Monday, February 9, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

New Millennium Vision Path Pt. IV

It's obvious that the World Neo-Political, and Global Economic Systems are broken, and to say that they are in need of repair, would be a gross understatement. And, to add to this decayed state of being, we have entered into yet another transition period in the U.S., which should be of concern to everyone. To advise Men and Women of Awareness, and Enlightenment, to pay close attention to the political, and economical changes that are being implemented, for our benefit, and security, would, also, be an understatement. For this New Millennium to evolve into a Cultural, Peaceful, Technological, Economical, Scientific, and Humanistic Earth Community of Evolved Spiritual Beings, "We," must not allow ourselves to be led down the same Paths of Destruction and Chaos as before. We have been told half truths, lies, and have been manipulated and controlled by power hungry individuals for much too long.
So. once again, I call for "Voices of Reason," and "Peacemakers" to speak out.
Do not remain silent as another 30, 000 troop's are being scheduled to be sent to Afghanistan.
For the sake of our children, and their children, demand an explanation why "We," are being led back into this war. Demand that they obtain "Our Consent," before they begin sending our Brother's and Sister's, Daughter's and Son's, Mother's and Father's to Afghanistan, even before the U.S.Govenment has withdrawn our troops from Iraq, as they have promised. This is unconscionable to me, it is an assault upon my sensibilities, and upon my intelligence. The U.S. economy is in a horrible state of disarray, our government is borrowing money to extricate us from this disaster, or printing it like they are counterfeiters. Who will pay for this disaster, "We the People," of course.
If we are to be a true example of a "Shining Democracy," then, let's show the World that we can do it at home before we export a failed version of it abroad.