Wednesday, February 25, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Equanimity in The New Millennium

To achieve Equanimity in The New Millennium we need more than war, and
war time economies. We clearly need to re-establish our collective belief in
Peace, Universal Awareness, and a Shared Prosperity for One and All.

President Barack Obama campaigned during the primaries to bring us Peace, and
bring our troop's home from Iraq. However, now, after our troop's have fought for
year's of war in Iraq, he, and his administration, have decided withdraw our
troop's from Iraq, only, to send them to Afghanistan, to be apart of a new spring
and summer offensive.

Why isn't there a National Dialogue about this very important decision to
escalate the war in Afghanistan?
Why aren't "We the People," being asked our opinion? How dare they assume that they can make these decisions for us, without consulting us?
Isn't it, the Parent's, and children of American Citizen's who are paying the price
with their lives (and taxes)! At the least, the Obama administration should ask
our opinion, ask us if "We the People," would like to escalate the war
in Afghanistan.
The U.S. Congress is to involved in their petty differences to realize the severity,
and seriousness of our concerns, in this matter of War versus Peace.

We have had millennium after millennium of war, more than enough for any
civilization to endure. And, unfortunately, the Cable, Network, Print, and Global
Media are to concerned with their ratings, glitz, and profit margins, to care about
reporting the truth, or the news.
They exist in their own world, exulting in the sound of their own voices, and
false celebrity.

Whatever happened to the integrity exemplified by true news pioneers, such as
Walter Cronkite, and David Brinkley. Unfortunately, the unbiased reportage of
the news, has been greatly damaged by the paparazzi, and news commentators.

This is a Time for Change, A Time for New Beginnings, A Time for Enlightenment,
Universal Values, and Conscious Awareness to touch all our lives, and bring
hope to each and everyone of us.
Voices of Reason, this is The Time to Speak Out!