Thursday, January 29, 2009



Calling Planet Earth

New Millennium Vision Path Pt.III

Last year I composed and produced a new song called "Angels Come In Many Colors," and the opening line is "Somethings simply said in verse or sign, can transform all of the thoughts within your mind, such as," and I would like to continue that line of thinking with you in this blog.
Can you envision a World in which parent's would not have to worry about how they were going to pay for their children's education, health care, clothing, feed them, or have quality time with them.

Can you envision a World where parent's would not have to worry about whether their children were going to die in yet, another war, or by a violent crime, what ever the nature of it maybe.

Can you envision a World without politicians.

Can you envision a World where the Global News Media actually reported all the news, good and bad, equally.

Can you envision a World that is Dedicated to the Care and Survival of All Sentient Beings.
A World Committed to Preserving the Sanctity, and and overall Quality of Life of The Earth and it's Resources.

Can you envision a World of Enlightened Spirituality,that Respect's the Universe that it is apart of. A World of Culture, Evolving within the Transcendental Philosophy that Embraces the Principles of a Society that Benefit's One and All. A Philosophy of Life that Embraces the Economic position that there should be A Shared Prosperity for each and every one of us.
A World that treasures it's Environment, and considers it's Oceans, Earth, Sea's, and Skies, as being Sacred.

Can you envision a World where it's Religious Leader's Stand as One, and are willing to give their lives for the sake of Peace, and Equality for All Sentient Beings.

Can you envision a World without Kings, Queen's, or President's.
For those of you who have listened to "The Way," when John awakened, it was this World that he experienced, a World of Peace and Equanimity, a World of Omniscience and Culture, a World of Bliss filled Joy and Happiness, and a World of Shared Prosperity, Security, and Enlightened Spirituality. A World of Universal Love and Respect for One another.