Friday, February 27, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Where are the Peacemakers?

This is not the time for Peacemaker's to speak quietly amongst themselves, the
U.S.Government has begun the process of escalating the war in Afghanistan, with
a planned spring, and summer offensive. What I have discovered in my short time period on this Earth, is that it doesn't appear to matter what administration is in
power, they all seem to take they same approach in working out the differences
that exist between Nations, which is to threaten each other, with yet, another
conflict, which then involves the World. And, they all present, what appears to
be, very astute, and good reason's for their decisions. If we are to create a
New Equanimity in the New Millennium "We the People," and Peacemaker's from
all over this Third Planet from the Sun must speak out vociferously, and
continuously, that we do not agree with any Nation, Administration, Government, Politician, or Advocate of War. Or, we will be burying more of our Parents, and
Children. Which we have been doing for Millennium after Millennium.

Moderates have to convince, or open up a continuous dialogue with Extremists.
Poet's, Philosopher's, Musicians, Dancer's, Singer's, Student's, Mother's and
Father's, Filmmakers, Voices of Reason whomever you may be, speak out,
everyday. Let's "Give Peace a Chance," as John Lennon so poignantly put it.
Let's echo this Spirit in all of our Idea's, Thoughts, Words, and Actions.
Let's build a Peace Bridge to each and every Country through-out this Planet,
to each and everyone of us, that will create a Nexus of Peace amongst us.

And remember, we can not rely, solely, on any one leader, we must all "Lead the

Way" to a Peaceful co-existence on Earth!