of Poverty, an End of Racism, An End of War, and an End of the Untouchable Mentality that Exists amongst All Classes ( That Both Martin Luther King, and Mahatma Gandhi, led Soul filled Campaigns against).

This is a New Season of Hope, "We" have Learned so much from our Experiences, Can "We" not Expect A Positive Change to Take Place?

And, This is A New Millennium of Cultural, Spiritual, Technological, and Scientific Evolution, Can "We" not Expect the Same Evolution to Take Place Humanistically, as well as for All Sentient Beings.

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers, whomever You May be, Speak Out, and Demonstrate your Willingness to Change this World in the Name of All that is Sacred in our Lives, and for the Survival of the Future Generations of this
The Third Planet from The Sun!

Monday, April 13, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Energy Tax/Earthrise Movement

Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, InConsistent Weather Patterns, Tsunamis, Earth Warming, Is there, still, an Ever growing Hole in The Ozone Layer (no one mentions the Ozone Layer anymore, do "They," may be Al Gore does, I hope so), whatever, the Global Weather Conditions do not appear to Be Improving.
So, what's the Remedy to these Failing Weather Conditions?
An "Energy Tax," of course.
It seems to me, that "We" have been Taxed to the Limit already.

Isn't it Enough that "They," continue to Tax the Bridges and Highways, what "We" Eat, Drink, our Airline Ticket's, Our Vacations, and Our Children's Education.
And then,"They" Tempt us with Lottery after Lottery, of which a Portion of which, is supposed to go towards paying for After School Program's (I would love to see exactly how much has been payed into that fund, wouldn't you?).

How is it that "They," always have Enough to money, in the Annual Budget, to Pay for another War, or New Weaponry that The Pentagon deems necessary, for whatever Purpose "They" may need it for.

And, quite truthfully, it doesn't appear to matter what Administration is in Office, does it, Democrat, or Republican, there is "Never Enough" money in the Annual Budget to pay for our Children's Education, Health care, or to Improve, and Protect The Earth's Environment.

Isn't there Enough City, State, and Federal Tax already? Do "We" really need another Tax, an Improved and Better Tax, an "Energy Tax," to Be Wrought upon us?
Now, I may not Be the most intelligent person in The World, however, my Answer is No! "They have led us down this Path, of Never ending Taxes for Far too Long, and Enough is Enough.

It's Truly Time for An "Earthrise Movement," to Compliment The Global Bridge of Peace!

Change is more than just a Word, it signifies taking a Future Course, different form the Broken, Corrupt System that "We" have been Conditioned to Believe in, exists for our Best Interests. I'm sure that No one is Fooled by that "Song and Dance," any longer.

Once again, Voices of Reason, Environmentalists, and Peacemaker's, whomever You May Be, Stand Up, and Speak Out in the Name of One World, One People, and a Shared Prosperity for One and All.
Do not Remain Silent!

Saturday, April 11, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Where Is Their Global Vision?

The G-20 has Come and Gone, and I'm still looking for just a "Simple Idea" of;
(1)What Their Global Vision is for The New Millennium? (2) Where are The Headlines and Cover Stories Proclaiming a United Nations Determined to Combat Poverty, Fear, Hate, Racism, and Injustice. (3) And, Why wasn't there a Global Declaration and Proclamation against War, or Violence Committed by any Nation, or Individual, who Dared to Break The Covenant of Peace?

I remember reading about the Massive effort and Commitment displayed by the U.S. and it's Allies during World War II. It was a Heroic Display of Unity against an Evil Enemy, who did not Care what Physical, or Moral Boundaries it Crossed to Conquer the World. We faced three Merciless Antagonists who were Determined to Impose their way of Life on The Earth, by Force.
In the face of what appeared, at the time, to be an unstoppable Act's of Aggression, by these three, the U.S. and it's Allies, United to Fight "Side by Side," In One Grand Effort to Combat this Aggression, and Everyone Sacrificed in Their own Way, to Repel these Evil Invaders. And, it was a Sacrifice Shared by One and All.

The Global Allied Industries Committed themselves to Producing and Manufacturing the Weaponry needed to Combat these Enemies, The Financial Institutions, and Bank's were all Dedicated to Support our Allied Forces. The Media Campaign was Engaged in Sending out a Message of Encouragement to our Armed Forces, and the Families of these Men and Women who Sacrificed Their Lives's to Defend the Principles and Ideal's of World Peace, and The Earth, itself, from Being Imprisoned by The Tyrant's, and Dictator's that Assailed it.

And Now, here "We" are in the Twenty-First Century, once again, "Under Siege." This Time by Terrorists, Corruption, Greed, Lust, and an Overall Sense of Immorality, Irresponsibility, and Lack of Concern in regards to the Environmental Evolution, and Sanctity of The Earth.
"We are Beset upon by, both, Men and Women, who Care Nothing at All for the Sanctity, and Security of our Children, who are Sexually Abused, Enslaved, Kidnapped, and Forced to live in situations worst than what, most animal's would subject upon their own newborn infants.
Young Boy's, are Forced to Be Soldiers, and Fight in Wars, before They have had an opportunity to Enjoy Being a Child, and Be Loved by Their Families, Play Sports, or Have an Education. Young Girl's are Forced to Be Sex Slaves, and Prostitutes, before They have had an Opportunity to Experience being Nurtured by their Parent's, and receive a Proper and Enlightened Education.
These New Antagonists, and Corrupt Business men and women, Drug Cartel's, Priests, and Politician's, do not care if they Destroy Families, or The Principles, and Ideal's of what is, The Moral Fabric of our Earths Societies. And, they are prepared to use whatever means necessary to make a profit, at our expense.
They have no conscience, at all, and will not hesitate to Addict, Tempt, Intoxicate, or Lie to us to achieve their objectives.

"We" must, All, "Very Soberly," Come to a New Understanding in regards to what our Present Commitment and Sacrifice, May have to Be, in the Face of this New Evil.
In the Past "We" have Fought against Evil Act's, in Peace Demonstrations, Outright Revolutions, Sit Ins, Music, Documentaries, Feature Length Films and Art.
Today, "We" can add The Internet to help us to "Spread The Word," that "We" are "One World, One People, of The Third Planet from The Sun, Committed to Living in Peace and Harmony with One another, A World of Total Inclusion for One an All, Dedicated to the Security, and Protection for All Sentient Beings.
A World of Peace, and Equal Prosperity for Each and Everyone of Us.
Let us Build a Peace Bridge to One Another that can not Be Destroyed, or Compromised by Untruths, and Falsehoods.

Voices of Reason, and Peacemaker's whomever You May be, Speak Up, and Speak Out, and Remain Dedicated and Committed to Peace Now!

Monday, April 6, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Children Living in Poverty in The New Millennium

Last year I began a mission to bring more attention to Children who are living in Poverty. Which led me to a meeting with one of the Director's at the UNICEF offices in New York City. I wanted to get an approximate corroboration of how many Children were living in Poverty, in the U.S., alone. Which is, approximately two million! It was, and stiil is very difficult for me to imagine this, if the two million figure applied to Sudan, I could understand it better, because of the War and Genocide that continues to ravage that part of the World, but this applied to the United States of America. Now, that was last year, and, here we are in 2009, having given Billions, if not Trillions of Dollars, to Bail Out the Banks, Mortgage Companies, Automobile Industry, and Global Financial Institutions, who needed rescuing, because of the Greed and Corruption that has run rampant, and, in my humble opinion, continues to run rampant in a System that does not work. Obviously it does not work, when there are so many who are living in Tents, or the Backs of Their Cars. But, how is this possible in the 21st Century! If, there is any rescuing to be done, it is, once again, in my humble opinion, the One's who need Rescuing are the millions of Children, Worldwide, who are living in Poverty. Imagine what 700 Billion Dollars would do to Change the Plight of Families who have Lost their Home's, and Job's, due to a Broken and Corrupt System that has lied to us, and, once again, in my humble opinion, continues to.

The question is; How do "We" bring World Attention to the Tragic Situation that so many find themselves living in? In this regards, it would be of Great Assistance, if the World's Celebrities would Speak Up, and Speak Out as Forcefully as Their Celebrity would allow them to. This would Motivate, and Force the Global News Media, that is insatiable when it comes to gossip, to be forced to Expose the Failed Policies of any Government who did not invest in the Future of the Children of their Citizen's, irregardless to what Financial Position, or Class, their Parents may belong to. And, why should any Child be Forced to Live in Poverty, and Worry about where their Next Meal will come from! Why should any Child in, this, The New Millennium have to Worry about Not Being Properly Educated! And, why should any Child have to Worry about Being Given the Proper Health care it may need, in a Time of Sickness, or in General.

I would also like to see those Elected Officials, who Love seeing Themselves Walking through Ghettos, and Impoverished Area's, when they are trying to get Our Votes, "Remember their Campaign Promises," and Actually find Creative Way's to Eliminate the Conditions that have Created Impoverished Conditions to begin with. "They" always find Way's to Finance Their Campaign's, and Gain the Attention of The Media , but, somehow, "They" are unable to find the Financing, or Focus the Attention of The Media on how to Eradicate Poverty.

I sincerely hope that Our Future Generations will look back on this Time Period and take Pride in the Fact that their Government's, Celebrities, Intelligentsia, Societies, Families, Spiritual, and Religious Leader's Cared Enough to Bring About a Positive Change for The Betterment of All Sentient Beings, and Eliminated Poverty and Strife from this Planet.

Voices of Reason, and Peacemaker's whomever You May Be, Speak Out in the Name of Peace and Equanimity for All Sentient Beings. Do not Remain Silent in this Time of Need!

Friday, April 3, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

What are You Passionate About?

Seriously, what are You Passionate about? What Motivates You to Act in the Face of Injustice? What Motivates You to Demonstrate against, yet, another Unjust War, or Escalation of War? What does it take for You, to say Enough is Enough? Let me Explain.
Yesterday, a Friend of mine, and I, were engaged in a light conversation about film's, when the local news came on, it was the Day After the President Obama Press Conference that officially announced, his plans to send "Trainers", and additional Men and Women of the U.S. Armed Forces to Afghanistan, which, also, meant to Pakistan, and we both realized that the first four News Items had nothing to do with the Escalation of War. I was amazed, that, in this time Period of (1) Global war on Terrorism, which is now being referred to as "Oversees Contingency Operations," (2) The War in Iraq, and, (3) Afghanistan, there was no mention of the Escalation.
It made me wonder if the U.S. News Media, and, the Global News Media were going to take it easy on the President, as they did althrough-out the Democratic Party's Primaries, and the Presidential Campaign. Which in my humble opinion they did. And, as You are already Aware of, I am Deeply Concerned about this "New Escalation."
I realize that there are serious complexities involved in "Giving Peace a Chance," as John Lennon sang, however, after "How Many Years" of War in Iraq, under False Premises, and the Tragic War in Vietnam, You would think that our Leader's, and especially President Obama, would at least, "Try to Navigate a New Course of Action," that would exclude the Loss of more Men and Women of The U.S. and Global/NATO Forces. Isn't it Obvious that the Policies, and Politics of The Past (such as Pre-Emptive Attacks, and Undeclared Wars) do not result in Positive or Constructive "Building Steps," to a World living in Peaceful Existence with itself.

I'm Aware that there are Political and Global Philosophies, and Strategies, that Conscience War as the only Way to Stop Terrorists, or whomever the Enemy may be to our Democratic Way of Life. And, that War is "Big Business (just look at The Pentagons Share of the U.S. Budget), however, I would like, for one example, to see our Government Secure our Border's against Drug Cartels, and (2) Secure our Street's from Crime, and,(3) Use the Billions, if not Trillions of Dollars, that is being spent to Fight Wars, oversees or wherever they may be, and Invest in Creating Free Education, Free Health care, Eliminate Poverty, and By our Actions at Home, Demonstrate to the World that "We," are Truly a Nation that Believes in Peace for All Sentient Beings, and, Can Exist by Establishing a Peace Time Economy. "We can Show the World that "We," Believe in what "We" Preach .
And, By our Example, Motivate each Governing Nation of this The Third Planet from the Sun, to Follow in our Path. Imagine a World at Peace with itself.

Okay, what if, then, a rogue nation decided to attack one of the World Nations living in Peace. As "We" have done in the Past "We," would all Act in Concert with each other to repel this invader. It's important for each and everyone of us to remember that, "We" have done this in the Past, and the World looked upon us as being Heroes. And, that's what a True United Nations can Be.

Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers whomever You may be, Speak out, and Demonstrate in the Name of Peace. Our Present and Future Generations depend on us to Act!