Wednesday, February 4, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Can you image that President H. Obama does not have enough votes to pass the new Stimulus Bill in the U.S. Senate. It sounds absolutely ludicrous doesn't it. In this time of economic chaos, how is this possible. Is this "Politics as Usual," again. Republicans against Democrats, while Americans are losing their jobs, and homes at a historical rate. As of today, February the 4th, 2009, the answer is yes, he still does not have the votes to pass it. Incredible as it may seem.
What I suggest to him, is to go on another campaign tour to every state in the Union, and visit the homes of "We The People," who are trying to pay their bill's, and put food on their tables to feed their families, (I'm sure that the Media will tag along), and show the Senators who oppose this Stimulus package, the millions of Americans who are in need of the government to act immediately in their behalf.
This is an important time period for Voices of Reason ," to speak out. It is difficult for "Change" to truly take place, while there is one child living in starvation.
There can not be further delay.