Thursday, February 12, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Were you as unimpressed with our fearless leaders of the U.S. Congress, as I am?
What kind of "Razzle Dazzle", "Dog 'N Pony Show," was that. What a display of "Fiscal Ineptitude," and "Fiscal Irresponsibility." What a "Great Compromise," and display of "Bipartisanship," they cut the Tax`Cut to American Citizens from $500. per person to $400. per person. Unfortunately, I've seen no real "Change" in how the U.S. Congress does business, which is "Politics as Usual!" They just don't seem to care about our welfare. It's a Shame they they do not understand the real meaning of "Accountability." And, they continue to negotiate behind closed door's. What happened to the concept of "Transparency." They have forgotten their duty to Represent "We The People." Their main concern appears to be politically correct about their own party issues, irregardless of what "Our Country," is in need of. There are Americans starving in Appalachia, and in the Urban Communities/Cities, Towns, and Villages, all over the United `States. And soon, they are about to ask us to agree to send our Children to fight in another War in Afghanistan! Why don't they use the 30,000 troops we have in Afghanistan, plus those of our NATO Allies, and our "Spy Satellites," to find Bin Laden, before they ask us to sacrifice more of Our Children."