Monday, February 16, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

The U.S. Government has decided to escalate the war in Afghanistan. They are planning to send an additional 30, 000 troops, to begin with. Is this what "We the People," of the U.S. want, or, is this, solely, what our new government plans to do, with, or without our consent?
So, before this happens, we need to begin a national discourse/discussion about the realities/pros and cons, of sending our fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers, nieces and nephews, and cousins to fight in another war, in Afghanistan.
What are our goals? What is the timeline? Is there an exit strategy? What diplomatic plans are being put in place, so that war is not our only recourse to establish peace in Afghanistan.
We need to begin this open dialogue now, before our fate is decided for us, and for those whom we love. During the presidential primaries "We the People," spoke out against the war in Iraq, it is time, for us, to speak out again.

Do not depend, solely, on one man, though he may be President of the United States, to make the correct decision for the hundred's of million of U.S. Citizen's.
Voices of Reason, and Peacemakers of The Third Planet from The Sun, Speak out!