Tuesday, February 17, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

Are you as deeply offended by President Barack Obama's decision to send another 10, 000 U.S. Troops to Afghanistan, as I am? They're saying that they are "Re- missioning" our troops to Afghanistan, instead of to Iraq. I sincerely hope that by using the word "Re-missioning," the President, and his advisers do not believe that they are fooling anyone. They are not withdrawing troop's from Iraq, as the President said he would while campaigning for our votes. They are not being sent home to their families, they are sending them to fight in a spring offensive in Afghanistan. And, they have not asked the opinion of the American People, "We The People," who will have to bear the loss of family member's. And, why hasn't there been an open discussion of this escalation in the U.S. Congress? Who is making these decisions, on our behalf. It's not just that they have decided to send 10,000 troop's, instead of the 30,000 figure, that had been reported in the news media, it's the fact that they think that they can do it.
We have been told outright lies, and half truths to validate our governments acts of war, before, in Vietnam, and Iraq. We must not allow them to think that they can do whatever they want, whenever they want, without consulting us. We live in a Democracy, not a dictatorship!
Is President Barack Obama really the man of "Change," that he claims to be? Is this an example of the "Change," he spoke so eloquently about, when he was running for election? I would like to know what his "End Game," really is. What direction is he taking us in? Is he Dedicated and Committed to a Peaceful, Cultural, Spiritual, Technological, Politically and Scientifically evolved New Millennium, a New Millennium of Shared Prosperity for One and All?
Or, is it the same ole game of power, lust, greed, and politics as usual behaviour.
This time for Voices of Reason, and Peacemaker's to speak out!