Monday, February 2, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

An Age of Revelation

An Age of revelation, I mean this in more Earthly/Political terms than Divine Axioms. As republican and democratic officials differ over the new President Obama "Stimulus Package, and the republicans claim that they are not being consulted, I very clearly remember that the democrats were saying the same thing during the last 8 years. I'm amazed by their behavior, both republicans and democrats, imagine how they would feel if they were the "American Public," We The People, who have not been considered, or sincerely informed over the last 8 years. Consider all the parents who have lost their children in the 3 wars that our country continues to wage, in spite of periodical claims of victory. We've been on the receiving end of "Betrayal upon Betrayal", and "Lies upon Lies" have been told to us, over and over again, while our economy has been ruined, and families have been forced into a way of life that is both chaotic, and tragic.
So, what has been revealed to us, what has enlightened us, what astonishing disclosures have been revealed to us? Possibly that we can not trust our elective officials to tell us the truth, or come to our aid when we most need it, or,that they consider their welfare before our health care, education, principles, social security, or concerns of the future.
These elective officials are supposed to lead the way, and represent us, our values and way of life to the best of their ability, but all we receive is "the worst" from them. They still haven't got it, they need to ride the buses, trains, and subway's. They need to fly the airway's and talk to us, listen to us, learn from us, and to sincerely address our concerns. And then, make the changes necessary to improve our quality of life, so, that "We The People," and our Future Generations will truly enjoy An Age of Revelation, in this New Millennium.